Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I have to move.....

 So my blog has run out of space so I either have to pay for more space or move on to a new blog. So I have moved on....To see my blog you will need to go here: new blog

Please update your bookmarks


Monday, November 19, 2012

"When there's no more room in Hell, the dead will walk the Earth." -Dawn of the Dead 1978

So once again I have been reading all these end of the world books! I am really getting to be a bit paranoid :) I had to read World War Z because I saw a movie trailer for it and Brad Pit is in it. So if Brad Pit is in it then it must be good right??? Once I found out it was based on a book I went right to my Kindle and downloaded it. Well Brad Pit did not fail me, it was good. It was written like a documentary so it was a little bit of a different read but really good. Of course now I am on the look out for Zombies :)

So other then reading about zombies I have been on the hunt for a sewing machine for Cassie. This summer I saw one on one of the buy and sell sites on Facebook  and I asked Cassie if she wanted it. Of course she said NO she was not going to sew. So now a couple of months later she decided that she really needs to start sewing. So the hunt for a good older sewing machine was on. The new machines are such crap unless you want spend a small fortune. The older ones were  made to last so that was what I wanted to find. Well I found out that the older ones also go for a small fortune! I have been looking on craigslist, ebay and all the buy and sell sites on Facebook and have not been able to find one. So this weekend I put a listing on Carlslist. It is like craigslist only it is only for people at Carleton. So I posted it in the morning and by noon I had two people with sewing machines! I got them both. One is a portable JC Penny brand from 1968. The person who had it said it works great and he used it all the time. He said the only reason he is getting rid of it is because he got a heavy duty machine from his mother-in-law. He  only wanted $25.00 for it and said if I did not like it I could return it. The other one is a  older Singer machine. This one I got for free. The women who had it said she had gotten it about 15 years ago after it had been reconditioned and no longer uses it. She was just happy to have someone take it that would use it. So now Cassie is set. I figured I would try both machines out and give her the one that works best. I will keep the other one for a spare for when one of the girls or my machine breaks down.
I finally found a good place to take Christa's sewing machine in to be repaired. She has been using my Grandma Trenda's machine and it kept breaking the thread no matter what she did. I took it to a place in Mankato that specializes in Singers sewing machines. The women took one look at it and said it is more then likely something bent in the bobbin and will be an easy fix. She said the machine was a really good one and should last for years to come. Mom thought Grandma got it in the late 50's or early 60's. They made things to last back then! I am glad that Christa is using it, it is like having a little piece of Grandma around.

Well I am guessing you have had enough sewing machine talk.... lets see should we go back Zombies.....maybe not.....

I don't know how long I have to work today :( My coworker got called in for jury duty and he has no idea how long it is going to take. He was not very happy. So I might get to leave at 4:00 or  I might be here until 6:00. I sure hope it is not 6:00.

That's it for today

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one." -George RR Martin

I don't really have a lot to blog about today but I thought I should write something since I am sure you have all had enough of seeing and reading about my colonoscopy.

So I was on Pinterest yesterday and I found the quote that I am using for the title of my blog today. I thought it was a great quote. When you read a good book you escape into that book and feel like you are living the story right along with the people in the book. I always pity the people who never read anything, they are missing so much. It is funny when they make a movie out of a book I am almost always disappointed by it because usually the actors are not what I have imagined . Other times while watching a movie I am so glad that I read the book first because I feel like I have so much more in site to what is going on then those poor people that have not read the book before seeing the movie.

Well enough about books and reading since I know I have blogged about it several times before. The snow was nice yesterday, I wish it would stay around for a little while. It is nice to have all the brown covered up. Of course I was not really ready for the cold after having a 70 degree day on Saturday.

 I had to work all weekend and they had some big playoff soccer games up here and I had to be there just in case people got out of hand. Of course nothing did but I stayed there because that's what they pay me for. I decided that soccer is about the most boring sport out there. The first game took forever to get done and the final score was 1 to 0. It was endless. Thank God I did not have to sit at the afternoon game since my co worker did. 

Today is the first day of fall archery league. Since I have not picked up my target bow since April it should be interesting. I am not ready for it to start yet, seems like summer was so busy that I never had time to relax. I just want to relax and get stuff done at home :( Oh well I guess I can relax when I am dead....

So now that I gave Rick the go ahead to take over my sewing room he has changed his mind! So now we are going to just fix it up for me so it is a nicer space to work in. I want to get the office painted before we start that project so hopefully we get that done soon since it has been over two years now. Next weekend is my last weekend to work and then I have 3 weekends off so hopefully we can get something done. Of course now is holiday season and it seems like every time I think I am going to have a free weekend or at least one day of the weekend free something gets planed.

Time to get back to work.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Colonoscopy fun.....

One of the joys of turning 50 is you get to have lots of new medical test done. So yesterday I went in for my first colonoscopy. I know lots of people that put it off and off for years because they are afraid of the test and the prep for it. Well it really was not that bad. The prep for sure was not pleasant but you survive. I took my bosses advice and got a good book and planned on sitting on the toilet for a couple hours :) They basically make you take enough laxatives to clean out a horse so that your colon is clear for the test. The test its self was nothing. They sedate you so you really don't remember a thing. Good news is my test was negative and I don't have to have another one until November 2022. And since I know how much you all LOVE medical pictures here are the pictures of my colon.....

I know you are all very excited to see them:)

So if you have been putting off having a colonoscopy get over it and get it done. You will survive and it could save your life. Colon cancer is very curable cancer if it is caught early. There is no reason to put off the test just because it might make you uncomfortable for a day.

 Oh and I forgot to say that one of the nurses that helped with the test was someone I graduated high school with. She said that it has been like a class reunion this year because we are all turning 50. It was funny. And yes she is having her colonoscopy in December.

So there you have.....get it done!

Later Sharon

Sunday, November 4, 2012

"There's a lot going on in the world. Sometimes the best we can do is just be there for each other." -David Thornton

I am working 12 hours today and it is a Sunday. I hate working Sundays and working 12 hours is even worse. Sunday is my favorite day to just be home. I have always hated it when I work Sundays and always will. I would rather be home with Rick.

My days off were busy just doing stuff around the house. I lifted for the first time in a month and I went for a 4 mile run. I have been lazy since the half marathon and need to get back on the exercise  program . I had let the house go the last few weeks running and sewing so I figured I could be lazy for a week or so and get the house back into shape.

I cleaned up the sewing room in the basement. It had gotten to be the room that everything was getting thrown into. It was a mess and that is why I took the sewing machine out of there and sewed upstairs. So now it is nice and clean and now Rick wants the room! When we moved into the house he decided to take one of the room in the basement for his archery shop. He had the choice of either of the two bedrooms down stairs. Well he chose the smaller of the two. Now he want to switch rooms. I am fine with it since we never did anything with the sewing room other then paint and put some cheap carpet in it. So it looks like we will be doing a little remodeling again. I am actually excited about it since the other room faces the front yard and is much brighter. Of course after Rick gets done with the other room it will have all new walls and lights too so it will be nice for him too. Now that he put the idea in my head I want to get a move on it right away.

Dexter went in for his grooming the other day. Poor Morgan does not know what to do when he is gone. She just sat on my bed looking out the window for Dexter all morning.

Christa and Oliver stopped over for a little while on Tuesday because she had to pick up so tools for Jese to use. They are doing a little remodel project in there kitchen.  Oliver can say Nana now! He is a smart little boy :) They did not stay long since the vet called and said Dexter was ready so I kicked her out so I could go get him.

Here is my funny story for the day: The other day at work I had a student call me and he said he had broken his cell phone and had to call his mom but did not know how to use the phone in his dorm room to make a long distance  call. I could not believe that he would call Security to ask that question and that he did not know how to make a long distance phone call. I guess we are in the cell phone age!

I just finished reading Cyndi Lauper's  book  It was pretty good. I have been a fan of hers for a long time, she has such a great voice. I never realized just how much great stuff she does for women and the gay community.  She has a couple of great foundations one is We Give a Damn   The other is the True Colors Fund  Check out there web sites. They are both great and both do  a lot of good things. The quote that is on the title of my blog today is from her book, her husband said it. It is very true. We all just need to be there for each other.

On that note I think I will sign off for today.

Later Sharon
Vote NO in NOvember!  


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

October In Pictures

I have had a very busy month of October so I thought I would share a bunch of pictures of the month 

 Here is Oliver in his Halloween costume that I made him
 Here is Liam in his Halloween costume that I made him
 Here is Liam, Eli and Josie in there costumes that I made them. I tried to get a picture of all four of them together but they were all so excited that it was pretty much impossible! They did all look very cute and Liam and Josie are super excited for Halloween! Eli and Oliver could care less :)
 This is a picture of Rick and his 11 point buck that he shot. It was the biggest deer he has every shot and he was super excited! It was a big deer!
 Christa and Grandpa share a birthday on Oct. 21. She is 26 and he is 77.
 Beth and Sarah also have Oct. birthdays so Grandma always gets a cake for them. Sarah was sick so she missed out this year :(
 Eli and Oliver are going to be best friends!
 I gave Cassie my camera to take a picture of Amy and I and this is the best she took. Next time I will give the camera to someone else......
Eli is showing Grandpa Rick how good he knows his shapes!

There you have it my October in pictures. Hope November has lots of picture moments too!

Later Sharon
Vote NO in NOvember

Friday, October 26, 2012

Pineapples do not grow on trees......

So I guess there is some confusion in my family as to how a pineapple grows. I had a couple members of my family (Amy and Rick) who thought pineapples grew on trees. I had another member of my family (Christa) make that statement that it takes 7 years to grow a pineapple. So today I am going to give you all a little lesson on the pineapple.

First thing you need to know pineapples DO NOT GROW ON TREES! They are a plant that grows in the ground. Once the pineapple head takes root, it’ll take two to three years before it starts bearing fruit. It’ll grow to be almost 4 feet high by 4 feet wide. Once it’s matured, a large flower will grow in the middle of the plant and eventually be replaced by a pineapple itself. Once the pineapple is harvested, a new fruit will grow in its place the following year.

You can also grow a pineapple in the house. Check out this blog to find out how to do this. The reason all of this came up is because I decided to grow a pineapple plant this summer and now that it is cold out I brought it in the house and now everyone has questions. Who knows maybe in two to three years I will have a pineapple to eat :)

Lesson over....

Later Sharon
Vote NO in NOvember! 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

50 years old and still running.....

                        This is Amy and I right before the race started. It was COLD out!
                   Amy at mile 7 running strong. That is Liam just off the trail after cheering Amy on.
                  This is me with less then a half mile to go. I was still able to smile!
                                                Amy and I after we both finished!!!!

My biggest goal of this year was to run a half marathon. I wanted to prove to myself that even if I turned 50 this year that I could still do it. Well I did!!!

I ran it in 2:07:40. I came in 21 out of 43 in my age group of 50-54 and was 807 out of 1346 finishers overall. I beat my last half marathon that I ran in 2010 by 19 seconds. I was very happy with my time.

It was a great race. It was only 45 out when we started but once we started running I warmed up. It was the hilliest half marathon that I have ever run. The fan support was great and the race was really run good. I am really glad that I ran it.

Amy did great also running it in 2:30:27. It was her best half marathon time yet. She did not train at all!

I told Rick that this was going to be my last big race. I am not sure I will be able to stand by that........

Later Sharon

Vote NO in NOvember!

Friday, October 19, 2012

This is why......

This is my nephew Jeff and his boyfriend CJ.  Jeff is gay.
Jeff came out when he was in high school, I guess that was about 12-13 years ago.  I cannot imagine how hard that was for him to do. I was not really surprised when my sister told me and I didn't really care. I still loved him just the same. When I think of him I don't think of him as my gay nephew Jeff.  I think of him of just my nephew Jeff. 

Just like all of us Jeff has has had good and bad relationships and was searching  for that special one to spend the rest of his life with. Jeff is now in a committed relationship with CJ. When I look at the picture above I see how happy they are and I see how much they love each other. It is my hope that someday if they decided to get married that they can. I want for Jeff to have the wedding of his dreams with all of his family and friends surrounding him just like my daughters did and his brother did. It is  as simple as that....that is why I am voting NO.

In my eyes there is no such thing as a gay marriage it is just marriage. If you are two people in love and want to spend the rest of your life being with that person you should have the right to choose to be married.

It is a a turning point in the history of Minnesota. I can only hope that the people of Minnesota do the right thing and Vote NO.

This is why I am Voting NO. For Jeff and CJ and every other gay couple in Minnesota. They should have all the rights that I do......

Later Sharon
Vote NO in NOvember

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I have been a very bad blogger the last week. I have not updated since Oct. 9! My days off have been busy! I even had a extra day off since I took Friday off of work.

Friday Cassie, Amy, Christa and I went up to South Minneapolis and did some antique shopping. Then we went to the MOA and did a little clothing shopping. I did not get home until almost 11:00. A very late night for me :)

Saturday I spent most of the day sewing. Saturday evening we went to Faribault for my cousin's wedding. It was really fun to see all the cousin's and aunts again. I wish I had gotten around to visiting with them more. It was so loud once the band started that it was hard to talk. We did get a nice picture of all the cousin's that were there.

Sunday was a lot like Saturday. I spent the whole day sewing. I got Liam's Halloween costume done. It is super cute.

Monday was again just like Saturday and Sunday. I spent most of the day sewing. I got Josie's costume done and started on Oliver's and Eli's started. I also picked Liam up for school and took him to daycare. That was the only time I left the house.

Tuesday I decided that I better get something else done. I went for a 4 mile run and then finished the laundry. I also manged to get to Walmart to get us some food since the fridge was empty. Since I had food I decided that I better make supper so I made my favorite tator-tot hotdish. I got some more sewing done on Oliver and Eli's costume but I did not get them finished. I hope to be able to work on them a little tonight after work. .

I know this has been a very exciting blog so I will end it.....

Later Sharon
Vote NO in NOvember! 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

21 Days.....

I have so much that I need to get done in the next 21 days.

First I need to get four Halloween Costumes made for the grandkids. I just got all the fabric yesterday. I managed to get the pants of Liam's costume done last night.  I called Adam and asked him to bring the kids over so I could measure all of there waist. I had to laugh when I found that Eli who is 1 year old has the same waist size as Josie who is almost 4. All four of the kids are going to be pirates. They are going to be very cute. I hope I can get them all done.....

Next I need to get out and shoot a deer! I really want to have one shot before the slug season starts. Once that is open I do not go out hunting. I really don't want to get shot by some dumb ass hunter. After the slug season ends the deer are  a lot wiser so it makes hunting a lot harder. Hopefully I fill my tag before then since I really don't want to go out in November and December when it is cold. 

Next I HAVE to go shopping with Cassie, Amy and Christa on Friday. Since we are taking a year off of apple pie making we decided that we still needed to spend a day together. So we are going shopping. Really we are going to some antique shops in St. Paul. After that we might do a little clothing shopping for Amy since she is so skinny now none of her clothes fit her. 

 I also have two weddings to go to in the next two weeks. Both of these weddings are out of town.

Lastly I have a lot of running to do. I am running a half-marathon in just over two weeks. I am NOT ready! Good thing I can use the fact that I am 50 as my excuse for my slow time :)

I guess I should also say that I have to fit work in also....To bad since work is the one thing out of all of them that I would like to not have to do.

So there you have it. October is going to be a busy month! I hope I have time to up date my blog....

Later Sharon

Remember to Vote NO in NOvember!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

"Funny how everything can change in an instant. From death to life. From empty to full. From darkness to light." -from Fracture by Megan Miranda

If you had only one day to live what would you do?

That is the question that was asked in good book that I read yesterday. It got me thinking what would I do if with no warning if I suddenly found out I only had one day to live.....

I would get up and see the sunrise and just sit and watch the world come awake. I would go spend some time just being with and talking to my girls. I would gather all my grand kids around and just watch them play and laugh. I would spend the day with Rick by my side.  I would go for a walk in the woods and just enjoy the world around me. I would eat a huge piece of chocolate cake and have a Pepsi. I would tell everyone I cherish that I love them because we never say it enough. And lastly I would watch the sunset while holding Ricks hand watching the world go to sleep.

What would you do........ Think about it.....then do it.......

Later Sharon

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

An Interesting Read....

So a couple of years ago I saw a post on Facebook about this book being good. So even though I have never really done any Bible study I downloaded it to my Kindle. Well this past week I finally got around to reading it. It amazes me how much the author could dissect every word of the Gospel of Ruth . If you do not know the book of Ruth click on the link and read it, it is pretty short. After you read it you might just want to read the book too and find out what all those scholars think it means.  It was really pretty interesting. Not my normal read but well worth it......

Later Sharon

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Weekend Getaway

                   One of the many trail in the Beaver Creek Valley State Park.
                                                             Beaver Creek
                                               Schech's Mill
                               Some of the many moss covered rocks in the park
                           Rick and I enjoying a rest after hiking up one of the trail
                                      I just loved this door so I took a picture of it.
                          This is one of the grinding stones at the flour mill
                                  One of the bridges one of the hiking trails
                               Another picture of Rick and I on the trail
                                Some of the steps on the trail that take you up to the peak
I think we managed to pick the best weekend all year to go on a camping trip. It was so beautiful out, it was raining leaves on us all weekend. The colors was so pretty and the weather was perfect. As you can tell we had a good time. We we went to the Beaver Creek Valley State Park  in Caledonia. It is such a nice park. They only have 16 site with electricity and the rest of the sites are tent sites so it is very quite there.  We got there Friday a little after noon. After getting everything set up and having a little lunch we went for a hike. The park has over 8 miles of hiking trails. The first two trails we went on were so steep! I should have know they were going to be tough when the names of the trails were Steep Rock Trail and Switch Back Trail. Of course it was worth it because when we got to the top we got to see a beautiful view of the valley. After we got back we got the campfire going and then Jane and Paul got there. We spend the night sitting around the campfire and just relaxing.

Saturday we had planed on doing a little trout fishing but we found out that the last two weeks of the season are catch and release only. So we decided not to fish. We did see a lot of trout in the creek so we know they are there :) Since we didn't go fishing we decided to check out Schech's Mill. It is a water powered flour mill in Caledonia. We spent over 2 hours there. For $5.00 we got a tour of the mill and then at the end of the tour he gave us each a 5 pound bag of wheat flour and a 5 pound bag of cornmeal  that the owner grounds at the mill. It was a was well worth the $5.00. It was really interesting to see how they grind the flour etc.
After we got back Rick and I decided to take Jane and Paul's dog Eddie on a little walk. We were just going to take the short trail the runs right alone the creek but ended up going over 2 miles. Poor Eddie was pretty tired out by the time we got back because the trail was once again steep.

Sunday we were back home by noon. It was nice to go someplace that is only a couple hours away. We will for sure be going back there again next year.

Later Sharon

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Holly Hobbie

Years and years ago my Mom embroidered Holly Hobbie on this jean shirt for me. I think I was in middle school at the time. It was when Holly Hobbie was huge. She always told me that I could never get rid of the shirt because it was so much work to embroider it. So like a good daughter I kept it all these years. It just hung in my closet and moved with me everywhere I went. This summer when we went up to Diane and Rod's for the Becker family vacation I thought I would be funny and bring it up. I surprised Mom and wore it one day. It was funny, the first thing she said was how much work it was to make it :) I guess I will have to keep it a few more years......

The weather is finally turning colder and I am happy about it. My allergies have not been the best these last few weeks. I was glad it froze last night, that should help a lot.
We have made it out hunting a few times. I had a doe and two fawns come in the other night. I could have shot a fawn but I did not want to shoot such a little deer. The doe never came in where I could get a shot at her. Rick went out last night but I did not. I hate leaving for work at 5:00 in the morning  and then not getting home until 8:30-9:00 at night. It makes for a very long day especially if I have to get up the next day for work. Rick and Jese went out this morning. I have not heard from them yet so I don't know if they got anything or even saw anything. I hate morning hunting because I always get so cold and can never seem to warm up.

Yesterday was the Waseca Marching Band Classic. It is a huge deal in Waseca, bringing in high school bands from all over the state. They have a parade in the afternoon and then all compete. At the end they put on this huge fireworks display. I thought it would never end last night. Poor Dexter hates fireworks almost as bad as thunderstorms. One of these years I will actually have to go down and watch  the parade etc. Everyone is always telling me it is really good.

I am working my last weekend for this rotation. I am glad to be back on my 4 and 4's. Next weekend we are going camping with Jane and Paul at Beaver Creek State park. It should be a nice and relaxing weekend. We also have 2 weddings and I have the half marathon in Oct. It is going to be a busy month. I really need to get out running more. It is hard to fit it in between, work and hunting. I did have a very good 6.5 mile run the other night. I felt like I could have ran a lot longer. The cool weather helps.

I finished sewing my second dress yesterday after work. I don't like it as much as the first one I made. I think I will wear it for Thanksgiving.

Well I guess that is about it for now.

Later Sharon

Vote NO in NOvember 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A little Bible Study......

"Do not press me to leave you or to turn back from following you! Where you go, I will go; where you lodge I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God my God. Where you die, I will die-there will I be buried. May the Lord do thus and so to me, and more as well, if even death parts me from you!" (Ruth 1:16-17)

This is a beautiful bible verse that is often read at Christian wedding ceremonies and used in sermons to illustrate the ideal love that spouses should have for one another. What most people don't realize is that these words were spoken by one woman to another woman.  The Scriptures says without apology, embarrassment, or qualification-that Ruth felt the same way toward Naomi as spouses are supposed to feel towards each other. Far from being condemned, Ruth's feelings are celebrated.

I am in no way an expert on the Bible. But I firmly believe that when you read the bible you interpret it to say what the person reading it wants it to say, what that person believe is right or wrong. You can take any Bible verse and twist it's meaning to what you want it to mean. I great example is the above verse. 

Another example is the issue of slavery. Back when slavery was the norm the good "Christian" woman of the south studied the Bible and they interpreted the Bible as endorsing slavery, Genesis 9:25-27.  Today only the most bigoted Christian would argue that the Bible endorses slavery or that Genesis 9:25-27 is a curse against Africans. Times change and so do peoples views and interpretations of the Bible. 

Prejudice can influence how we read the Bible.......

The reason I decided to write about this is because every time the subject of Gay-Marriage comes up someone will say "the Bible says it is wrong, or it is traditional Christan family values." Well I am saying you interpret the Bible the way you want it to read. Throughout history people use the Bible to justify there prejudices and bigotry. War after war is started because of religion and both sides always believe that they are justified because it is what there "holy book" tells them is true and right!

So when you get in that booth in November stop and think about it....In my Bible God loves everyone........

Vote No in NOvember

Later Sharon  

Friday, September 14, 2012

"Only a fool says, "It's just fabric.-unknown

So here it is the dress I sewed on my days off. I dragged Rick with me to Joann  Fabric on Tuesday night to help pick out fabric. It is always nice to get  a second opinion. I was going to go with a cream color but could not find one I like. You would think all cream fabric would be alike but it is not! I ended up getting this purple. It was really hard to get a picture of the color, when we took it inside it looked blue. Now the picture is pretty shadowy but you get a idea of what the dress looks like. I think it turned out pretty good and will look even better when I am actually all  fixed up nice and have on some nice shoes etc. The pattern was a Vogue pattern and I have not used them much so I was a little worried about it. But it turned out to be pretty easy once I got it started. I did have a little bit of a panic when after I had everything cut out I found one of the pattern pieces on the floor that still need to get cut out. After some finagling I was able to cut it out of one of the scraps of fabric.  I can officially say that I now have the sewing bug. I just wanted to buy more fabric while I was at Joann fabric. It is a good thing Rick was with me or I might have come out with lots more :) I am already thinking about what I should sew next.

Other then sewing on my days off I just did not do to much. I had to pick Liam up from school all week and take him to daycare. On Wed. I kept him at my house after school because it has been forever since he was there to visit. We had a good time together.  When Rick got home from work he took him to the archery club to show him how to shoot a bow. Liam was super excited about it. Rick said he is still a little to small but he did really good on figuring out how to hold the bow etc. He should be ready next year for the class Rick teaches. For this year Rick said he will just take him down and help him once in awhile. I am pretty sure Liam missed Rick way more then me. He hung on Rick like glue. It was pretty cute. Now I need to have Josie over for a play date too.

I did get to see all four of my grandkids this week. Liam, Josie and Eli stopped over last night while Adam was bringing over some things for the garage sale that Amy and Christa are having at my house. I also got to see Oliver when Christa was setting up the garage sale.

Oliver just wanted to walk around the yard so I followed him around while Christa worked. He discovered the deer target in the yard. I was pretty cute, he just looked and looked at it. I think he was trying to figure out if it was real.

Today I am back to work and trying to catch up on all my work. After sitting in the office all morning I am about done.

Tomorrow is the beginning of bow season. I hope to get out after work. It looks like it is going to be a very nice weekend.

Later Sharon

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Proud of my sister!!!!!!

Linda, Cassie and myself before the race.
Linda, all ready to go!
Linda and Cassie almost done
Linda and Cassie crossing the finish line!!!

On Friday Linda, Cassie and I went to Minneapolis to do the Greek Festival  5K run/walk. I am so very proud of Linda. This was her  very first race, she did wonderful, finishing it in 48 minutes. Cassie walked with Linda and cheered her on the whole way. Linda has lost over 60 pounds this year! She is going to the gym 5 days a week and eating better and walks on the weekends. Doing her first 5k was a great accomplishment and I am so happy that I was there to watch her cross the finish line. I am very proud of her!!!

Also just wanted to add that we wore our Vote No shirts while running/walking the race and to the festival at the church after the race and we got so many positive comments from people! Many, many people said they were voting NO and thanked us for wearing the shirts. I was very happy about it!

Later Sharon 

Friday, September 7, 2012


Here it is, the finished dollhouse. Well really only the outside is finished I still have all of the inside to do. I am going to put it away for awhile so I can get my sewing machine out and get my sewing projects done. I think the house turned out cute and I think Josie is going to love it. Rick helped me finish it up. He put all the shingles on and glued the window boxes and door on for me.

Yesterday I ordered tickets for Trans-Siberian Orchestra. They are coming to the Xcel at the end of December. We saw them a couple of years ago and loved them.  This year they are coming out with a new show so we thought we would go see them again. Rick and I are both excited.

The new Kindle Fire finally came out yesterday. Of course they have several to choose from! I don't know which one I am going to order. I really want the one that has 4G but of course it is the most expensive one. I am going to think on it for a couple of days before I order. You actually have to pre-order it since they are not shipping it until Oct. I have been saving my Amazon points on my Amazon Visa so I have around $160.00 to put towards it. So many decisions!!!!

Tonight I am going up to Minneapolis to run the Greek Fest 5K with Cassie and Linda. I am going to run it and Cassie and Linda are going to walk it. It is Linda's very first 5K and am excited to be there when she does it. It should be lots of fun. After the race we get to go to church and eat Greek food. We did this race 6 years ago and the food was so good. I am looking forward to it.

Saturday is going to be a sad day as it is the day for the memorial for my aunt.

It is the busy time at work for me again as students all return. The bright eyed freshman all came in on Tue. and the upperclassmen come in  over the next three days. That means I will have lots of parking applications to take care of. I actually like it because then I am busier at work and the days go by so much faster.

Last night we went to look at a duplex that Rick's Mom is gong to move into. It is very nice and I think she is going to be very happy there. She is ready to move out of her house and all the responsibility of lawn and house upkeep. She is very excited. Now she had to put her house for sale and start packing. She will be able to move on Oct.

I love the weather today, bring on the cold!!!


Saturday, September 1, 2012

Random words.....

Today I have some random words to blog about so here gos........

This weekend pretty much SUCKS. I have to work 12 hours today so with drive time that makes it a 14 hour day. I leave at 5:00 in the morning and get home at 7:00 at night. That means when I get home I will eat something for supper, make my lunch for work on Sunday, maybe watch an hour of TV and then off to bed. Then I get to get up at 4:00 and do it all over again. Well I get to have a 10 hour day on Sunday so I guess that is a LITTLE better. It does not happen often that I have to work 12 hours but I sure hate it when it does.

Putting drops in Dexter's ears has not been going well. He HATES it. He runs away as soon as he sees the bottle then when I catch him he does everything he can to get away. We have to pin him down and hold his head so he does not bite us. It is really stressing me out. Last night I only got it in one of his ears and then it was not really in his ear but more like on it :(  I have tried every trick in the book to get them in and nothing works. Thank God we only have one more night of it.  Of course as soon as we are done all is forgiven and he comes running over and JUMPS on my lap like nothing happened. But I feel like I am torturing him. I sure hope he does not get another ear infection and if he does I hope they can give me a pill for him.

Yesterday after work I went for a 3.5 mile run. I was running by the lake and saw a Vote Yes sign for the marriage amendment in someones yard. I was so SAD. I so wanted to just rip the sign out of the ground and stump on it. But I did not because even if I hate it the person has a right to there opinion too. And I would be really MAD if someone took my sign down.  I just cannot get my head around the fact that people are so narrow minded that they think gay people do not have any rights. I get so sick of hearing those people say it is a sin. Really if they think it is such a sin what do they care, how does it HURT them. If as according to them they are committing a sin then that sin is not against them, it is against themselves. Those holier then thou people will still get into heaven even if gay people get married because they did not sin only the gay people did, according to them that is. I just don't get it.......It makes me sad.

I signed up for the Mankato HALF-MARATHON on Friday. I have been putting it off because I was afraid that as soon as I did something would happen and I would not be able to run  it. Well Friday was the last day to sign up without paying another $10.00 so I did it. As soon as I did I got all nervous, I know it is silly but I could not help it. I know I can do it and I know it will not be that bad but I always get nervous about it. But I do it because NOTHING gives me a bigger high then running. I ran  from my house around the lake on Monday, it is 6:67 miles. It went very good. I just RAN it in a nice steady pace, around 10 minute miles. Not super fast but that is okay I just want to finish. I figure if I keep training GOOD I should be able to do it in around a 9 minute pace. I have another 2 months to train.

I am SUPER glad it got cooler out yesterday. I turned the air off as soon as I got home from my run. Rick wanted me to keep in on but I said NOWAY. It was wonderful sleeping weather last night. I hear it might be hot tomorrow again but it is only going to be for one day and I will be at work so WHO cares anyhow....

I have Monday off so I hope I can talk Rick into CLEANING out the garage with me. Amy and Christa want to have a garage sale at our house in Sept. I told them they could but they need to run it. I am working the weekend of City wide garage sales so it is up to them. Amy has TON of baby stuff to get rid of.

I guess that is about enough random WORDS for today.....
