Sunday, November 29, 2009

One busy weekend done!

It is a good thing I am at work today so I can get some rest! It was a busy but very fun weekend. Wed. when I got home from work I found that Rick had cleaned the house for me. It was so nice to come home and find it all done. All I had to do was finish some last minute cooking stuff.
Thursday I got up at 4:00 and was off to work at 5:00. I only worked until 1:00 and then I raced home to get ready for everyone. We had 25 people over for supper. We had lots of good food and it was fun to see everyone. I have some pictures to put up but I am at work so I will try and get them up on Monday. We got to me Sarah's boyfriend Cory. He was very nice and did good meeting all of us at once. It is always hard to meet everyone and try and remember all the names etc.
Friday I was up early again. I picked up Amy and Christa at Amy's house at 4:45 and we were off for some Black Friday Shopping. We got lots of good deals. We were back home by 2:00. Rick and I put up the Christmas tree in the afternoon. By 8:00 I was ready for bed but I managed to stay up until 10:00.
Saturday I had Sarah's bridal shower. It went very good. Sarah got lots of nice gifts and we had a good turn out for such a busy weekend. I did not get home until 5:00.
It is almost time for me to leave for home so I better wrap this up. I will try and get the pictures up soon.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

OH NO!!!!!

Lets start with Saturday..... So Amy stopped over to get something from my house and while she was there I was trying to fix my hair. Well you should never talk and have a curling iron in your hand at the same time. I got a nice burn on my forehead. It looks pretty sweet. Saturday afternoon we went to Randy and Karen's wedding. Christa came with us. We had a good time.

Sunday we went to Christa and Jese's house so Rick could help them put in a new floor in there basement. I also brought Dexter up so he could have a puppy play date with Kipper. I took a cute picture of them but I did not get it downloaded to my computer so you do not get to see it. Kipper does not like it because Dexter is the only dog he cannot bully. Christa made us a great chicken supper for all of our help. Oh I am happy to say that the church voted to keep it's self with the ELCA. There was only 24% of the people that wanted to leave. Good job people of Grace Lutheran Church!
Monday....well I had lots of big plans on Monday. The day started out good. I got a good lifting workout in. Then I started to clean and get stuff ready for Thanksgiving. We had gotten a wreath from the boyscout so I decided I would put in on the door. Well I got it up and then went to go back in the house and it was locked! I could not believe it. We never lock the door handle only the bolt lock on top. I checked all the other doors and windows and they were locked too. I did not have my phone and had no coat on and Dexter was out with me. So after 10 minutes of trying to get in I decided to walk the mile to Amy's house. When I got there she told me she was the one who locked the door on Sat. I pretty much wanted to kill her at that point. Of course no one has a key to the house but Jese and he was not around. I called Rick and he gave me the okay to break the window to the side garage door. He was out of town working so he could not let me in. So I walked the mile back home. When I got there I found that Rick had called the a guy from the archery club that use to be a lock smith and he said he could pick the lock and get me in. Well 45 minutes later he gave up. We broke the window. I should have just done it to begin with.
Monday night Amy brought the kids over for me to babysit. They both went right to bed for me. Liam talked in his sleep all night. It was pretty funny.
Tuesday I was busy all day cleaning and cooking and getting stuff ready for Thanksgiving. Then last night we went down to the range to shoot. It is going better for me now. I am almost ready to move back to 20 yards.
Today it is back to work. I left a list of stuff that still has to be done today. Rick has already started on it this morning. He is going to have an early day at work so he will be able to get a lot done before I get home from work.
Hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving!!!
Later Sharon

Friday, November 20, 2009

Narrow Minded People

I am so discussed by how narrow minded some people can be. So the Lutheran church that Rick belongs to and I have gone to a few time and really like. The Pastors there are great and the people make you feel very welcome. Well this church belongs to the ELCA and the ELCA has recently passed a resolution to allow gay pastors and basically says you should treat all gay people just like everyone else. Well some narrow minded members of Grace Lutheran church are having a fit. They want the church to leave the ELCA because of it. The pastors of Grace said they will not leave the ELCA. I just cannot understand why some people think they are better then others. Doesn't the church teach you that you should forgive and except ALL people. Women, men, black, white, gay straight.....I am so disappointed in some of the people that belong to Grace right now. It is my opinion that as long as it does not hurt anybody who or what a person wants to do in there private life is none of my business. Gay people should have the same rights as everyone else. They should be able to get married and have children just like the rest of us. And they should be able to go to any church they want to and not be singled out.
So that is my rant for the day.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I forgot!!!

I cannot believe I forgot to write about this. I bought tickets to Bon Jovi!!!! I bought them for Cassie and me, it is Cassie's birthday gift. The show is not until April. Every time they go on tour I think to myself I really want to go see them. Then I always think it is to much money I better not. Well this time I thought just do it so I did! I went for the cheap seats at the top of the Xcell Center. Well even the cheap seats were to much but we are going anyway.

Lots to write about!!

One of the singers
You can see how close we were to the stage, this was before the show started and the lights were sill lowered.

What a weekend! Saturday we left Waseca at 3:30. We stopped Kohls and did a little shopping. I had 30% off so we got the Keurig coffee pot I have been wanting. After that we drove up to Lakeville and stopped and had supper. Then we were off to the Target Center to watch the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. The show was so good. I was very impressed. They played for three hours. We has super good seats. We were on row two of the first level and we were very close to the stage. You can see in the second picture how close we were. They don't let you bring cameras in so I could only take pictures with my cell phone. I think it is funny that they take your camera away if you try and bring it in but not your cell phone. Everyone has camera's on there cell phones now. It was the first time Rick had been to the Target Center. We did not get home until 1:00. Way way past my bedtime!!! But the night did not end there because when we got home Rick asked me to marry him. We are going to get married in Vegas when we go for there in Feb. for archery. We do not want any fuss. Just a Vegas wedding and then go out to eat with the friends that will be there with us, simple. So the night was perfect!
Sunday I slept in until almost 9:30. I would have slept in longer but some hooker (Amy) called me. After finally getting out of bed I got ready to go again. I picked Amy, Josie and Christa up in Faribo and then we went up to Cassie's house and picked her up. Then we went to the MOA to go shopping. I wanted to get a new dress because we have 2 weddings to go to this winter. Good thing we had Cassie with us because she is the expert shopper. I got the dress and then we did a little more shopping at the MOA. After that we went to Ikea. I had to get some new curtains for the living room because the mini blinds we had up broke. We were not there very long because I knew what I wanted. I took Cassie home and then dropped Christa off at her car and then took Amy and Josie home. I was back home at 8:00. It was a long day but lots of fun. I don't do enough with all three girls anymore. It is hard for us all to get together because we all are busy.
Monday I had to get up at 6:15 to babysit. Liam was in a super good mood. He played and played. Poor Josie was still not feeling good so she slept most of the time I had her. Amy was going to come and get them at 1:30 but instead I had to bring them to her. She locked herself out of her house with her keys in it. Silly girls. So I took the kids to her and let her back in her house. At 4:00 yesterday I went to get my hair done. When I walked in the door my hair stylist was on the phone. Then after 10 min. she hung up and then made another phone call! I was a little pissed. So she started 15 min. late with me and to top it off she did not have me down to get my hair colored. I told her I could just reschedule but she said she could fit me in. So of course it took longer because she was doing another person while she was coloring my hair. I was not happy about it. But I guess she has never been late before and is super cheap so I will give her another chance.
Today I am working. I picked up today so I do not have to use vacation time to take Saturday off. We have a wedding to go to. Tonight we have league. I decided I am not going to shoot league because after not shooting for 6 months I am not ready. I am going to go down and shoot every Tue. but I am not going to shoot for a score. I need time to get my form back.
I think this is long enough!
Later Sharon

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Date Night!!!

We are going to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra tonight. I am super excited!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

life without a gallbladder

So I am finding out that life without a gallbladder is no fun. I found out that I cannot eat cheese! I know it is tragic. I had 3 cheese mac and cheese on Sunday night and spent all Sunday night and Monday morning feeling like crap. I guess I cannot digest it anymore, just like red meat. I don't really eat much real cheese, I eat soy cheese. But it sucks that I cannot eat real cheese when I want to. I know you all feel really sorry for me!
Yesterday I was crabby. I don't know why I just was. I woke up for work and just was in a bad mood.
Sunday I did not have to babysit so Rick and I went shopping. I needed to get out of the house since I had not left it since Wed. morning. We finally found a couch that we both like. It will be here on the 18th. It is a brown leather couch that hopefully will match the brown leather chair we already have. It should be pretty close.
Tue. night we had our first night of fall league at the WAC. I did not keep score so now I have to go down sometime this week and make up my score. I actually shot pretty good. I have hopes for a good year.
Lets hope for a less crabby day today!
Later Sharon

Friday, November 6, 2009

Babysitting Fun

I have had Liam and Josie at my house since Wed. night. They have been pretty good. Liam wanted to line all the bears up and then Dexter thought he should play with all of them. It was funny because he did not know which one to take. I finally got him to leave them alone. Dexter also thinks as soon as Josie starts to eat he needs to sit and beg from her. He has not figured out yet that she is not going to throw anything to him, he just needs to wait until she drops it on the floor. Dumb dog! The first night Josie was here she decided she should get up at 11:00 and stay up. Liam wanted to sleep on our bedroom floor so he brought his sleeping mat with him. He has been a good boy going to sleep for nap time and night time with no trouble. Amy is coming to get the kids today at 1:30 and then I will get them back at 6:00 Saturday morning. Adam is going up north deer hunting and Amy is doing a craft show with Rita. So I get the kids again. Sunday I don't have them until noon so that is good.
I still feel like crap. I was feeling better yesterday but today I feel worse again. Stupid cold, I hate being sick on my days off. Oh well at least I did not have any thing to do but babysit. I think Josie is getting sick she was coughing this morning.
I can't remember if I ever wrote about it but we, the women's archery team, did a photo shoot for the FAC for a advertisement in a magazine. I cannot put the picture up because of copyrights, but her is the link to the magazine: Once you are on the site look at the Nov.-Dec. issue. We are on page 18 on the bottom right. I guess they might do an article on us for the Jan.-Feb. issue. It is like I am almost famous!!

Later Sharon

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sick Day

I got it....the cold that everyone else has got. It has been making it rounds in the office and now it made it to me. It was not to bad until today. My noise keeps running and running. I am going to leave work early.
Last week when I was watching Liam and Josie for a couple of hours Liam brought with him a toy he got from McDonald's. Well when Amy came to pick them up I saw that Liam forgot his toy. So I ran to get it before she pulled out of the driveway and tripped on another toy. I twisted my ankle so bad that I could not get up. That is what I get for trying to be nice. My ankle was a little swelled up and hurt like crazy the rest of the day. I twisted it good!
Lets see what else have I been up to.....I voted yesterday. They had a school bond vote in Waseca. I voted no. I just don't see how they think people can afford to pay any more on there house taxes. So many people have lost jobs in Waseca and can hardly get by now. So even $25. a month more on there house payments is to much. Sometimes you have given all you can give and you just have to say no. It sucks but everyone has to make cuts even the schools. It is the first time I have ever voted no on a school bond issue. I actually feel bad about it but times are bad for way to many people.
I have to watch Amy's kids tonight and all day Thur. Not sure how that is going to go since I feel like crap. Hope they don't get it from me.
That's it for the day, I think I will go home and hit the couch.
Later Sharon