Thursday, April 29, 2010

sick of being sick

I was starting to feel pretty good by Tuesday. Was not coughing hardly at all. So after work I thought I would try and run. I was happy that running went pretty good. I really did not cough at all while running and felt like I could breath pretty good the whole time. Well I guess I was wrong! That night I started to cough again. On Wed. I felt like total crap again. I had to use the inhaler 3 times yesterday and have had to use it this morning. I am still coughing even after using it. I am sick of being sick. I am not a very good sick person. I hate not being able to do what I want! I am suppose to run a 5K on Saturday but it is not looking very good. Every time I walk anywhere today it gets me coughing. Sure hope this just goes away soon!
Okay I will be done whining now. Yesterday we looked a couple more houses. We liked one because it was a great location but it needs lots of work. We really don't want to move into something and then have to spend 10 years making it like we want. I would rather just stay where we are. It is way to stressful looking and selling a house. So much to think about.
Later Sharon

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I could not believe this when I read it in the News Paper this morning. I am so disgusted by the government and the fact that they still after all these years are trying to make laws to repress women and there right to choose. The Oklahoma people should be ashamed of themselves!

Oklahoma enacts law to curb abortions

Before having the procedure, all women must now undergo an ultrasound and listen to a description of the fetus.

Last update: April 27, 2010 - 11:05 PM

The Oklahoma Legislature voted Tuesday to override vetoes of two highly restrictive abortion measures, one making it a law that women undergo an ultrasound and listen to a detailed description of the fetus before having an abortion.

Though other states have passed similar measures forcing women to have ultrasounds, Oklahoma's law goes further. It requires a doctor or technician to set up whatever type of ultrasound would present the clearest image so the woman can see it and describe the heart, limbs and organs of the fetus. No exceptions are made for rape and incest victims.

A second measure passed into law on Tuesday prevents women who have had a disabled baby from suing a doctor for withholding information about birth defects while the child was in the womb. Opponents argue that the law will protect doctors who purposely mislead a woman to keep her from choosing an abortion. The bill's sponsors say it prevents lawsuits by people who wish, in hindsight, that the doctor had counseled them to abort a disabled child.

Gov. Brad Henry, a Democrat, vetoed both bills last week. The ultrasound law, he said, was flawed because it did not exempt rape and incest victims and was an unconstitutional intrusion into a woman's privacy. Of the other measure, he said: "It is unconscionable to grant a physician legal protection to mislead or misinform pregnant women in an effort to impose his or her personal beliefs on a patient."

The Republican majorities in both houses, however, saw things differently. On Monday, the House voted overwhelmingly to override the vetoes, and the Senate followed suit Tuesday, meaning the bills become law immediately. "This is a good day for the cause of life," said State Sen. Glenn Coffee, the Republican majority leader.

Though other states have passed similar measures forcing women to have ultrasounds, Oklahoma's law goes further. It requires a doctor or technician to set up whatever type of ultrasound would present the clearest image so the woman can see it and describe the heart, limbs and organs of the fetus. No exceptions are made for rape and incest victims.

A second measure passed into law on Tuesday prevents women who have had a disabled baby from suing a doctor for withholding information about birth defects while the child was in the womb. Opponents argue that the law will protect doctors who purposely mislead a woman to keep her from choosing an abortion. The bill's sponsors say it prevents lawsuits by people who wish, in hindsight, that the doctor had counseled them to abort a disabled child.

Gov. Brad Henry, a Democrat, vetoed both bills last week. The ultrasound law, he said, was flawed because it did not exempt rape and incest victims and was an unconstitutional intrusion into a woman's privacy. Of the other measure, he said: "It is unconscionable to grant a physician legal protection to mislead or misinform pregnant women in an effort to impose his or her personal beliefs on a patient."

The Republican majorities in both houses, however, saw things differently. On Monday, the House voted overwhelmingly to override the vetoes, and the Senate followed suit Tuesday, meaning the bills become law immediately. "This is a good day for the cause of life," said State Sen. Glenn Coffee, the Republican majority leader.

The ultrasound law drew an immediate suit, filed in state court and backed by the Center for Reproductive Rights, which said it violated abortion providers' free-speech and equal-protection rights. The law was part of a bill that was struck down by the state courts last August because it violated a clause in the Oklahoma Constitution that requires bills to deal with only one subject.

This year, Republican leaders broke the omnibus bill into pieces to satisfy the court's concerns. Henry has signed two into law: a measure requiring clinics to post signs stating a woman cannot be forced to have an abortion, and another making it illegal to have an abortion because of the sex of a child.

Two other bills are working their way through the Legislature. One would force women to fill out a lengthy questionnaire about their reasons for seeking an abortion. Statistics based on the answers would then be posted online. The other restricts insurance coverage for the procedure.

Taken together, the various pieces of legislation would make Oklahoma one of the most prohibitive environments in the United States for women seeking to end a pregnancy, family planning advocates said.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

working working working

Okay I am not really working that hard today but I am at work. I had a four day weekend and really did not do anything to exciting. Rick was gone all weekend so I had to spend it all by myself. I don't think I have spent a night by myself since last June. It was a long weekend :( Mostly because I moped all weekend about not getting the house. I am better now. We are looking around at other houses just to see if there is anything we like. We looked at a house yesterday that I LOVE. It was built in 1929 and has all the old woodwork in it and in great shape, lots of work done on it. It has a huge yard and a two car garage. I really really wanted it. But then the practical side of me kicked in. It is two stories and does not have a main floor bathroom. It is also not in nearly as nice of neighborhood as we live in now. We really would only be gaining the yard by moving. So even though I want the house really bad we are not going to try and get it. We are going to look at a couple of other places Wed. after I am done with work. We will just have to keep things open for now.
Yesterday I babysat Liam and Josie. Liam is so cute. He asked for Fred (AKA the pet Rock) as soon as he got to my house. Then he took him everywhere with him all afternoon. He had to take a nap with him and when he left for the day he had to give him a kiss and hug goodbye.
I went to an auction on Sat. right down from my house. There was so much stuff there. I stayed until 12:30 and then took the dog for a walk. When I got back at 3:30 they were still going and had a ton of stuff left. There was hardly anybody left bidding by then.
I am going to try and run today when I get off work. I have not ran for 2 weeks because I have been sick. I am guessing I will be able to run but it will send me into a coughing fit. They are getting less and less and I finally have my voice back so at least that is good. I sure hope I get completely over this soon.
Later Sharon

Friday, April 23, 2010

No good news :(

I am so sad today! Not only have we not heard from the person that looked at our house yesterday but we found out that someone put a cash offer on the house we want. Now we have until Monday at noon to come up with a cash offer or we loose the house. So unless someone comes along in the next couple of days to buy our house we won't be getting it. I am so sad that we are not getting the house it was exactly what we were looking for. We also went to look at another house today. We did not like it. It need a lot of work. They are going to do another open house on Saturday on our house. I guess we will have to decided if we want to keep the house on the market or just stay here now.

Later Sharon

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ready to go camping!

We bought a pop up camper! Rick sold his boat last fall because he never used it and we decided to buy a camper with the money. We want to go on some biking trips and camp so we should have lots of fun with it. We already have plans to use it in June in Duluth when I am in the half-marathon. We also have plans to use it in Aug. when all of us go up to visit Diane and Rod. Hopefully we get to use it a few more times this summer. It was a good deal, I found it on Craig's lists. They wanted $3400 for it and we got it for $2800. It is super clean and well taken care of. The picture is not of our actual camper but it looks just like it.
So one of the drugs I am on for my bronchitis is Prednisone, it is a anti inflammatory. It is a pretty strong drug. Well since I started taking it my wrist has stop hurting. It did not hurt at all on Tue. when I went to the ortho. doctor. The first thing he said is "you know it is going to come back as soon as you are done the the prednisone." I figured as much but for now the surgery is off. He said there is a small chance that the prednisone on top of the steroid shot he gave me a couple weeks ago might just work. So he wants me to finish the prednisone and then wait one week. If it starts to hurt again I just have to call him and schedule the surgery. I don't even have to come see him again. So I hope it works! So if it does at least one good thing will come out of me getting bronchitis. Oh and I cannot stay on the prednisone because it is really strong and has a lot of side effects, that is why he did not put me on it to begin with.
We got some good news on the house. Someone is coming to take a second look at it today. So hopefully they put a offer on it. I am really trying to not get excited. It is really stressful selling a house when you have to sell it to get the house you want to buy. I am crossing my fingers that it goes good today. I hope I can update tomorrow with good news.
Later Sharon

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Never Ending Sickness

So after two nights of no sleep I finally gave up and went to the doctor. I have bronchitis. She put me on three different medicine's. They cost me $58. plus the $35.00 copay to see the doctor this is ending up being kind of expensive! I slept so much better last night. I only had one coughing fit at about 10:30. It only lasted about 10 minutes so that is good. I slept until 8:00 this morning. I called in sick for work today yesterday afternoon. I am really glad I did, I need one more day of rest. Yesterday after I got home from the doctor I did nothing. I sat and watched TV. Not like me at all so I guess I really am sick.
Today I have to go to the Ortho doctor to see about my wrist. I hope that he schedules the surgery for next week. I just want to get it over with.
It is about time for me to go.
Later Sharon

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Pet Rock Fred
Dexter's New Haircut
Way back when I was in 8th grade I had a friend that gave me a rock and the box he was in and told me he was my pet rock. At the time they were selling pet rocks in the store. Well I put the rock and his house in my keepsake box and 35 years later I still have it. When Liam was over the other day I showed it to him and told him it was my pet rock and his name was Fred. Liam loved it. He carried Fred around the rest of the day. We had to build a house and swimming pool for him out of Lego's and Liam kept calling him his friend Fred. Once he was walking out of the room and said he would be right back. I told him ok and he said I am not talking to you Nana then he came back into the room and said I will be right back Fred you wait here. It was so cute. Christa said I was being a bad Nana because I was inventing an imaginary friend for Liam! I just think it is cute.
I have been sick on all of my days off. I have a bad cough that just will not go away. I also pretty much lost my voice. It sucks. Last night was the worse I could not stop coughing. I took some night time cough medicine and that helped but then I woke up at 1:00 coughing like crazy. So I got up and took some more. I feel better this morning, well at least I am not coughing as much. I was going to go watch Rick shoot the 25 meter today but I figured I better stay home and get some rest, I have to work tomorrow.
Yesterday I went to LeCenter with Amy and Christa to the city wide garage sales. It was fun but I don't think it helped my cough any. Amy got lots of good deals for the kids and she got lots of work clothes for herself. I just got a couple of toys for the kids to play with at our house. I also got a dress and a couple of aprons. Christa got a couple dresses and she also got a clothes line. We thought it was a great deal but then when she got home she discovered that it only had one pole in the box!
When I got home from LeCenter I was so shot! But we could not stay home because it was the end of the year Faribault Archery Party. It was great to see everyone again one last time before we get busy with the summer. We left the party shortly after we ate because I felt like crap. We came home and watched a little UFC and then went to bed.
Today I slept in until 8:30. I would have slept longer but Dexter was having a fit. He was in his kennel most of the day yesterday so he is a little nuts today. I am going to take him for a walk to get rid of some of his energy. Other then that I am not going to do much today.
We had Dexter at the vet on Thur. for his hair cut. We had them cut it really short for the summer. He looks so funny without any hair on his face. I am not sure that he likes it, but it will keep him cleaner for a couple weeks at least! He gets so dirty when his hair is long because he is so short and white! We have to give him a bath almost every week.
Christa I will try and update more often for you!
Later Sharon
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Sunday, April 11, 2010

A little bit of culture

On Sunday Cassie and I went to Orchestra Hall to see the Minnesota Orchestra. It was good. I have not been there since I was in grade school for a class trip. We got tickets off of They only cost of $10.00. It was a good deal so we had to go! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, April 10, 2010

34 miles

The new doors that Rick put in between the Office and Kitchen. They look good.

Dexter wanted his picture taken too.

Josie ran all over the house with her pail on her head, she is so cute

The Rugroden's

I made it all the way to New Richland on my bike. To bad I still had to bike back to Waseca!
We have been very busy. Rick got the new door in. It looks great. I babysat Liam and Josie on Friday. We had lots of fun. Today Rick and I biked to New Richland and back for a total of 34 miles. I am tired now! When we got back we went to the store and spent a ton a money, we were out of everything. Now we are going to watch UFC.
Later Sharon

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Friday, April 9, 2010

Everyone, Everywhere, Ends Up Six Feet Under

Just a couple more pictures of Bon Jovi. Cassie's camera took much better pictures them my phone.
We finished watching Six Feet Under last night. I really like the series. I was also really happy with the way they ended it. So many times they end series so bad but this time they did good. Rick put the french doors going into the office last night. They look really good. We just have to get them stained today and put the trim up. We got bad news last night. Someone else put an offer on the house we want but it is contingent on them selling there house too. So now it is a race to see who will sell there house first. I really want the house but if we don't get it we don't get it. There is nothing we can do about it at this point. We will see how the open house goes on Sunday. Hopefully someone likes our house.
I went for a 3.5 mile run today. It is so nice out. Tomorrow we have to go to Ricks mom's house and if it is nice out I think we are going to bike there. I am pretty sure it will just about kill me but I will do it. I really need to get going and get back into shape. I am way behind on my half marathon training.
Amy is bringing the kids over today for me to babysit so I better get going.
Later Sharon

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Bon Jovi

Last night Cassie and I went to the Bon Jovi concert. It was so good! I have to say it was one of the best concerts I have ever been too. We were way up high as you can see by the pictures. I took the pictures with my cell phone so they are not very good. Cassie had her camera so when she gets the pictures down loaded I will put a few on here. I did not get home until almost 1:00 A.M. way past my bed time!
Today I had to go to Mankato to get the breaks finally fixed on my car. It was part of the Toyota recall. Now I am going to take Dexter for a walk so he stops wining.
Later Sharon

Monday, April 5, 2010

Christa and her bunny cake
Liam hunting Easter eggs
Josie hunting Easter eggs

Nick getting pulled into the tree by the monster squirrel!

Another Easter has come and gone. I had to work on Easter but I left 2 hours early so I could enjoy the day. We all went to mom and dads house. We had a good time and the food was really good. Of course by the time we ate supper I was not to hungry because I ate so much Easter candy. Do you know that they make chocolate covered peeps, they are so good.
They are having an open house at our house on Sunday. So now we are in a rush to get the touch ups done on the house. Last night Rick pulled the wall paper off the 2nd bathroom in the house and this morning he painted it before he left for work. It looks much better now. We are also going to put some french doors going into the office off of the kitchen. It use to be a bedroom but Rick took part of the wall out years ago to open it up. We want to put doors in so that it can still be used as a bedroom if someone wants too. That way the house is a three bedroom house instead of a two bedroom house. The only other thing we need to do is paint the steps going down to the basement. We are going to busy the next few days. Good thing today is my Friday.
Later SharonPosted by Picasa

Friday, April 2, 2010

Asparagus Primavera

I cooked again!!! I know it is almost like I like cooking again. Or I bought the stuff to make it so I had to cook before it all went bad. It was really good. The top picture Liam took of Josie. He loves to take pictures. Hope everyone has a happy Easter!
Later SharonPosted by Picasa

Thursday, April 1, 2010

"Nana don't flush my shoes down the toilet, I need them." -Liam

Yesterday while I was babysitting Liam he was on the toilet and he said to me that he did not want to fall in because then I would flush him down. I told him I would never flush him down the toilet. Then he want on to say "don't flush his shoes down because he needed them." It was so funny. I had to tell him several times that I would not flush his shoes down.
Well they accepted our offer on the house. Now we are in the waiting game. We have to sell our house first. We have the other house for sure unless someone else comes along that does not have the contingency that they need to sell there house first. I really hope that does not happen but there is nothing we can do about it. The realtor was having a fit because he wanted us to take the contingency off. But I really want to be able to sleep at night and not worry about making two house payments until the house sells. So we just have to keep our fingers crossed that no one else comes along and our house sells fast.
Last night I went for my first bike ride of the season. We biked 21 miles. I was shot! It was a lot more windy then I thought it would be and I am so out of shape. But it was fun to be out on the bike again.
Today I had to leave the house at 10:15 for someone to come look at it. They were suppose to be her between 10:30-11:30. So I took Dexter and we walked to the bank and back. We got back to the house at 11:40 and they were still here! So I just kept on walking and took Dexter to the lake. He was pretty tired. It was a long walk for him. When we finally got back I gave Dexter a long needed bath. Now I am going to go pay a couple of bills and then try and go for a run.
Later Sharon