Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dow Jones 10,365.45 -777.68 / -6.98%

Remember the days when Bill Clinton was in office and he balanced the federal budget and we had a surplus of money. That was 8 long years ago. 8 years of George Bush, 8 years of over spending, unbalanced budgets and watching the economy collapse. Remember when we could watch our 401k grow instead of dreading to look to see how much of your retirement is gone now. Remember when the government was spending money on us and not a war that will never be won and one that we never should have gotten into. Remember........
The list could go on and on and on..........
This mess that the economy is in is really very scary. It makes me sick to think about what it has taken to get us to this point.
That is my rant for the day. We can only hope that the government gets it shit together soon.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Everything Is So F_ _ king Green

I watched a really funny movie last night called Death at a Funeral. The title of my blog is a line from the movie. You all should watch it, it will make you laugh.
Last night after work I made Rick go for a run instead of biking. We ran until my leg started to hurt, about 2 miles, and then walked the rest of the way around the lake. I was happy with how my leg felt. I have a goal now......I want to run the Turkey Run in Northfield on Thanksgiving day so I hope to be able to run 3 miles by then. My leg seems to be getting a little better. Or maybe it is just me fooling myself into believing it is getting better.

Today I am so tired. I slept so bad last night. I kept having these bazaar dreams. I woke up several times. One time I was sideways on the bed with the blankets all twisted around me. I sure hope I got all the bazaar dreams out of my system so I will sleep better tonight. It was hard to drive into work today, I was fighting falling asleep the whole way in.

I have got a ton of parking stuff to do at work so I better get to it.

Later Sharon

Friday, September 26, 2008

Can you say FUN!!!!!

Last night was sooooo much FUN! I picked up Cassie and 3:30 and we went to the MOA and took the train into Minneapolis. We then went to Norman's Steakhouse to eat. It was the best food ever! Cassie and I both had a steak. I had a fillet Mignon and Cassie had a Kansas City strip steak. We also had a bottle of the best Merlot. And yes we drank all but about an inch of it. With our steak we had mashed sweet potato's and asparagus. And then to top it off we had a raspberry torte. I have to say it was one of the best meals I have ever had. We were so stuffed and broke! But it was worth every penny! After the meal we went to the Target Center to watch Cirque Du Sloeil. When we got there they took Cassie's camera away. They did not find mine because I had it in the pocket of my purse. Anyhow it was so dumb that they took it because everyone has camera's on there cell phones. That is what we took the pictures with. The show was really good. We had really good seats, you can see in the picture how close we are. I would go see them again, it is amazing what they can do. They show got done at 9:45 and we took the train back to my car. I took Cassie home and then I drove home. I got to Waseca at 12:06. Way past my bedtime.
Today after sleeping in I lifted and then Amy, Liam and I went to Faribo to the apple orchard. There is no good orchards in Waseca. We go apples, gourds, pumpkins and potato's. Then we stopped at Walmart so I could get Charlie another collar. She broke her new one yesterday and I had to find her again. This time she was in Coppers back yard. This time I got her a dog collar, I hope it last a little longer!
I forgot to tell you that I let Amy use my car on Wed. and Thursday when I went to use it the tire was almost flat. It had a nail in it. I am pretty sure Amy had something to do with it.
That is all I know for today.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cirque De Soleil

Tonight I am going to Cirque Du Soleil with Cassie. We are going to some fancy restaurant first. It should be lots of fun. I will tell you all about it on Friday. Yesterday I had a busy day. I lifted in the morning. Well that is I tried to lift. I kept getting phone calls that delayed me. Then when I was almost done Amy and Liam came over for a visit. I did not get in the shower until almost noon. After that I made chili with all the tomato's that I still had from my moms house. I had about 15 tomato's, not enough to can but to many to eat. So I pealed them and cut them up and cooked them with a bunch of other stuff and made a huge pot of chili. Amy invited Adam and Liam over for supper so she would not have to feed them. Rick also came over. I gave Adam some over the leftover chili but I still have a ton left. I am going to freeze some of it. Before supper Rick and I went for a 17 mile bike ride. It was a super good ride. We averaged 16.2 miles a hour. That is our best average yet. I have to go get my oil changed on my car today and get some cash for tonight, so I better get going.
later Sharon

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Run away cat.....

Last night after work I had Charlie tied out like I do every night. Well I looked outside to check on her and her leash was there but there was no cat! I ran out to look for her and she was almost two houses down. I called her and she just looked at me and then kept on walking. I think she was trying to run away.......So now I have to get her a new collar, hers broke and that is how she got loose. No more time outside for Charlie until I get to the store!

Monday, September 22, 2008


This is Julie's deer she got on Friday. It is the very first deer she has ever shot! GREAT JOB!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Great Weekend

Wow did I have a great weekend. Well really I just had a great Saturday. I got up at 6:00 to get ready for the city wide garage sales in Waseca. Christa and Amy got at my house at 7:00 and we were off. We had lots of fun and got lots of good deals. I got a new chair for my living room. Charlie has now taken over the chair and that is not a good things since it is white and she is black. I am going to have to kick her off of it! Amy got lots of clothes for Liam and New Baby, Christa got lots of Christmas stuff because she does not have enough yet. After the garage sales instead of staying home and doing all the stuff I should have I went to Cannon Falls with Rick, Eric and Serena to go biking. It was so much fun. It was perfect biking weather. We biked 38 miles. It is fun to have another couple to go biking with. We are talking about doing a biking trip out west next summer.
After all that fun on Saturday I had to go to work on Sunday. That sucked. It was soooo hard to get out of bed at 4:00 A.M. But the day went pretty fast because I was busy. After work I went to Walmart to get some food. I was out of everything! I spend $92.00. That is way to much. I cannot believe how much food prices have gone up.
So today I am back at work again. I just went out and wrote 18 students parking tickets and I have more to do this afternoon. Once again they are the students are not going to like me. Most of the tickets are $50.00 each. To bad for the students.
Later SharonPosted by Picasa

More pictures

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I am finally have time to update! Poor Christa has been sooooo upset with me because I have not been updating like I should be.
Yesterday I babysat Liam for a few hours while Amy was at school. Now that he know how to say Nana he never stops saying it. If I am not in the same room as him he shouts NANA looking for me. He is soooo cute. Yesterday after Liam left I did something that I never do. I sat on the couch and read. Can you believe it????? It was such a good book I just had to finish it. So to make up for doing nothing all day I went for a 23 mile bike ride. I can tell that I have not biked in almost 2 weeks. It was hard and windy! Also the bugs were so bad. They were everywhere. They kept hitting me in the face. It is a good thing I had my sunglasses on. When I got home I was covered in dead bugs. My legs looked like they were muddy there were so many dead bugs on them. Then when I took my helmet off they just fell out. It was pretty gross. I guess that is what I get for biking in farm country.
Today I went for run/walk around the lake. Needless to say I had to walk more then run. My leg and hip did not hurt to bad. I am in very poor running shape now. It is going to take me forever to get back in shape. When I got home Amy, Liam and Bronx came for a visit. So we had the Charlie Bronx showdown again. Of course Charlie won. Poor big old Bronx, we had to pull him in the house and then Charlie would not let him move. I finally put Charlie outside so Bronx could move. So by the time they left it was after 11:00. So I got in the shower and now I am trying to clean a little. Then I am going to go the store and get a few things for supper. I am going to make a steak tonight. I have not had a steak since New Years Eve. That is a long time. I hardly ever eat beef anymore. I mostly eat chicken.
So I better get back to the cleaning.
Later Sharon

Sunday, September 14, 2008

"Children are the anchors that hold a mother to life." -Phanedra Sophocles

I have been super busy at work! So I have not had time to update. I don't even have time to talk to Christa on the phone her required 5 times a day! She had resorted to calling me when I am on my way home and she is on here way to work. She said it is like we are commuting together. I will try and have a better update on my days off.
Later Sharon

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Better Now!

I have not updated in a whole week. That is not like me! I have not been up to much. Yesterday I went to the Doctor and had the Endometrial ablation procedure done. If you are women you will know all about it. If you are a man I am sure you don't want to know about it! Anyhow the procedure it self was nothing. Took about 20 minuets, got to take a Valium before hand so I was nice and relaxed. The Doctor said I was a modal patient. Well the Doctor and everything I read about having it done said that you would have really bad cramps that night. So I did what the Doctor said to do and when I got home I ate a couple pieces of toast and then took the Vicodin and Celebrex that was suppose to help with the pain. Well about a hour later I vomited it all up. I think I would have been way better to just take a couple of Tylenol . The cramps were not that bad. The vomiting sucked! Anyhow I feel tons better today. I took the day off work. I am glad I did that. I would have hated to have to get up at 4:00 this morning and get to work. This way I was able to sleep in and eat and not have to worry about getting sick again. I have 550 hours of sick time so I figured I could afford to use one day just to be on the safe side. The Doctor said he would give me a note to take Friday off too if I wanted but I figured I better get back to work.
Other then that I have not been up to much. I ran again the other day! It went much better this time. I ran 2 miles and the ITBS leg hardly hurt. I cannot tell you how good it felt to run even a little! On Tue. I went to the MOA with Amy because she need to find a dress. It was fun to just waist the day away. I had to get myself some new jeans. None of my jeans fit me because my ass and legs are getting to big from biking so much! Not happy about it! But I guess as long as my ass is not getting big because it is fat it is ok! We also went to Ikea. I love Ikea, I could spend hours in there!
I guess I should get in the shower and start my day since it is already 9:30.
Later Sharon

Thursday, September 4, 2008

" I know it's hard when you're up to your armpits in alligators to remember you came here to drain the swamp." -Ronald Reagan

I am feeling so drained today. I think it is because it is cold out and I would much rather be home curled up under a blanket with a nice cup of tea and a book. Instead I am at work. Poor Poor me!

I really do not know anything. Last night Rick and I went for a 21 mile bike ride in the wind and on hills. It was a good workout. I have put 206 miles on my bike in less then a month. I hope to put lots more on before the snow flies.
That's it for today....

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Meow, since that women who lives in my house is feeling drained today I thought I would paw out a post for you all to read. She thinks that I live in her house but she is so wrong, it is really my house. Everyone knows that cats are the masters of the house. Every night when that women goes to bed I join her. I really like to sleep by her feet but because I know she does not like it every night I sneak up by her head and purr in her ear just to show her who is boss. I usually let her move me at least twice before I will finally go to the end of the bed and settle in for the night. Of course sometimes when she asleep I move back up just because I can! My life is pretty good. Once in awhile that little kid, I think his name is Liam, comes around. He like to chase me around the house and meow......I let him get away with it because he is cute for a human. Then of course there is the times those DOGS come around. I always show them who is the boss. The last time that big black one came over I cornered him in the bathroom and he shook like a baby. All I have to do to that little white one is look at it and he go's running. One day that women took me somewhere and the next thing I remember is waking up and having all my fur gone. Now it was a shock to wake up and be all naked. But after a couple of days I got use to it and was proud of my naked body. It even motivated me to lose a few pounds. So all and all my life is pretty good. I think it is time for me to get back to taking a cat nap.
Queen Charlie

"Life is to short to be the caretaker of the wrong details" -Alexandra Stoddard

Cannon Falls

Serena and Eric

Serena and Me

Me wishing I owned it!

Rick and I. I finally figured out how to use the self timer on my camera.

Me going down the trail.

Busy, busy, busy that was my weekend! I worked on Saturday so that was the only bad part of my weekend. Sunday Rick and I went to Red Wing and got on the Cannon Valley Bike Trail. We biked to Cannon Falls and back. It was great. The trail was the best trail we have been on. It was in the shade most of the way and it was super smooth. Every time there was a bump on the trail they painted around it so you would see it. they really keep the trail nice. It was really a pretty trail. We biked for 46 miles. I am going to hate it when it gets to cold and snowy to bike anymore. Then the fact that I cannot run is really going to sink in.
Monday Eric and Serena came down to Waseca for supper. Eric bought the Mustang a month or so ago so he had to take us for a ride in it. Lets just say I was a little scared by how fast we went! It is a beautiful car. After the ride Rick grilled us a great supper. It was a fun night.
Today I got up bright and early so I could babysit Liam while Amy went to school. He was a good boy today. I only had him until 1:00. Now I have the rest of the day to get my laundry done and then it is back to work tomorrow. The weekend went by to fast. I am now back to working weekends for the month of Sept. So my summer weekend fun is done for one more year!
Later Sharon

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