Friday, May 29, 2009

" It's not about how to achieve your dreams. It's about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you." -Randy Pausch
Wow it is way to nice to be at work. I really would like to leave early and enjoy the day but it is not to be. I have to pick up Liam and Josie in Faribo for Amy at 4:00. She worked last night and is sleeping so the kids are at Adam's sisters house. If I pick them up early Amy will still be sleeping. So I am stuck at work until 4:00.
I do not have any big plans for the weekend. I have to go help at the garage sale on Sat. I hate to waste my day there but I have to help or mom and dad will yell at me. Do you think you ever get over your parents yelling at you and making you feel bad when you are bad. I don't think so. Other then that I have a pretty free weekend. It will be nice. I am sure I will be at Ricks house again helping him paint and clean and get ready for me to move in. They are having a open house at my house on Sunday. I hope someone at least puts a bid on the house. I know it has only been a month since I put it up for sale but I am ready for it to be sold.
Have to get to work.
Happy Friday everyone.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"The Couch is not your friend, my friends. The couch is not a home. It is a place to become a potato." -Mitch Albom

I forgot to write about Dexter going for a swim on Sunday. Rick and I took the dogs for a walk by the lake. It was so hot out and Dexter does not do very good in the heat. He is a big baby. So when we got to the boat landing I took Dexter in the water. He loves it, he is a good swimmer. Of course what he does not like is the bath he had to have after we got back because he was so dirty from the lake and the walk. Rick gave him a bath. He did a much better job then I do giving him a bath. He sat good for him, unlike he does for me.
Yesterday was an uneventful day. After work I took Dexter for a walk and then took myself for a nice run. It was a good day to run. Then Rick came over to show me his new bike. It is very nice. He should be happy with this bike for at least a year! That was about it for my day. I was in bed at 8:20 and sleeping by 8:25. Of course then someone (Christa) called me at 8:50 and woke me up. Good thing I fell right back to sleep.
That's about it for the day.
SharonPosted by Picasa

Monday, May 25, 2009

Back to work

What a busy and fun weekend I had! It went by way to fast. I really could use at least one more day off. I know I sound like a broken record!
Sunday after Liam and Josie left Rick and I went to a graduation party for one of his cousins in Austin. On the way home we stopped at Fleet Farm so I could get Dexter some chewy's because they to not have the kind he likes at Walmart anymore. While we were there I had to get Bronx a treat too. It is the huge bone he is eating in the first picture. He loved it! Amy and Adam invited us over for a bonfire Sunday night. It was so nice out. A perfect night for a fire. We did not get to bed until 11:00. Way late for me.
Monday we headed to WI to go to Ricks brothers house for lunch. We had a good time. Lots of good food and fun games. Yes I even played a game! We did not get back to Waseca until 6:00. I had to get all my stuff ready for work and take the Dexter for a walk and by the time I sat down for supper it was 7:30. Rick came over and we watched a movie and then it was off to bed.
That is a overview of my weekend. Hope everyone else got to enjoy there weekend too!
Later SharonPosted by Picasa

Sunday, May 24, 2009


It is so nice out today! I love weather like this. Today I got out of bed and went for a run right away. It was a good run. Legs are holding up so far. Adam brought Liam and Josie over to my house about 9:00 so Amy could sleep and he could work on his car. They will only be here until noon.
Yesterday was a busy day. I went to Ricks house in the morning and we loaded his trailer up and took a bunch of junk to the dump. Then we went back to his house and loaded up the trailer and truck with stuff and took it to my mom's house for the garage sale. Now we have room in his house for all of my junk!
Well that is it for the day I am going to go enjoy the great weather.
Later Sharon
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Friday, May 22, 2009

"When you're screwing up and nobody says anything to you anymore, that means they've given up on you." - Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture

I have not been very good about updating my blog lately. I guess nothing fun has been happening. I worked 4 days this week. It was so hard to be back to work. The days were pretty busy so that is good. Yesterday I had two calls before 7:00 that I had to write reports on. Usually my phone does not ring until at least 8:00. The first one was students on a roof, they said they just wanted to watch the sunrise. They were not to happy to hear that is was going to cost them $200. a piece to be on the roof. Maybe next time they will watch the sunrise from the ground! The next call was a sick student, had to call an ambulance for him. Not sure what was wrong with him. It is the end of the school year so things always pick up. The students all go a little nuts at the end.
I just finished reading The Last Lecture. It is so good. It is written by Randy Pausch who at the time was dieing of cancer. He has since died. He was all over the web a few years ago when he gave the last lecture at the college he teaches at. I watched in back then and was so impressed. It is not about dieing but rather how to live. I have wanted to read the book for awhile and finally got around to it. If you get a chance you should read it, I think everyone would get something out of it.
Now that I finished reading that I have moved onto Sarah's Key, another great book. I hardly ever read at home but I am having trouble keeping away from this book. It is a very moving book.
Today they showed my house again, wish one of these people would buy it! I spent all morning cleaning. The house was a mess. The other day when the wind blew so hard I had left my windows open about an inch. Will it was just enough for the wind to blow in a ton of black dirt. My house looked like a field. It was so gross. There was dirt everywhere. I swept and wiped it up when I got home from work but I guess there was more there. Today I cleaned the floors again and I had to dump the dirty water out three times for my tiny kitchen. It could not believe how much dirt there was.
After all that cleaning I took Dexter over to Amy's house and ran to Owatonna to get Amy some protein powder at GNC. Then I brought Dexter back home and ran to the bank and the store.
Now I am going to try and lift again. The last time I lifted was April 28th. I have not been able to lift very much because it hurt my wrist to much. The doctor said I could try lifting a week or two after the surgery. Well it has been two weeks now so I am going to give it a try. Hope it goes good. I hate that I have to start all over. I will have to scale way back on how much weights I lift. But I guess it is better then not being able to lift at all. I hate that I have lost so much muscle. I well be glad to get back to lifting. After all it is summer I need to get my arms back in shape for wearing short sleeved shirts.
Well I guess I better get to it.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

More pictures

Mom and Dad and Grandma and Grandpa Trenda
Me and Amy
Sarah and JeffPosted by Picasa


mom and her dress
All the grandchildren and mom and dad
Christa and her cakes
The cakes!!!!Posted by Picasa

50th anniversary party

Mom and Dad

The Whole Family

Mom and her wedding dress 50 years later

Diane, Me, Mom and Linda

It has been a busy weekend. Friday night Rick and I went to see Star Trek. It was great! I loved the show growing up so the movie was lots of fun for us older people! The kids think I am nuts for liking it. They don't know what they are missing.
Saturday was mom and dad's 50th wedding anniversary party. It was lots of fun. They had a huge turnout. Lots of family and friends. It was great to see them all. Christa made all the cakes, with a little help from Jese. They were great. Everyone loved them. She did a great job, well worth her staying up until 2:00 a.m. to get them done. After the party some of us went out to mom and dads house to watch them open cards and gifts. Even thought they requested no gifts they got a ton. The best one was the 50th anniversary frame that my aunt Sandy gave them that was my Grandma and Grandpa Trenda's from there 50th. She had a good note to go along with it. She did good! We also all ate some of the leftover food. It was so good. I ate way to much all day. But it's ok because I am running.
Sunday was my last day of freedom. I slept in because I did not want the day to start being it was my last day. After I finally got up I took Dexter for a walk and then went for a run. I ran around the lake and for the first time this year did not have to stop and walk. I am finally getting into a little better shape. Still have a long way to go before I am in half-marathon shape though. After that I went to Ricks house and helped him clean out some stuff out of his basement to make room for me. We marked a bunch of it for the garage sale and thew a bunch more. The basement is looking good.
Today I am back to work. I know it is so sad. My 12 days off went way to fast. I had a busy morning ticketing students. I even had one students car towed. I think they all knew I was gone and so they were misbehaving. Not any more, I am back!
My wrist is doing so much better. Everyday it feels a little bit better. I had to put on my brace for awhile today because I wrote so many tickets out it got sore. But it still feels way better then before I had the surgery.
They are showing my house two times today so Amy had to go get Dexter. I hope he is a good boy for her. He is not always good for her.
My coworker did not show up at 1:00 like he should so at 1:20 I called him and woke him up. Good thing I call or who knows how long he would have slept. Now he is going to be a couple of hours late. As long as he is here by 4:00 so I can leave I will be happy.
Well that's about it for the day.
Later Sharon Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

No More Cast!!!!

I got my cast off today! I was soooo glad. It is really hard to do things with just one hand. Everything is looking really good. Hard to tell by the pictures but my hand is pretty bruised up. I have to keep the tape over the incision for a week or so. I am not suppose to take it off but let it fall off on it own. The doctor said I only have to wear the brace when I am doing something that is making it hurt. He said I can go back to lifting in a week or two I just have to take it slow and if it start to hurt I have to stop. He said I cannot hurt anything I will just make it swell up and get sore. He said no archery for awhile but that is ok since it is the off season. Now I hope my left wrist gets better now that I can use my right wrist again! I have been pretty busy the last few days. On Friday of course was Christa's graduation. Saturday Rick and I took Dexter to my mom and dads and they watched him for the day/night. We went to Stillwater to an archery shoot. I just got to watch but I was glad to be out of the house. After the shoot we went to REI and then we went to Eric and Serena's new house for a Eric's 40th birthday party. It was lots of fun. Sunday we went and picked up Dexter and visited with mom, dad, Linda and Beth. After that I just sat around for the afternoon. Yesterday was a long day. It was the only day I had to stay home and try and do stuff with the cast on. Very limited on what I could do . I did put on a big glove and planted my window boxes. I only got the cast a little dirty! At 4:30 I picked up Rick and then we picked up Jese and headed to Mankato. Rick bought Jese a new road bike. Jese was super excited. I left Rick and Jese in Mankato and then drove back to Waterville to wait for them. They biked the 21 miles back to Jese's house. They had a good time. That brings us to today. I am going to go through my pictures for mom and dad's anniversary party on Sat. So I better get to it.

Later Sharon

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Friday, May 8, 2009


Today Christa Graduated From College !!!! I am super proud of her. She worked hard and got her degree in accounting! GOOD JOB CHRSTA!
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Thursday, May 7, 2009


Well the surgery is done. It all went well taking about 45 minutes. The doctor said that the cyst was a lot bigger then he thought and was down in the joint pretty far. The other part of the surgery also when good. Now I am in the stupid soft cast until next Tue. It really sucks not having my right hand to use. But it will be worth it because my wrist will fell so much better when it is all done. Amy brought Liam over yesterday because he wanted to see Nana's hurt wrist. While he was over he chalked up my sidewalk. Today Christa came over and did my dishes for me, she is so nice. Well I need to go because it is hard to type with one hand.
Later SharonPosted by Picasa

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I told Amy I was going to update my blog but I had nothing to write about. She said I should update it anyhow and write about Popsicle's. So that is what I am doing......Lets see what can I say about Popsicle's.....I like the red ones but hate the banana flavored ones. They are good in the summer but I will eat them in the winter if I have nothing else. They don't have many calories so that is good. They are good when you are sick. Liam loves Popsicle's. I have some in my freezer at all times. Well I think that is all I have to say about Popsicle's.
I am so bored today at work. The day is endless and it is only 11:30. I don't think it will ever come to a end!
Last night Rick and I took my table over to Amy's house and then took her table over to my house. Her table is much smaller then mine so I am using it until I sell my house to make my kitchen look bigger. They are showing the house again today so I wanted to get the tables switched. My table is very heavy and it really did not do my wrists much good lifting it. Both of them are killing me today. I am trying to use them as little as possible today. So since I don't want to use my wrist much I better stop typing.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Poor Poor Christa

So poor poor Christa was going to take me to the hospital on Wednesday to have my surgery. But then she remembered (thanks Jese) that she does not like hospitals. That last time she was in the hospital when Rick was sick I had to help her out of the hospital before she passed out. She had a total panic attack. So she was getting all worked up about taking me. She said she would just wait outside for me. So to save her the panic attack I am now having Amy take me. Thank goodness Amy does not have a problem with hospitals. Of course she is a nurse so she better not!
Yesterday I did not do to much. I just worked and then after work I took Dexter for a long walk with Rick and Dudley. Christa and Jese stopped over for a couple of minutes so she could use my computer and printer. That was about it. Not much new. Today after work I think I will lift. I was reading on line about my surgery and it said it takes 4 to 6 weeks to recover fully. I hope I don't have to wait 4 to 6 weeks to lift. I will look like a marshmallow by then!

Good Luck on your finales Christa!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

It's not like its brain surgery.....-Jese

That is what Jese said when Christa told him she was taking me to the hospital on Wed. for my surgery. He did not get it that you cannot drive home yourself after you have surgery. Silly boy. Christa got stuck babysitting me that day because she is the only one without a job. She is done with school on Tue. Yea Christa!!!!
Yesterday was a great day. I took off work so I could run the From The Heart 5k in Owatonna. I was very happy with my time. I did it in 24:31, I am not sure on the seconds and they have not posted the times yet. But I know it was 24 and 30-some seconds. Anyhow it was a good time for me. Rick and Tim Fierke also ran the race. It was Ricks first 5k and Tim's very first race ever! They both did super good, coming in under 30 minutes. Neither one looked at the time clock when they crossed the finish like but we think they came in around 27-28 minutes. It was a good day of running for everyone! It really makes me excited to be running again.
After the race Rick and I did a little shopping in Owatonna and then finally got back to Waseca around noon. After that I took Dexter over to Ricks house and then we went to Walmart. When we got back I took Dudley and Dexter for a walk. I got a new leash for them that hooks them together. It is much better walking them with it rather then trying to hold two leashes. While I was gone Rick made us salmon pasta salad for supper. It was really good. Then we went to my house to watch the end of a movie and that was my day.
Oh I almost forgot to say that it was Amy's birthday yesterday!!!
Hope you all get to enjoy the beautiful day today.
Later Sharon
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