Wednesday, January 28, 2009

'A true friend is someone who knows you're a good egg even if you're a little cracked.'

In one week I will be in Vegas. I cannot wait, it is going to be warm! I am very sick of the cold weather. I wish it would just warm up a little bit.
I have not been up to to much the last few days. I am pretty much over my cold so that is nice. Last night I had league at WAC. I shot pretty good. Much better then last week. It was fun. Hope to keep it up for Thur. night
Just had to respond to a call at work...there was a student dresses in a chicken suit standing in the food service by the eggs with a sign that said " How would you feel if I was eating your babies." Pretty funny. I think the students have to much time on there hands, I say give them more homework!
Okay I guess I better get to work. Hope there is no more chicken sightings!
Later Sharon

Monday, January 26, 2009

Bra Hunting

So I am in need of a couple new bra's. You would think it would be easy, just go to the store try a couple on and you are on your way. BUT NO NOT SO FAST. First you go to the store and look through the 500 bra's they have on display that are in no order at all. Then after looking though all five hundred bras you find 3 in your size. Now you make your way to the dressing room to try on the three bra's that you really don't like but will take if they fit because you just waisted an hour looking for your size. Next you try on....of course they do not fit. So you get dressed again and leave the store in discuss. This is what bra hunting is all about......GRRRR. I should have just stayed home.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I forgot....



So it is my weekend off and I am sick. It sucks big time. I started to feel sick on Thur. and then it really hit me yesterday. By last night I just wanted to sleep but my nose was to stuffy. Today I was going to go to Slayton for a archery shoot with Rick but we did not go. He is sick too. So instead of having a fun day I am staying home. I am making homemade chicken noodle soup. I have not made it in a long time. I figured today would be a good day for it. Stay inside if you can it is cold out!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Hope for better times.....

Happy Inauguration day! I hope today is the beginning of better days to come. I think everyone is in need of the hope that life is going to be better soon. It has been a hard year for a lot of people. I am at work today but I am not really working at the moment, I am watching the inauguration. In fact they are going to do it right now, so I am going to go watch it........I am back, we now have a new president! I am going to listen his speech now so I will have to be done writing for today.
Later SharonPosted by Picasa

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Man has it been cold out. Then they said it was going to be much nicer today but it is so windy that it feels just as cold. The wind is blowing the snow over the roads making them nice and icy. I have had a good last few days. On Wed. night Amy, Cassie and I went to the movie The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. It was really good, it made me cry. Of course any movie with Brad Pitt in is usually good. Thur. I was going to babysit but Amy did not go to school because it was to cold out. She did not want to take the kids out in it. But Friday even though it was still cold out Amy had to go to Faribo so I got to babysit Liam and Josie then. Liam is talking so much now. He is lots of fun to watch. Josie slept almost the whole time I had her. When she was up and I was feeding her Liam told me to put her on the couch so I could read him a book. It was funny. Last night I want to IA for the first half of the Pro-Am. I shot okay. After we shot a bunch of us went to eat at a really good restaurant. I had duck, it was super good. We did not get back to Waseca until midnight. I went into work late today because there was two of us on all day. So I did not have to be here until 9:00. It was nice to sleep in, well really I still had to get up at 7:00 so that is really not sleeping in to much. After work tonight Rick and I are going to watch movies. On Sunday we head back down to IA for the last day of the Pro-Am. It should be fun. So that is a wrap up of my days.
Later Sharon

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Good Week

It has been a good week so far. Yesterday at league I shot a 298 35X. I was happy with that, it is the best score I have had this year with my new release. And I had to shoot at the stupid 5 spot Vegas target. I hate that target, I can not see the X when I shoot. Most of the 4 that you see are from the practice rounds. Today I went to Ricks house and ran on the treadmill. I ran 3.25 miles with no leg pain. I really hope that I am done with the ITBS. I really miss running. I will just have to take it slow again. I would love to run another half marathon this summer. I will have to see how it goes. This afternoon Amy, Cassie and I are going to go the the movie. I was not going to go because they said the weather was going to be bad. But it seems the the snow is done for the day so we are going. Just hope we don't freeze to death! It is so cold out that it hurts to go out in it. I am really glad I don't work nights anymore and would have to go lock buildings every night. Now I just have to open them on the weekends, and this weekend is my last to work for 4 weeks. So by the time I get back on weekend it should be much nicer out. Only 20 more days till I go to Vegas. I am starting to get excited for it. Charlie has started to pull her hair out. I come home to clumps of cat hair all over and then last night I watched her just pull it out. I think she is lonely now that Jada is gone and I have been gone so much with work and archery. Poor Poor Kitty.
Got to go vacuum up cat hair.
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Monday, January 12, 2009


The weather drama Queen is coming out of me big time today. They are talking blizzard warnings for today. They have already closed all the schools around Waseca and advising no travel. So that all does me a lot of good since I am at work. It is already snowing but the winds have not picked up yet. I really am not looking forward to the drive home today or the drive in tomorrow. I am sure I will make it, I always do.
So somehow I don't know how it has happened, Charlie has taken over my side of the bed. I always sleep on the right side of the bed and she had decided that she needs to sleep on that side. I used to move her to the other side but then I would wake up to her back on the right side. I have given up. I think she knows who really is in charge......her.
I guess I better get some work done while I am not in a total panic about the weather
Later Sharon

Sunday, January 11, 2009

"Life is too short for drama and petty things, so laugh hard, love truly and forgive quickly. Live While You Are Alive.Tell the people you love that you love them at every opportunity. Forgive now those who made you cry. You might not get a second time. Lost time can never be found."

I finally finished reading the Twilight books. They were very good. It has been awhile since I read a series of books that I could not put down. I spent way to much of my off time reading. But I guess that it is not waisted time if you enjoy what you are doing.

I had a good time at league this week. It is fun to back shooting with everyone.

I had to work all weekend so that sucks. I really don't mind working so much as I hate it that I have to miss the things that are going on while I am at work.

It snowed again last night. It has been a bad winter for driving to work for me. Looks like there is enough snow to go CC skiing again. Maybe I will be able to go on my days off. But I heard that it is going to get really cold the next week so maybe I will just stay in my nice warm house.

Later Sharon

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Game Fun

Yesterday Amy, Liam, Josie and I went to Winona to visit Christa and Jese. She made us chicken and potato's for lunch and then we HAD to play games. Well really Christa and Amy just made fun of me for my playing skills. Ok I know UNO is a easy game but I have only played it one other time and that was years ago. You think they would let me win at least once. But no Amy is like the game Nazi. And then they wonder why I don't want to play games with them! Anyhow we had a good time. Today I am just trying to get my laundry done. I just got back from Walmart. I had to buy a new exercise ball since Jada tried to eat mine. I have been reading the Twilight books. They are so good. I am on the last one. I just want to keep reading but I HAVE to get some cleaning etc. done. So if I want to get any reading in today I better go.
Later Sharon

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

bye bye Jada

Whats left of my ball after Jada got it
Charlie hiding from Jada on top of the fridge
Jada looking sad because I will not let her get into the garbage can

Today Jada is going home. I would like to say I am going to miss her but that is not the case. She has been pretty good. But I think she knows she is going home today because she can't sit still for more then two seconds. I have not been up to much the last few days. I was very busy at work yesterday because the students all came back. I had tons for parking stuff to do and will have a ton waiting for me when I get back on Friday. Today league starts at WAC. Then on Thur. it starts at FAC. I don't think I am ready for it yet but I guess I have no choice. Now I am just waiting for Cassie to get here so I can clean up all the dog hair that is all over my house.
Later Sharon
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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Years Day!

Hope everyone had a good New Years Eve. I did not do anything much. Rick and I went out for supper and then we went to the club to shoot for just a little while. After that we watched a movie. We did not even stay up until midnight. So today I went to work a little late so I could sleep in. Rick brought me a coffee and a donut before work because he is nice like that. Well I was going to eat the donut on my way to work so I put it in a bag and then put it in my backpack and then went and got ready for work. When I was ready to go I put Jada in then bedroom and went to get my stuff only to find that Jada had unzipped my backpack and took the donut out and ate the whole thing. I was not very happy with her. So no donut for me. I have 22.5 hours of double time and a half on this pay period. That should pay for my fees for Vegas, my FAC fees and my WAC fees. It is the only thing good about working on the holiday's.