Friday, February 29, 2008

Money, Money, Money

Today I had my taxes done. I am getting $2091. dollars back. Plus the $600. I will get back from the George W. rebate. I am going to put it all into my savings account and save it to go to Vegas next year. Christa thought I should spend it on her, but I don't think so!
Amy's daycare lady is sick so I had to watch Liam all day today. I had to take him to my tax appointment. He was pretty good. The tax guy loved him. Liam is finally taking a nap. I think I need a nap too. I love being a Nana but am glad when I get to give him back.
Last night it took me over an hour to get home from work. The roads sucked. I did not go to league. Of course the whole night I sat on the sofa and wished I had gone to shoot. I have missed 3 weeks in a row now. I hope they do not kick me off the team!! This weekend I am going to go to Oakridge to shoot a 300 round. I will have to use that for my make up score. Other then that I am not doing anything to exciting. It will be nice to have a weekend to just relax. I should try and get something done while Liam is sleeping.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Trip.......

Vegas was great! It was everything that everyone has said it would be. The shoot itself was a lot of fun. We got to shoot with the same people on Fri. and Sat. and then on Sunday they put us into flights. I was in the 18th flight. As you can tell I did not shoot my best. But I did get 6th place in my flight so I won $40.00. Paul also won some money, I think he got 5th place in his flight. He won $60.00. So we were the big winners. We did lots of sight seeing. On Thur. night we took the city bus to downtown, the old part of Vegas. It was fun to see all the stuff my mom and dad talked about when they went to Vegas years ago. On Fri. I shot at 3:00 and then we all went to the BCY party in the hotel. They had all the food and beer and wine you wanted for free. It was great! On Sat. I had to shoot at 10:00. After that I left Rick by himself (he shot at 3:00) and went with the rest of the Waseca group. We took the bus down the Strip. We started at Hooters and then walked back to the Riviera. We went into a bunch of the casinos. That night we all went to the Sims party. It was not nearly as good as the BCY party, but the food was free again. Sunday I had to shoot at 7:30. It went much better shooting on Sunday then Fri. and Sat. it felt much better and I shoot better. After shooting I went to the Copper John booth and they replaced both of the Super X releases that I have that keep breaking. It is great that they are standing behind them. I got the 2008 modals, I guess they have worked out all the kinks in them. I watched Rick shoot at 12:30 and then we watched the pro shoot –off. It was really exciting to watch. If you go on Archery Talk and watch it you will see me in the back ground. We are right behind Dave Cousins. As soon as that was done Rick and I took off to do some sight seeing. We went to the Paris Casino and went up the Eiffel tower. Then we walked back to the Wynn and met up with some people and they took us to the Reo and gave us some lessons on gambling. We did not get to bed till 12:30 and then it was up at 4:45 to get ready to come home. We had to leave for the airport at 6:00. I was tired!!! The plane ride to and back was nice and smooth. So the trip was great and I am looking forward to going back next year!


Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I am just watching the clock......8:19,8:20...........Is it time to leave yet.........8:21,8:22......This day is going to be long!!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I'm Leaving On A Jet Plane.........

Las Vegas here I come!!!! Only one more day of work then it is off to Vegas. If only I were packed. Last night I went to FAC for women's night. I left at 8:00 because I was cold and tired. I was in bed by 9:00. Tonight I have to babysit Liam for an hour or so and then I have league at WAC. I will not see Liam for six days after today. I sure he will be walking by the time I see him again. He now takes steps between things. He is sooooo cute. Do you think after he gets a little older he will not want to hear that he is so cute all the time. Today at work I had to take $19000. cash to the bank. That is a lot of money. To bad it was not mine. I could have taken with me to Vegas. Speaking of work, I guess I better get back to it.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Dolce Vita

Cassie's dream shoe
This is a picture ( the brown one) of the Dolce Vita shoes that Cassie talked me into getting. She ordered a pair of her dream shoes and got them today and they did not fit. Poor Cassie I thought she was going to cry on the phone. She was so upset that she could not get back to sleep, and it was only 9:20 in the morning. So in honor of Cassie I had to order the shoes. It was the only thing I could do to make her feel better. After all if she can not have her dream shoes I should at least have mine. Well they are not my dream shoe but Cassie seems to think they should be my dream shoe. So now my day and Cassie's can go on.
Feel better Cassie another dream shoe will come along soon.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

It all about Liam!!!

Cassie and Nick
Christa and Liam

The Grandma's and Liam

Liam eating his cake

Yesterday Amy and Adam had Liams 1st birthday party. He of course was soooooo cute. He loved his birthday cake.

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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Burned Pizza

Today is a do what every I want day. After I got out of bed I looked at the internet for an hour or so. After that I put on Ellen and The View on TV and lifted. Since I have not lifted since last Monday I am sure I will be a little stiff tonight. After that I cleaned myself up for the day and then it was lunch time. So I put some leftover pizza in the toaster oven and then forgot all about it. So after the smoke cleared I had to start all over again! By the time I ate lunch it was almost 1:30. So now I am going to try and get some stuff done. Or maybe I will just sit around and watch TV all day........yea right!!!


One last thing, I am very proud of Cassie, Amy and Christa for going out and voting yesterday. It is exciting to part of the historic day!

I just found out that Christa did not vote, so I guess I can not be proud of her :( She will have to make up for it in Nov. and vote twice.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I hope everyone gets a chance to go out and vote on this historic day. Who would have thought we would have a black man and a woman both on the ballot for president of the United States. Whether you are a republican or a democrat this is day in history. It is a day that most of our parents would never dream would be here. It is nice that the people of America are so excited about this election. The more people that vote the better.


Sunday, February 3, 2008

"You win some you lose some" - Brock Lesnar

“There’s no shame in losing,” he said. “When I was a young kid, I lost my very first wrestling match, and I was pissed off and didn’t even want to go out for wrestling (any more), and my wrestling coach said you’ve got to learn how to lose before you can learn how to win. I don’t like to lose, and I’ve carried that with me all these years and we’re gonna try again how not to lose in this sport.” -Brock Lesnar

I had a sports filled weekend. On Sat. night I watched UFC. It was great, even if Brock Lesnar lost. On Sunday I shot regions in Waseca. There was a lot of FAC people shooting so it was fun to visit with everyone. Also got to see Jese for a few minutes when he stopped by on his way back to Winona. Sunday night I watched the football game. I am not a big football fan but the game was exciting to watch.

Today I am suppose to go to Women's night at FAC but if the weather gets as bad as they say I will just stay at home. At work today I have a meeting with my boss, his boss and some students about parking. It should be interesting. The studnets always want to change the parking rules. I of course like things just the way they are. When I have all the power and they have none.......hahahaha. I guess I better get to work.