Saturday, May 31, 2008

Losing my mind

I am pretty sure I am losing my mind. Yesterday after work I went to Menard's to take my ceiling fan back. It was just starting to rain so I ran and got a shopping cart and put it in and locked the doors to my car and then went into the store. Well when I went back out to my car with the new fan I discovered that I did not shut the trunk on my car. It was just sitting wide open and of course by now it was poring rain out. So I am sure I have totally lost my mind!!!!!!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

"I didn't think I was fat. I just thought I didn't need to gain any weight. But I would drop weight and then I would be comfortable with that number. Then I would lose more weight and that would become my new number" -Tracey Gold

The room is almost done. The fan has been taken down and I am going to return it on Friday after work. Also all the outlet are now back in the wall and the covers are on. The railing still needs to have the wood put on it. And I need to get a vent cover for the heat vent. Other then getting some pictures up and getting myself a night stand and headboard for the bed it is ready for me to sleep in. Yesterday I went to Owatonna and got some stuff for the room . Also went to Target and got some running shirts. They were on sale so I had to get them. I ran around the lake in the morning (5.24 miles) Last night Rick took me out fishing on Clear lake. We got some nice bass, but we had to throw them back because you can not keep bass on Clear lake.So no fish supper for me. Today I lifting, no running because it was raining. After that I have been cleaning and moving stuff back into the bedroom. Now I am off to Amy's house to get her mail and then to the store.
Later Sharon

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

"Remember, but do not worship, the past; live for, but not only for, the present, and prepare for, but do not panic over, the future." -Daniel Seltzer

We are getting there on the bedroom. Rick worked all weekend. On Sunday he came to my house at 8:30 and stated to paint. I got home from work at 5:00 and we painted until 10:00. It is really looking nice. The pictures are from the start of the paint job. The primer is all on and we just started the top coat. I took Monday off of work so we could work on the room some more. We finished painting all the trim and Rick put up all the lights and the fan. Of course like all things nothing is easy. After the fan was all up and working great it decided to quit. It just slowed down until it stopped.Now it will work great in reverse but will not work going forward. It just sits and hums. So now I guess it will have to be taken down and I will have to take it back to the store. After all of that Rick took a well deserved break and I cleaned up. After I got most everything cleaned up Rick came back and hung the shades in the windows. Everything is looking so good! I cannot believe it is the same room. Now we just need to get the wood for the railing and a few other small things and it will be done. I will try and get some more pictures up soon. Today I am watching Liam. He is not feeling good, the poor little guy. He is taking a nap right now. He has been sleeping for 2 hours already. So I read the most heart wrenching book that I have ever read this weekend. I am pretty sure I have never cried so much in a book before. But as much as I cried I am glad I read it. In fact I think everyone should read it. The book is called Final Salute, A story of Unfinished Lives. It is written by Jim Sheller. The book is about the marines that do the casualty notification of the men and women that are Iraq. It is NOT a political book! I think everyone should read it just so they get an understanding of what these people and there families are giving up when they serve this country. It is just unbelievable sad to read the stories of the families and the aftermath of the death of there loved one. Any how this is the one book you should read this year. Well it is past lunch time so I guess I should go eat.
Later Sharon

Friday, May 23, 2008

Work weekend.

So while all of you are enjoying your three day weekend I will be at work. It is going to be nice out too. The college does not give anyone the day off for Memorial Day. It is not a holiday for us, so at least I will not be at work alone on Monday. On Wed. I cooked, not only for me but for other people. I had Amy, Adam, Liam and Rick over for supper. I finally took my grill out and grilled chicken. I also made a pasta salad and new potato's. It was all good. Other then that I have not been up to much. Lifted on Tue. ran on Wed. and yesterday I lifted again. Not sure If I will get a run in today I have to pick up Liam from daycare for Amy. I am tired today because Charlie keeps waking me up at night. I think she is mad at me because I had her shaved! Today I have killer heart burn. I never use to get heart burn but now that I am OLD I get it. Just ate some Tums, they usually help.
Have a good weekend everyone!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Queen Charlie

Charlie got shaved today!!! She would not let me take a very good picture of her, she wanted to be petted. I will try and get a better picture of her later. She weights 13lbs 20oz. She is way to fat. You can see her fat hanging down now that she has no fir

I have been a busy bee the last couple of days. Yesterday I ran 10 miles for the very first time in my life! I ran it in 1 hour 27 minutes. That is a 8:45 pace. I walked for 1 1/2 block at the 5 mile mark and then ran the rest. I was pretty happy with my time and the fact that I could run 10 miles. I am really getting excited for the 1/2 marathon. It is only one month away. My goal is to run it in around 2 hours.

Today I have been a cleaning mad women. I have cleaned and cleaned. I even got all my clothes washed and washed a bunch of blankets and hung them on clothes line to dry. I also called hickory tech today and had my home phone turned off. I never use it or even give anyone the phone number. So I figured I would shut it off and save myself around $20.00 every month.

Well I better go. Rick is here working on the bedroom. I hope to be painting this weekend!
Later Sharon
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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Spring is here

I think Spring is finally here. It has been so nice out the last few days. Yesterday it was almost hot out! Bedroom work has come to a stop because my free help is gone for the weekend. Rick went to a archery tournament in WI on Friday so work is at a standstill for a couple of days. Before he left he got two coats of mud on. On Monday he will put the last one on then he just needs to sand and spray. Then painting putting the lights up and I can move back in. I will be very happy to get back to my queen size bed. The twin bed is just to small for me and Charlie, who insist on sleeping with me now. On Tue. Charlie is going to the vet to be shaved. I can not wait, she is shedding everywhere now that it is getting warm out. I will put some pictures of her up after she is done.

Yesterday at work we had a student go off the deep end. He was walking down highway 19 with no clothes on. After that he went into the steam plant and took a swing at my boss hitting him in the head. He was taken to the hospital by the police. You can tell it is getting close to the end of the term, the students all go nuts.

So Liam is throwing fits now. It is so funny. He gets down on the floor and rolls around fake crying. He does it all the time. Also when he want to be picked up he stands by your legs and jumps up and down reaching up. He makes me laugh every time I see him. It is hard to be in a bad mood when he is around.

Amy brought Bronx (her dog) over the other day. Charlie beat him up. It was pretty funny. Big 80 pound Bronx was cornered in the bathroom by my 10 pound cat. Amy could not get him out. She told him to start acting like a dog.

After work yesterday I took Dudley (Ricks dog) for a run with me. I pretty sure he was ready to have a heart attack. I ran 5 miles and by mile 2 he was running behind me. I was just about pulling him by the end. We will see how he does today.

Work is busy today I have had to save this post 4 times to go on calls. So I better end now while I still can.

Later Sharon

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


This is Charlie helping with the work,she is a big help!

We started taping today! Last night we worked on the sheet rock until about 7:30. Then today we took all the garbage to the dump and have stared to tape. I am taking a break so I can update this. As you can see I did a great job putting the tape around the room so Rick could put the mud on. I am pretty sure it is the best job anyone has ever done for him. I think I am even better then Jese. Maybe I should give up my job and become a professional . Or I could just go back to work tomorrow like always. This morning I did not want to run but I made myself go and then I was only going to run 3 miles but I decided I was being a baby so I ran 5 miles. Cassie and I are going to go to Cirque Du Soleil in Sept. It should be lots of fun. Well I guess I better get back to work or my help will run off to go fishing or something.
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Monday, May 12, 2008

Getting There

The bedroom is coming along good. Rick worked on it most of the day Sat. while I was at work. He has almost all of the sheet rock on. Sat. night we went to Owatonna and I got one of the lights for the room and a few other things. I also looked at paint, I think I have my colors picked out. Of course I said that about my living room about 10 times before I actually painted! Sunday I went to my Moms house for mothers day. Linda, Curt, Beth and Jacob came too. We grilled out for supper. It was a nice day. Today I am going to plant my flower garden. I am sure the rabbits will have everything ate off by Tuesday morning. They are everywhere!

Later Sharon
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Friday, May 9, 2008

"A Rattlesnake, if cornered will become so angry it will bite itself. That is exactly what the harboring of hate and resentment against others is - a biting of oneself. We think we are harming others in holding these spites and hates, but the deeper harm is to ourselves. "
~E. Stanley Jones

Don't really know anything today. Work on the bedroom is going good. Rick got a lot of the sheet rock done yesterday while I was at work. He hopes to get that part done today. I think I am going to start looking at paint colors now so by the time it is ready to paint I might have one picked out! After work yesterday I ran 5.25 miles and then just sat on the couch and watch TV. I was in bed at 9:00. It was nice to get almost 7 hours of sleep. I don't know anything else.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


The work in my bedroom has started!!! Yesterday I helped bring up some of the sheet rock and I also carried up the sheet rock lift. And all of this after cleaning everything out of the room and running 8 miles! I was tired and sore this morning. I also have to sleep on a twin bed for the next two weeks while we are doing the work. I know I know I am complaining. I am really glad to be getting the work done. I will post pictures as we get done with each stage.

Later Sharon
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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Bad Bad Nana

Yesterday I babysat Liam all day. I took him for a walk in his stroller and did not put any sun block on him. Now his poor little cheeks are all red. I am sure I am going to go to Nana Hell!
It was another fun weekend. On Sat. I had to go to Faribo to help with the garage sale. Chirsta, Jese and I went to A&W for lunch, it was good. I love A&W, it is a treat to go there. After that I took Liam home with me so Amy and Adam could have a date night for her birthday. He did not want to go to bed so he was still up when they got here at 9:30. Sunday I went out for lunch with Jean and Rosie. It was fun to meet up with them, it has been way to long. After they left I went for a 5 mile run in the wind! I hate running in the wind but I figured it was good for me so I did it. Sunday night I watched the movie The Mist. It was good. Then on Monday like I already said I watched Liam all day. He was a good boy even if he did not take more then a 45 min. nap. He was so good that I even had time to make cookies. At 6:00 I went out to the club to shoot for our first night of league. It was a perfect night for shooting. No wind at all. It was the first time since April that I shot 60 arrows. I am surprised I could do it! Today I am going to go for a long run and then I have to clean my bedroom out. Rick is coming over this afternoon and we are going to start the remodel job. I cannot wait till it is done. So I better get going if I am going to have everything moved before he gets here.

Later Sharon
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Friday, May 2, 2008


Today Amy turns 24. She was in a big rush to come into the world all those years ago. She was born on her due date and I was in labor for less then 2 hours. I am pretty sure that was the last time she has rushed for anything! She was just a few minutes old when her her thumb landed in her mouth and stayed there for the next 10 years. She was a beautiful baby and is now a beautiful women. She has taking the word on, never afraid to do what is new and sometimes hard. She is always there for everyone when she is needed. It seems like only yesterday she was calling me mommy and now she is a mommy herself. She is loved by us all.
Happy Birthday Amy!
Love you

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Liam and Amy stopped by my house today to bring me some meatloaf that Amy made. I cannot make meat loaf. The last time I made it Cassie told me it was so bad that the dog would not eat it!. I hope Amy's is better then mine. As you can see in the picture Liam has his blanket with him. He is going to be just like his mommy and have to drag it everywhere. Notice it is pink, that is because it was one of Amy's old baby blankets. Don't know much else today........oh there is the fact that Amy is going to make me a Nana again! She is due on Dec. 31. I told her she should have it on Christmas day so she can name it Merry if it is a girl and Noel if it is a boy. She called me a dork!
Got to go eat the meatloaf.
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