Monday, August 29, 2011

Great Job Waseca Archery Club!

On Saturday the Waseca Archery Club held a benefit shoot for injured solder Jack Zimmerman.  We had a great turn out with around 80 shooter. Everyone in the Waseca Archery Club did a great job putting on the shoot.  It was 3-D in the afternoon and then at 8:30 at night they turned on the lights and shot a 900 round. They got done shooting at 11:45! I left the shoot right after they started shooting because I had to work on Sunday morning. I wish I could have stayed. Rick did not get home until 2:00 in the morning. He stayed and helped clean everything up before he got home. Eric was also down for the shoot so he came to our house to spend the night since it was so late and he had a 2 hour drive home. I was very tired for work on Sunday because when Rick got home I woke up and then was wide awake. I am pretty sure I finally fell asleep again about 5 minutes before my alarm went off.
I got all the trim and doors painted for the bathroom. They look nice and I am glad we decided to do painted trim instead of staining it for the bathroom. Rick got it all up on Saturday morning. We now are able to use the bathroom! The only thing left to do is get the mirror up, get the heat vents on and put up the towel racks. I am going to move everything back into the bathroom on my days off. I will take pictures and post them after I get that done.
Dexter has been going a little nuts the last few days. Not sure what is up with him. Rick said he could not find him on Saturday. He looked everywhere for him, he finally found him in the basement shower hiding behind the shower curtain. He never goes in there! He also has been licking like crazy again. He licks his feet until they are soaked. It is gross. Not sure what is causing his crazy behavior this time. He goes through crazy spells every 6 months or so. Rick claims Dexter is just mimicking me.......
Later Sharon  

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Life is like riding a bicycle - in order to keep your balance, you must keep moving. ~Albert Einstein

This is what our deck looks like everyday now. It is none stop acorns falling on the deck and roof. I guess that is what we get for having 32 oak trees in our yard. I can hardly wait until the leaves start falling again.
I have not been up to a whole lot the last few days. Rick and I went to Menards again and got the closet door for the bathroom and the towel hangers. Rick got the shelfs put in the closet now I just need to get the door painted so he can put it up. We should be in the bathroom by this weekend if Rick finds time to finish it up. He is super busy at work again and with people wanting strings made.
Yesterday I started cleaning  and organizing closets. I also watched Eli for Amy for a couple of hours so she could go for a bike ride. She is doing really good biking, yesterday she biked 14 miles. She is even talking about saving up for a road bike! Eli is getting big already, he smiles all the time. He is so cute.
Today I am going to finish up on the closets, go to the grocery store and hopefully paint the door. I also promised Rick I would cook supper for the next two nights. I don't know what I was thinking when I said that! On top of all that when Rick gets home we are going to go for a run.
I better get moving......
Later Sharon

Friday, August 19, 2011

Days gone by....

I am going to put some old advertising's in frames and use them for decorations in my bathroom. I knew mom had some old magazines because she never throws anything out so I got some from her. She had some Life, Look,  Ladies Home Journal and some bridal magazines from the 1960's. It was so fun looking at them. The ads made me laugh, times sure have changed. It was all about the stay at home mom. The difference in technology is unbelievable. I really loved the car ads, I even found one for the first car Rick ever owned. I just took out some of the ads that caught my eye but I still would like to find some more bathroom product ads. I will have to keep looking for those old magazines!
My days off have been pretty busy. Babysitting Kipper made for a much noisier house.   Kipper likes to bark and once he starts Morgan starts and then Dexter will join in too. I spent most of Tuesday morning yelling at 3 dogs. By afternoon I had them all pretty much in line. Kipper is not use to the noises in our neighborhood, once he got used to them he was much better.
Tuesday I got all of the trim painted for the bathroom. I could not do the door because we don't have it yet. When we went to Menards we forgot to measure the door before we left so we did not know what size to get. Hopefully Rick will be able to get the trim on and the toilet in on Saturday. I am ready for it to be done! I went for a 4 1/4 run on Tuesday afternoon. I was a pretty good run but  I am so slow now.
Wed. we took Kipper back to Christa and Jese. I think he was glad to be home. We also got to visit Oliver again, he is doing good. I the way home we stopped at the DQ for supper. I did good and ordered a chicken salad and a frozen strawberry lemonade.
Yesterday I was busy cleaning the house. It needed a good cleaning so I started in the basement in the morning and then at 11:30 I had to take a break to go get my hair cut and colored. When I got back home it was right back to work. I moved to the upstairs and got everything cleaned. Then I actually made supper for us. It was a clean eating poached chicken and green bean and nectarine salad. You would not think green beans and nectarines would go together but it was really good. After all that I was ready to sit down. So I sat on the couch and got ready to watch Project Runway. All was going good until our stupid cable decided right at the end of the show to stop working. I had a hissy fit.  Thanks goodness Rick got it working so I could see who got kicked off. I cannot wait until our contract is up with Media com in Nov. there cable sucks. We are going to go to Direct TV as soon as we can switch.
Rick has been super busy making bow stings for people. Last night he had 3 people over. One came all the way from Hastings just for strings. Everybody wants to get there bows ready for hunting.
Today I am back to work.
Later Sharon

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Grandbaby Number Four!

Christa and Jese finally had there baby! Oliver Robert Wadekamper Rugroden was born at 6:25 yesterday. He is 8 lbs 12 oz and 20 inches  long. He is a big baby! Christa tells me he started sucking his thumb as soon as he was born. I had to work today and did not want to wait until 4:30 to see him so I stopped by the hospital on my way to work this morning. I got there at 5:15 so I was his first visitor.  I think he looks a lot like Jese. Christa is doing good, she had to have a c-section. Now Baby Oliver and Baby Eli can be best friends since they were only born 2 months apart. Poor Josie is going to out numbered by all the boy cousins!
Later Sharon

Thursday, August 11, 2011

All in a hard days work......

All the wood that we split loaded up and stacked up

Morgan, her hair is started to grow back out.
Yesterday was a busy day for us. Rick had the day off so he rented a log splitter for the morning and got all the logs cut up from the 3 trees we had cut down. After he got done splitting the logs he took the splitter back and rented a tile saw so he could finish putting the tile down in the bathroom. When he started the tile he realized he was going to run short. Since he only had the saw for 4 hours I had to make a mad dash for Menard's in Mankato to get one more box. When I got back I went to work on the wood piles. Since we don't have a wagon I loaded up the wheelbarrow with wood and then took to where I wanted it and stacked it all up. We are going to have enough wood to last us a long time since we only use if for the fire pit. We also have one more tree that is going to be cut down.
Oh I forgot to say I watched Eli in the morning for a couple of hours too. I was changing Eli's diaper when he decided it would be a good idea to poop. Of course I was on the carpet when it happened. But it landed on his clothes so that is a good thing. Well I yelled for Rick to help me hold him so I could get his clothes off and then he started to pee. I don't know what was funnier, the fact that he was peeing everywhere or the fact that Rick was having a fit because I was changing him on the new carpet. I was laughing at them both!
So today I am paying for all my wood hauling yesterday. My fingers and toes are killing me. Not to mention my back and shoulder. But I am glad we got it done!
Today is my first day back to work after 7 days off. It was so hard to come back. I could have used another 7 days off.
I think it is time for me to take some Aleve.....
Later Sharon

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

No man needs a vacation so much as the person who has just had one. ~Elbert Hubbard

Josie showing us how she can float 

Great Grandma Becker and Eli 

What are campsite looked like before the rain 

This is what it looked like after almost 3 inches of rain. Notice the rug that is now buried under a inch of mud 

Great Grandpa hanging with the boys 

Josie after Cassie put makeup on her

View of the lake
We had a great vacation and it was really hard to come back home. We went up to Diane and Rod's house along with almost all of the Becker family.  Only Christa, Jese and Beth could not make it. It was really fun to get together with everyone. We got up to Diane's about 3:30 on Thru. Jennie was already there but was having a little trouble getting her camper backed in so Rick helped her out. Then we helped her get her camper set up and then moved on to ours. Finally we got Cassie and Nick's tent set up for them since they would not get there until after dark. After all of that was done we made ourself some supper and then Rick and I took the paddle boat out and jumped off it into the lake. Then we spent the rest of the night hanging  out by the campfire visiting and waiting for everyone to arrive. Amy and Adam were the last to get there not pulling in until after 11:00.
Friday started out to be a great day. The sun was shinning and it was warm out. Amy, Rick and I went for a 4 mile run/walk. After that we all go on our swimming suits and headed out to the lake. We all had lots of fun floating around. Mitch took some who every wanted to tubbing. Josie loves the water and spent time with Cassie and I floating with us. She was nice enough to pee on me when she was on my floaty. Liam who has always been afraid of the water did not want to go very far out. But when Adam told him he could either go in with Josie for rest time or stay with me he picked me. I told him I was going out deep and he said ok. So we started out close to shore and made our way out. He did really good and did not even get scared. I was glad he trusted me enough for his first trip out to the deep water. Of course both him and Josie always had there life jackets on. After lunch the skies started to look dark. It started out as a light rain and then it pored! We go almost 3 inches of rain. We had our camper at the bottom of the hill and all the rain made a mud river that went right under our camper. It covered the rug I had out with a inch of mud. It was so gross. While it was raining Cassie, Nick, Amy and Rick played a card game while I took care of Josie and Eli. Adam took Liam up to Diane's house to watch a movie with the Slinger boys. If finally stopped raining enough for us to have a campfire. Sarah and John made it up Friday night.
Saturday was a cloudy day. It rained of and on all day but we still managed to have fun. Several of the guys went out fishing. Rick kept a nice northern for us to take home and eat. Saturday night was steak night for supper, it was delish. Everyone made a side dish to eat for the weekend so we had lots of good food. After supper we had our last campfire for the weekend.
Sunday we got up around 8:00 and got everything packed up. It had rain again during the night so everything was wet so that sucked. We said our goodbyes and were on the road by 10:30. We both wished we could have stayed other day.
When we got home we picked up the dogs from the kennel. They were very happy to see us but seemed to do good there. The woman who runs it loved the dogs and spent time playing with them everyday. We booked a spot for the dogs for when we go to SD in Sept. too.
Yesterday I spend all day cleaning up  the camper and doing laundry. Everything was very wet and dirty after all the rain. I did a deep cleaning of the camper and got it all ready to go for SD. I even got all the bedding washed and packed back in the camper. I also found time to lift.
Today I finally finished the laundry then cleaned the inside of my car. It was so dirty that it was gross. I had not done a good cleaning of it since last fall. I am going to go wash it this afternoon. I am also going to go to the store to get stuff to make the wild rice salad that Diane had up north. It was so good, I ate it every day. And best of all it is a clean eating recipe. It is super nice out today and is going to stay nice for the rest of the week. I would love it if it stayed this cool out for the rest of the summer.
So that is a wrap up of our vacation. I am excited to go up again next year.
Later Sharon

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

"You get to the point where you evolve in your life where everything isn't black and white, good and bad, and you try to do the right thing.You might not like that. You might be very cynical about that. Well, fuck it, I don't care what you think. I'm trying to do the right thing." -Republican New York state SEN. ROY MCDONALD on breaking with his party to support legalizing gay marriage in the state. 

It is to bad we don't have more people in the government that think like the one above. It is like they have all forgotten how to compromise. It is always my way or no way. Sometimes I think they all need a good kick in the ass......
Today is my last day of work for 7 days!!! I am so excited to go up north camping again. Yesterday I got the camper all packed and ready to go. Now we just need to pack up the coolers and we will be ready to go. We are taking the dogs to a new kennel in the morning. I think they will like it there a little better then taking them to the vet clinic kennel. The woman that runs it actually takes the dogs out and take them for a walk and plays with them. I have heard lots of good things about her.
I had hoped to be able to write that Christa had her baby but it is not so. She was in the hospital last night having contractions every 2-3 minutes but she was not getting anywhere so they sent her home. I am sure baby will decide to come this weekend since we will all be up north. I guess he/she will have to wait to meet his/her's Nana until Sunday if it decides to join us in the world before then. I told Christa she had to hold it in until Sunday but for some reason she does not want to do that.
Later Sharon