Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Is it ever going to slow down????

One days canning

Josie in a dress that was Christa's it is 22 years old!

Josie doing Soooo Big
My days off just never seem to be long enough. I did a lot of canning with Amy. She decided that we need to can pears so she brought over 10 million of them. We spent all day Monday canning. It actually went pretty good since there was two of us doing it. I also canned more spaghetti sauce that morning. I have canned more this week then I have in years. I am officially sick of it. Of course it will all be super good this winter. Amy wants to make more spaghetti sauce so I am taking the stuff over to her house so she can do it. It is pretty easy to make and it is super good. Josie is so cute and she is trouble! She moves way to fast and get into everything. But she is a good baby!
Christa and Jese got to move into there house on Monday. They were happy to finally get everything settled. They don't close until Friday but they let them move into the house on Monday.
Tue. I went to the Doctor for my yearly mammogram. When I told Christa I was going in she said "well good luck, hope you don't have cancer." Then she said " I guess I should not say that with the year you've had." She also said if I were you I would just wait until next year to go in, that I have had just to much bad luck this year! It was pretty funny. I went in anyhow and I am sure it will be fine because I have use all my bad luck up for this year!
I guess I jumped right to Monday. Saturday Rick and I went to New Richland to his mom's house for a family reunion. It was just a small one. After we got home I canned some spaghetti sauce. Sunday Rick worked on the basement. It is finally almost done. He got the new wall all done and painted. Now we just need to get the rest of the floor down and get everything cleaned up and we are ready to enjoy our new room. I will get pictures up as we get it done. Sunday afternoon we went to Mankato to pick up a few things at Menards. So that takes care of the weekend.
Today I am back to work. It has been a busy day for me. Lots of students in complaining about there tickets. Poor, Poor Students!!!
SharonPosted by Picasa

Friday, September 25, 2009

8 days to go

I only have 8 days to go before running the Twins Cities 10 mile. I am getting very excited to run it. It will be my only big race this year. I ran 7.25 miles on Tuesday night and then last night I ran 5.25 miles. Now I am going to slow down until the race, next Sunday. I just need to stay injury free and not get sick in the next 8 days. Pretty sure if that if for some reason I cannot run this race you will have to put me on anti-depressants. I hope I have a decent time on Sunday. I like to say that just finishing will be good enough but we all know that I really want to have a good time too. After the race is done I can relax for the rest of the year and get moving on archery again.

They finally put the results up on the 5K I ran a couple of weeks ago. I came out pretty good. I got 2nd place in my age group, 17th place out of 217 women and 83rd place out of 381 over all. Pretty good for an old lady like me!

It's Friday and I have the weekend off!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hair Cut

Liam needed a hair cut so Rick gave him one with the Flowbee. He loved it!Posted by Picasa

Canning Tuesday

Dexter and Dudley looking cute

Amy and Liam canning.
Tuesday Amy, Liam and Josie came over to my house and we canned salsa. We made 14 pint jars of it. As you can see Liam had to help with each step. Posted by Picasa

More weekend pictures

Eric, Serena and Rick at the start of our day.
Rick and our bikes at a rest stop in Carlton

Me biking

All packed up and ready to go home
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Biking the Willard Munger State Trail

Eric, Serena, Me and Rick
Rick and Eric
The end of our day 70.2 miles!
Rick By Lake Superior
What a weekend! We had so much fun on our biking trip. We had beautiful weather. We left Waseca around 11:30 and went up to St. Paul to meet Eric and Serena at there house. We got the pop up camper all packed up and were on our way. We got to the Moose Lake State park and got everything all set up. After that we went into Moose Lake to get a few things and then came back to camp and made supper and had a campfire.
Sat. we got up got ready to bike . We drove up to Barnam and unloaded the bikes and were off. The trail was great, flat and easy going. We stopped several times along the way to rest and take pictures. By 1:00 we had made it to the outskirts of Duluth were the trail ends. We decided that we did not want to go down the big hill into Duluth because it would really suck to come back up the hill and we still had to go back to Barnam. So we turned around and rode back about 10 mile and found a great place to eat. After eating it was back on the bikes. We had a long way to go! Rick and I pulled ahead of Eric and Serena for part of the way back. They had lights on there bikes and we did not so we wanted to get back before dark. We got back at about dusk, Eric and Serena were about 15 minutes behind us. We had biked 70.2 miles! I could not believe we had gone that far. I have never biked more then 45 miles in a day. I was very proud of all of us we did great!!!! When we got back to camp we all took much needed showers and then Rick cooked us some great burgers and hot dogs. We sat around the campfire and were all off to bed by 11:00.
Sunday we got up and went to a great coffee shop in Moose Lake for some breakfast. After that we went back to camp and got everything packed up. We left the camper and bikes in the parks parking lot and drove to Duluth and Two Harbors. We spent the day going to shops and going to the beaches. It was a nice relaxing day. We heading for home and then got stuck in traffic. That sucked! We got home around 10:30.
It was such a great weekend we all hated for it to end. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Basement remodel

Here are a couple of pictures of the basement. We have the wood floor covered up so we did not get paint on it. We will be pulling the rest of the carpet up and putting the rest of floor down soon. We still have some painting to do and Rick has to finish the wall where the brick is. It is coming along nice,


Today I went to the Doctor for my final check up after my surgery. I have gained almost all of my weight back!!! I weighted 103 before sickness now I weigh 100.5. I got the all clear from the doctor so I guess I cannot use the I just had an organ removed excuse anymore to get out of doing stuff. Oh well it was a good excuse while it lasted. While I was at the doctor I also go a flu shot. They give them at work next week but I figured since they offered to do it today I might as well get it done. Speaking of weight I have to say good job to Amy and Cassie. They both have been doing very good on there new life style change and have lost a bunch of weight. Amy is down to her pre-Josie weight and Cassie can fit into her size 5 jeans she wore her freshman year of college. GOOD JOB!!!
I guess Rick wants me to stain some trim for the basement so I better get going.

Later Sharon
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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

6 Day Weekend

That's right, I am getting a six day weekend. I had to take Thursday off because I have to go to the doctor for my last check up after surgery. I worked on Monday, it was suppose to be my day off. So I am taking Friday off and don't have to use any vacation time. Sat.-Tue. are my scheduled days off soooo I get a 6 day weekend!!!! Friday we are going up north for a biking trip. I will tell you all about it when we get back.
I have not been up to much the last few days. It has been super busy at work. I have had a ton of parking stuff to do. I like it because it makes the day go by much faster when I am busy. Last night after work I went for a long run. I ran just over 6 miles. It went very good. I wanted to keep running but I was so thirsty so I figured I better stop.
Rick got off work early yesterday so he gave both dogs a bath and gave Dudley a much needed haircut. He looks much better now.
Other then that I know nothing.
Have a great Wednesday

Sunday, September 13, 2009

" She believed she could so she did."

The garage sale day one.
Christa holding all the money!

Me, Amy, Tim and Julie

Me and Amy

Me running
It has been a whole weeks since I have updated. I have been busy at work and at home! Monday I had to work. Tue was another work day and then I went for a run. I ran 5.5 miles in 45 minutes. I was happy with that time. Wednesday was work again and then I came home and started to set up for the garage sale. I got most everything out of the house and into the garage. I set up what I could but ran out of tables. Thursday was work again. When I got home Rick had brought more tables home so I was back to work on the sale. We got everything all set up and ready to go. Friday morning Christa was here at 7:15 and we got the sale going. We were really busy selling a lot. Around 10:00 mom came over and helped until 1:00. Rick brought us all lunch and then he stayed and helped. I was even able to go for a short run, about 3 miles. When I got back Christa left and Rick and I ran the sale until it closed up at 6:00. It was a long day. Saturday Rick went to Northfield to ride the Jessie James day bike tour. He rode 65 miles and had a great time. Christa, Amy and I ran the garage sale until 1:00 when it was finally was done. We did really good. Rick and I made $733. and Christa made just over $200. We were all very happy with the money we made.
Sunday we got up bright and early and picked up Amy and were off to Northfield. Amy, Tim, Julie and I all ran the Jessie James day 5K. Tim did it in 25:13, I did it in 25:18, Amy did it in 34 minutes and Julie in 37 minutes. We all had a great time. Oh I have to explain the camo running skirt I was wearing. Tim said he would run the race if I wore camo so that is what I did. I found the skirt and knew I had to have it. I got some funny looks! After the race we stopped at mom and dad's and dropped off the last of our garage sale stuff for there sale in two weeks. Since we got home I have been cleaning and fun stuff like that. Rick has been working in the basement all afternoon. We hope that someday we have it done! So that is my update for now. We are on our way to Amy and Adam's house for supper. Hope it is good!!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009


I have had a very busy and fun weekend. On Thur. Amy brought Liam and Josie over so I could watch them while she went for a run. I brought up some of Jese's old toys for Liam to play with. He was super excited to play with them . When Rick came home he told him " look what MY Nana gave me" He is so cute. Thur. evening Rick finally talked me into going with the Waseca Bike Club for a ride. They were nice and slowed down for me. We went 26 miles at a 15.9 MPR pace. Went pretty good. I did not die until the end.
Friday I got up and cleaned like crazy then at 12:45 I met Jodi in Owatonna for lunch and a movie. It was great to see her again since it has been forever! When I got home Rick and I went to Walmart and Hyvee and got our food for the week. While we were at Hyvee I found some licorice stick candy. I have not been able to stop eating them since. It is so bad. I even took some in the car with us on Sat.
Saturday Rick and I went for a run in the morning. It was soooo bad. Rick ran about 2 miles and then I went on to go around the lake. It was the worse run I have had in a long time. Not sure what my problem was. I even had to stop and walk twice. It must be all the licorice sticks I have been eating! After that we went up the the cities and met Eric and Serena at the Cheese Cake Factory for supper. It was so good. Everyone loved there food and of course the cheese cake we all had to have. When we were done eating we all went to Ikea. I could not believe how busy it was there. We did not get home until 9:00. A late night for us!
Sunday Rick got up and made donuts. They were very good. Then we went down to the basement and got the floor put back together and started to paint. Of course we ran out of paint. At 4:00 Christa came over and we went to Owatonna to meet Theresa and we went to a movie. I know 2 movies in one weekend. It was fun to see Theresa again since I have not seen her awhile either. When I got back home I did not do much and was in bed by 9:00.
Today it is back to work. I would have loved to stay home but it is hard to give up the double time and half that I am getting today.
So that about wraps up the weekend.
SharonPosted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

" Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the known to the unknown." -Author Unknown

So I read the book The Shack, it is a book all about dealing with death, forgiveness and God. It was actually pretty good. It is a fiction book so it has a good story to it to. It really makes you think about how you cannot move on if you don't forgive the people that have wronged you and forgive yourself for the wrongs you have caused others. It said it is okay to still be angry but you need to forgive or you will never be able to move on with your life and truly love the people you love. It also talks a lot about death and dealing with it and how God can let bad things happen to people. It got a little long but I have to say it is a book everyone should read. It is one of those books that you think about after you read it.
So now I am reading a book about a serial killer. I know from God to a serial killer, totally different read!
I have a blister on my big toe from running. It hurts. I wish it would go away but no it just keeps getting bigger and bigger. It almost covers my whole big toe. Poor, poor me.
Today is my Friday.....4 day weekend here I come!
Later Sharon