Sunday, November 4, 2012

"There's a lot going on in the world. Sometimes the best we can do is just be there for each other." -David Thornton

I am working 12 hours today and it is a Sunday. I hate working Sundays and working 12 hours is even worse. Sunday is my favorite day to just be home. I have always hated it when I work Sundays and always will. I would rather be home with Rick.

My days off were busy just doing stuff around the house. I lifted for the first time in a month and I went for a 4 mile run. I have been lazy since the half marathon and need to get back on the exercise  program . I had let the house go the last few weeks running and sewing so I figured I could be lazy for a week or so and get the house back into shape.

I cleaned up the sewing room in the basement. It had gotten to be the room that everything was getting thrown into. It was a mess and that is why I took the sewing machine out of there and sewed upstairs. So now it is nice and clean and now Rick wants the room! When we moved into the house he decided to take one of the room in the basement for his archery shop. He had the choice of either of the two bedrooms down stairs. Well he chose the smaller of the two. Now he want to switch rooms. I am fine with it since we never did anything with the sewing room other then paint and put some cheap carpet in it. So it looks like we will be doing a little remodeling again. I am actually excited about it since the other room faces the front yard and is much brighter. Of course after Rick gets done with the other room it will have all new walls and lights too so it will be nice for him too. Now that he put the idea in my head I want to get a move on it right away.

Dexter went in for his grooming the other day. Poor Morgan does not know what to do when he is gone. She just sat on my bed looking out the window for Dexter all morning.

Christa and Oliver stopped over for a little while on Tuesday because she had to pick up so tools for Jese to use. They are doing a little remodel project in there kitchen.  Oliver can say Nana now! He is a smart little boy :) They did not stay long since the vet called and said Dexter was ready so I kicked her out so I could go get him.

Here is my funny story for the day: The other day at work I had a student call me and he said he had broken his cell phone and had to call his mom but did not know how to use the phone in his dorm room to make a long distance  call. I could not believe that he would call Security to ask that question and that he did not know how to make a long distance phone call. I guess we are in the cell phone age!

I just finished reading Cyndi Lauper's  book  It was pretty good. I have been a fan of hers for a long time, she has such a great voice. I never realized just how much great stuff she does for women and the gay community.  She has a couple of great foundations one is We Give a Damn   The other is the True Colors Fund  Check out there web sites. They are both great and both do  a lot of good things. The quote that is on the title of my blog today is from her book, her husband said it. It is very true. We all just need to be there for each other.

On that note I think I will sign off for today.

Later Sharon
Vote NO in NOvember!  


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