Sunday, July 31, 2011

Job well done

Brian, Tim and Rick 

Rick zooming past me

The new bathroom vanity.
Today Rick and Brian and Tim Fierke did the Waseca Triathlon. The did the sprint course which means Brian swam 1/4 mile then Rick biked 14 miles and lastly Tim ran 4.2 miles. They all did a great job. I was very proud of Rick, he had his pb by 3 minutes. He averaged 20 miles an hour for 14 miles. That is way faster then I could have done it. Since I did not have a team to do it with I volunteered to help. I was on the last water station for the run. It was fun to be able to watch all the bikers and runners go by. It was so hot for everyone. One of the other women that was helping at the water station was not very much help at all. She would take a drink of water and then throw her cup on the ground like the runners do. She could never just walk the two feet to throw it away. So the rest of us would have to clean up her cups all the time. She also had a can of pop and threw the can on the ground too. She was pretty lazy. The race people bought us lunch this year so that was really nice since I was out there from 7:30 until 12:30. Next year I really want to take part in the race. I never have trouble finding people that want to bike or run it is the swimmer I always need. I am pretty sure I would drowned if I tried to swim it.
When we got home Rick and I brought the bathroom vanity in the house. It is so heavy! I did not think we were going to get it up the stairs but we somehow managed. I had ordered it from Overstock and was a little nervous about it since I had not seen it other then in the a picture. But I am super happy with it. Now we just need get the rest of the tile down so we can get it in the bathroom and out of the dining room.
We had lots of sticks and scrap wood to get rid of so Rick started a fire this afternoon. Now I am going to look through my Clean Eating recipe books and try and find something to make for up north.
Three more days and we get to go on vacation!!
Later Sharon

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I am back at work after a good 4 day weekend. It is so slow at work  since the students are gone. It is nice when they first leave but the boredom is starting to set in. It is hard to sit at work thinking about all the stuff I would rather be doing.

Morgan has decided that she does not like to have a collar on anymore. First she managed to chew off her invisible fence collar. We did not have it real tight on her because  she just needs to hear the warning beep that she is getting close to the fence and she comes running back, no need for the shock. Well after she got that off we fixed it with a different collar and put it on tighter.Well she had that on for a day when I found her with it in her mouth again trying to chew it off. So she went a couple of weeks with no collar on. I finally got a new one and put it on her even tighter. She was so sad, she would not move for hours. It was pretty funny, she laid her head in her toy box and just stayed there. She would not even move when I got the dog treats out. Finally after Rick got home she decided she could move. She is still trying to figure out how she can get out of the collar!
So a couple of weeks ago when the fair was going on the neighbor came over to visit with Rick when he was outside. Rick asked him if he was going to the fair with his two grade school age kids. He told Rick no. He said they are not taking the kids because anytime they tell them they are going to do something fun like the fair, the kids get all excited and will not stop talking about going and asking if it is time to leave yet etc. So they were just not going to go at all. I could not believe it! Because your kids get excited about something you don't want to be go because you don't want to hear there excitement. These are the same neighbors that did not put up any Christmas decorations. I beginning to think they did not have Christmas either because there kids might get excited about that too. Seems like they want to take all the fun out of being a kid.
The other day  I was helping Rick clean up the garage and step  on a big staple. I was in flip flops so it went right threw my shoe and into the heal of my foot. It was not a good thing. Two days later it  still hurts to walk on.
Rick got most of the tile on the bathroom floor last night. It looks really good. I ordered the bathroom vanity off of Overstock. It is going to be delivered on Friday. I hope it is nice, it got great reviews so it should be. It was so much cheaper then what we could find around here. I have ordered lots of stuff off of Overstock for the house and have been very happy with all of it, but this is the first time I have ordered a big idem. I love that I only had to pay $2.95 for shipping.
Well I guess that is all the random thoughts I have for today.
Later Sharon  

Monday, July 25, 2011

Just Breath

Rick playing a game with Liam and Josie


Baby Eli

Josie and Eli
Well I had what I would say was my first scary asthma attack. Rick and I went for a bike ride on Thru. and just like I do every time I go I used my inhaler before we left. But as we went along I was just never able to catch my breath. We got to mile 15 and that is when it hit. I started to cough and cough and really could not catch my breath. Of course we were way out of town. Rick was sure he was going to have to leave me and go get the car to bring me home. But I finally stopped coughing enough that I could go on. We took the fastest road home but still had to go 6 more miles. It was a very slow 6 miles. By the time I got home my lungs were killing me. I still felt like crap the next day. Needless to say I will now be bring my inhaler with me on all bike rides even when I use it before going. I was mostly upset because it interfered  with my biking. I want it under control so I can bike and run and do what I want when I want. The doctor put me on an allergy medicine to try and see if that helps because allergies and asthma pretty much go hand and hand. She said it that does not help she is going to put me on another inhaler that is a preventive. I have to try the allergy medicine for two weeks. I had only been on if for about 5 days when I had the attack. The good news is my nose is way less stuffy now that I am taking the medicine. The jury is still out on how it is helping the asthma. Last night Rick and I went for a 33 mile ride and I was very happy that it went much better. I was able to breath just fine. I have decided that having asthma really sucks.
On Saturday Amy and Adam had tickets to go see U-2 so even though it was a weekend I said I would watch the kids. It was the first time I have watched all 3 of them together. Liam and Josie were so good all day They love the fisher price toys I have and spent all day playing with them Eli was also very good other then the fact he spit up all over my carpet. I guess I will have to forgive him since he is only 4 weeks old. Amy came to get Eli at 2:00 a.m. when they got home but Liam and Josie spent the night. When Josie got up in the morning she was looking all over and then asked me "where is baby Peaches" it was so cute. Liam had me fixes his sleeping bag because it had a rip in it and then later in the day he asked me if I could fix strings too. I asked what he meant  and he said his stuffed toy had a string on it that need to be fixed. He showed it to me so I asked him if he wanted me to cut it off. He gave me to okay to do it but right before I cut it off he told me to be careful not to cut the tigers foot off. Good thing I am good with a scissors!
Today I am home all alone since Rick has work again. He told me before he left that I had to make supper tonight. Whats up with that! I guess since he made it all weekend I could maybe make something....
The bathroom is looking good. Rick got the subfloor down and is ready to put the tile down. I ordered the vanity off of Overstock so we are waiting for that to come. We also finally got a shower head picked out. That was a lot more complicated then you would think.
I have the windows open again it is so nice out today.
Later Sharon

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Fear Of God

I have always wondered what exactly it means when people say they are "God fearing people" or "I will put the fear of God in you." After all  God is suppose to be this all loving being. What is there to fear about him. Does not make a whole lot of since to me. I have also always wondered why it is we have been told for our whole lives that if we don't go to church we will not get into heaven. I don't need to go to church to pray and be at peace with myself and God. I am sure I could write a novel about my views on the church and religion but I think I will stop at that.
Yesterday I had to work a 12 hour shift. It was sooooo long. I left home at 5:00 and did not get home until 7:00 and was in bed by 8:30. Not a fun day. I did have to lock buildings at work. I have not done it in years so it was kid of fun to lock everything up instead of doing the opening.  Well it would have been fun if it had not been so hot and did not look like I had just gotten out of the shower when I was done.
Found out the benefit if working the 4th of July today. I will be bringing  home $300 more then usual  on my check on Friday. To bad they take taxes out or I would have made over $500 extra.
Rick is doing great on the bathroom. He hopes to be able to spray today. He has to go back to work today since he got a job to do. He also has a couple other jobs starting next week. So I guess his slow time is over with.
Poor Morgan was sick last night. I am not sure what is the wrong with her. When I got home from work she was just standing around with her tail down and then went and laid down on the couch. She never does that since she is still in puppy mode. Then when I went to give her a treat she would not eat it. That NEVER happens. So I knew she was sick then. Shortly after that she thew up. Poor puppy. I hope she is better today when I left she was sleeping.
Stay inside today and out of the heat!
Later Sharon

Saturday, July 16, 2011

"If you wait until you can do everything for everybody, instead of doing something for somebody you'll end up not doing anything for anybody" -Malcom Bane

Morgan checking out Eli, she was scared of him

Amy told me that Eli could not suck his thumb that I should pull it out and give him the pacifier since that is way easier to take away. I figured his thumb was just fine and since Amy and Adam did it Eli should too! 

The rain can stop anytime now. This is what our yard looked like after getting over 3 inches of rain on Sat. 

Rick found a baseball the other day when we went for a run and brought it home for Morgan to play with. This is what it looked like after an hour. I think she wanted to see what was in the inside.
On Wed. night Rick and I went to the Waseca County Fair. Of course we ate all the stuff we should not. I was still sick to my stomach on Thur. morning when I went to work. But it was worth it. After work on Thursday  I told Amy I would watch Eli for her so her and Adam could take Liam and Josie to the fair. He is a good baby. Morgan was pretty afraid of him at first, it was funny. Of course every time I sat down with him Morgan and Dexter also had to try and sit on my lap.
Friday I went to the doctor for my yearly check up and to have my yearly mammogram. I found out while I was there that I have shrunk 1/2 inch. I am now 4'10 1/2 tall. I just keep getting shorter and shorter. When I got home Rick and I went to Mankato to Menards. We got $120. worth of stuff for the bathroom and it only cost us 17 cents. We uses the last of our rebate money on it. It rained and rained Friday after noon. The yard was flooded in the front and the back. When it finally stopped raining we went back to the fair to got a burrito for supper.
Today I got up at 6:00 and went up to Savage to go to the farmers market and go shopping with Cassie. It was lots of fun. I got a picture for the dinning room wall that has been empty since we finished it. Rick hates it but I love it so I am going to hang it up anyhow! He will just have to learn to love it. I got it from a cute antique  store. I got home around 1:00 and have been helping Rick put up the sheet rock in the bathroom. I also hope to get Liam's shirt done today.
Later Sharon 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

"What is strong? Is it muscle? Or is it something more? Is it measured in miles or milliseconds? Is it your best time or your worst day? Maybe strong is just what you have left when you've used up all your weak..."

Yesterday and today have been filled with lame people..... I hate it when people think something is really funny but really it is offensive to one group. Somethings just are not funny when then hurt someone or one group of people. 
Last night the mosquito truck came down our road to spray. We have a million mosquitoes in our yard since we live by a swamp so when they spray it helps. Of course the lame driver of the truck decided that instead of turning around at the end of the road he would turn around in our driveway and he would also turn off the spay while turning around. So our yard and the neighbors across the street go no mosquito spay. Sure am glad my taxes go to help the rest of the city have mosquitoes free yards.  
Another lame thing that happened yesterday was I got a blister on my foot. I could not believe it. I went for a 4 mile run with Rick and wore the same shoes and socks I always wear but for some reason I got a big ass blister on the arch of my foot. 
So I could only hope today would be less full of lameness, but I was wrong. First thing this morning at work I get a call from the alarm company saying an alarm was going off. So I go to check on it and find a contractor in the room with the alarm still sounding. I asked him if he knew the room was armed and he said yes. I told him that usually the contractors will call us if they need to go into a armed room so we can turn it off. He just looked at me like he did not care. Once again LAME. 
I can only hope that the rest of the day is filled with a little less lameness! 
So not that I got that off my mind I will move on to better things. It was so nice that the weather has turned a cooler. Even if it is only for a few days I am going to enjoy it. It was so nice to have the windows all open last night. Rick has a few days off of work so he is busy working on the bathroom. He got the window taken out and all blocked up. He also got the bathtub in place and build the wall around it. He had an electrician come over and got everything rewired. Today he is getting the ceiling fan put in and having a plumber come over to help with the plumbing. This is the only room in the house that we will need to have so much help from contractors. We had done pretty much all the work ourselves on the rest of the house. 
As I said above yesterday Rick and I went for a run. We went on a new route that has some hills on it. It was a good run, other then the blister. I had hoped to go for a bike ride this afternoon after work but it looks like it is going to be pretty windy. I hate biking in anything over 10 mph. I am thinking I will just lift tonight. Or maybe I should read my quote above and suck it up! 
The fair is this weekend in Waseca, I am looking forward to fair food!
Get out and enjoy the day
Later Sharon

Monday, July 11, 2011

In the sewing mood

The pictures above are of the dresses I made for Josie and the one shirt I got done for Liam. I have one more to make for him but I ran out of time. The patterns were very simple so it did not take long to make them once I got started. I have not sew anything other then Liam's Halloween costume for a long time. My problem is once I start I don't want to stop and I don't get anything else done. Good thing Rick was gone all weekend! He was in Coon Rapids shooting the MAA State Field. He had a good time despite the heat and won! Later Sharon

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Concert Fun

Yesterday Rick, Christa, Jese and I went to the Josh Groban concert. It was lots of fun, he really put on a good concert. He did a lot of interacting with the audience.  Rick was not so sure he wanted to go but he ended up having a really good time and I even think he may now be a Josh Groban fan! Before the concert we went to Bucca's to eat. I have not been there for years so I was glad that it was as good as I remembered. Of course we all ate a ton. We did not get home until 1:00 way past my bedtime. But it was okay for me because I got to sleep in this morning. Not so good for Rick because he had to get up at 6:00. He is shooting the MAA State Field in Coon Rapids today and tomorrow. Then when he gets home he has his class reunion. I am going to stay home all day and do some sewing. Amy wanted me to sew Josie some dresses so I got some fabric to make her two. I also got some fabric to sew Liam a couple of shirts. They are all easy to sew so I hope to get them done this weekend. It is super hot out today so I am glad to have something to do inside. I was going to go to the farmers market this morning and get some eggs but I slept in until 9:00 and then I forgot all about it until it was almost 11:00. By then it was to late. I guess we will have to go another day without eggs.
Later Sharon

Friday, July 1, 2011

It's a million degrees out there!!!

Rick putting the basket on my bike
I just went outside for the first time today and it is hot out! 90+ degrees is just a little to hot for me. Good thing I have air conditioning.
I got a basket for my bike and Rick put it on for me the other day. He keeps making fun of me now because I look like I am a granny riding my bike. But I don't care it works good. Yesterday we went for a short 7 mile bike ride. We stopped and Amy's house so I could give her the news paper. Then we rode to Walmart and got a couple of things. Good thing I had my basket to put them in! It was a little hot riding bike so we did not go far. After we got home Rick grilled us some salmon and we had a salad with some home grown lettuce from Christa and Jese's garden. It was all super good.
We have been watching Kipper for Christa and Jese since Wed. It has been going pretty good. They are all getting along really good. I think Kipper loves having someone to play with all the time. He should be good and tired by the time he goes home on Sat.
Hope you all have a safe and happy 4th of July weekend.
Later Sharon