Tuesday, November 13, 2012

"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one." -George RR Martin

I don't really have a lot to blog about today but I thought I should write something since I am sure you have all had enough of seeing and reading about my colonoscopy.

So I was on Pinterest yesterday and I found the quote that I am using for the title of my blog today. I thought it was a great quote. When you read a good book you escape into that book and feel like you are living the story right along with the people in the book. I always pity the people who never read anything, they are missing so much. It is funny when they make a movie out of a book I am almost always disappointed by it because usually the actors are not what I have imagined . Other times while watching a movie I am so glad that I read the book first because I feel like I have so much more in site to what is going on then those poor people that have not read the book before seeing the movie.

Well enough about books and reading since I know I have blogged about it several times before. The snow was nice yesterday, I wish it would stay around for a little while. It is nice to have all the brown covered up. Of course I was not really ready for the cold after having a 70 degree day on Saturday.

 I had to work all weekend and they had some big playoff soccer games up here and I had to be there just in case people got out of hand. Of course nothing did but I stayed there because that's what they pay me for. I decided that soccer is about the most boring sport out there. The first game took forever to get done and the final score was 1 to 0. It was endless. Thank God I did not have to sit at the afternoon game since my co worker did. 

Today is the first day of fall archery league. Since I have not picked up my target bow since April it should be interesting. I am not ready for it to start yet, seems like summer was so busy that I never had time to relax. I just want to relax and get stuff done at home :( Oh well I guess I can relax when I am dead....

So now that I gave Rick the go ahead to take over my sewing room he has changed his mind! So now we are going to just fix it up for me so it is a nicer space to work in. I want to get the office painted before we start that project so hopefully we get that done soon since it has been over two years now. Next weekend is my last weekend to work and then I have 3 weekends off so hopefully we can get something done. Of course now is holiday season and it seems like every time I think I am going to have a free weekend or at least one day of the weekend free something gets planed.

Time to get back to work.

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