Thursday, April 26, 2012

The End Of The World

I have been reading way to many end of the world books and watching way to many end of the world movies and TV shows. I am starting to get paranoid. I look around our house and I think about how little food and water we have. We would not have enough to last us more then a week or two.  After the last book I read I went and bought some water just in case :) I know it is silly but I just keep thinking even if we lost power for a couple of days we would not have enough water to last us a day. Of course the books all have different themes on how the world comes to a end and how the few survive. So then I start thinking about what I would do to survive and if I could save my family. Just think about how everything we do is so computer based now. If the computers/internet crashed pretty much the whole world would come to a stop. Then you start to think about the panic people would be in and the looting etc that would start. Of course I would like to think that I would be a good person and do what is right but when you are fighting for your life who knows what you would do.  I know totally paranoid!!!! I think it is time for me to change the theme of the books I am reading!

Later Sharon

Monday, April 23, 2012

Haircut, landscaping, garage sales and Elton John!

 I finally had Rick take a picture of me and my new haircut
 The back yard and the area we took the bushes out of

 The 60's kids chair

Elton John on the big screen
Jane and I at the Elton John Concert 

What a fantastic weekend. Friday I got all my housework done so I could enjoy the rest of the weekend and not have to worry about it. On Saturday Amy and Christa forced me to get out of bed at 5:30 so Amy could pick my up at 6:15 to go to the city wide garage sales in LeSueur . I did not need anything but managed to find a few things. The best was the 1960's kids chair. I just could not pass it up it was in like new shape. The grandkids are going to love it. I also got two medal washtubs that I am going to plant flowers in this summer. I was happy to find them and get them at a good price. The girls got lots of good deals on clothes for there kids. While I was out at the garage sales Rick went over to Christa and Jese's house and made Oliver a sandbox. Oliver loves it and the new trucks that Rick got him to play in it with. It was a cold and rainy day so when Rick got home he started a fire in the fireplace. It was so nice and cosy until it gave me a bad bad asthma attack. It was one of my worse ones. Since it was late afternoon by the time I got home we decided it would be a good day for a movie so we rented War Horse off the TV. It was a good movie, but not nearly as good as the book. After that we watched some great fights on  UFC. 
Sunday I got up and thankfully was able to breath pretty normal again. Since it had rained out the last few days we thought it would be a good day to get rid of some bushes. There was eight or so very overgrown and half dead bushed in the back yard. We trimmed them up last year but they still looked bad and were pretty much just someplace for the leaves to sit on and around in the fall. So we pulled them all out. I am so glad we did when I saw all the bugs that flew out of them. They were also a great place for all the mosquitos to sit it. Now we have to decide what to do with the area. We would really like to dig it out and make the area around the door more useable. Now it is so small that you really can't use if for anything and it pretty much fills up to the top of the walls with leaves in the fall. We are going to have someone look at it and give us some ideas on what we can do so that it is useable and does not let the water run into the house when it rains. 
After we got that done I broke out the spay paint and painted a planter that I got for free at a garage sale. And since I had the spray paint out I finally decided to paint Mary. She was long over due for a paint job and looks much better now. 
After all of the that the best part of the weekend began! Jane and I went to Mankato to see Elton John! He gave a great concert, singing for 2 1/2 hours straight. He never took a break and pretty much just went from one song to the next. He would sing a song stand up or just turn on the piano bench and say thank you and then move onto the next song. Also when he came back on the stage for the encore he went all the way across the stage and signed autographs for the people in the first couple of rows before singing his last song. I thought that was really a neat thing for him to do and was jealous of everyone that got his autograph! It was a great show and worth every penny that I paid for the ticket. 
I was glad I did not have to work today and was able to sleep in. Tonight when Rick gets home from work we are going to try and go for a bike ride. I hope it is not to windy :) 
Later Sharon

Thursday, April 19, 2012

"Sometimes you meet someone and you know that your life will be different from then on." -from the book Pure by Julianna Baggott

The other day while listening to My Talk   they were talking about what is the activity that you never wanted to do but did it anyhow because your partner wanted you to and now you love it. I thought it was really interesting and fun to hear all the things people have completely changed there mind about.
So it got me thinking about the activities I thought I never wanted to do and ended up loving. The first thing that came to mind was biking. I never hated biking but I look at it as just something to do when I could not run. Rick has always loved to bike and was always after me to go on bike rides. So I did because I knew he wanted me too. Then it got to be where I wanted to go and started planing trips around biking. Then I had to up grade to a better bike and then I had to get two bikes so I had a bike for different kind of biking. Now I totally love biking. It will never replace running but I love the fact that Rick and I do it together and both have fun doing it.
I also asked Rick what was something he thought he would not like but now loves it because of me. He immediately said traveling and camping. He never traveled much and always thought he would hate road trips. I on the other hand love road trips. Half of the fun for me going on vacation is getting there. There is so much to see and take in just getting to where we are going. After much pushing I talked Rick into buying a pop up camper and taking it on several trips. I also finally talked him into driving to Vegas this year. He was not very excited about driving all that way but he ended up loving it. He said he is so glad that I have pushed him into traveling more. We have discovered that we travel well together and both love it now.
So I guess what I am saying is try new things, don't just say you don't like it and never give it a try. You never know what might learn to love. 

On to a new subject. I was reading the Star Tribune today and came across this article I posted it on Facebook but then I decided to take it down because I always hate it when people but up political stuff  and try not to do it myself.  As much as I am totally disgusted by the legislature I decided that Facebook is not the place for it but my blog is :) It just makes me sick that the legislature is always trying to take women's rights away. When are they ever going to stop! Enough the article.....

Later Sharon

Friday, April 13, 2012

Goodbye size 0....

Today I went through all my clothes and got rid of everything I did not wear all winter. I like to do this at least twice a year. I am sad to say that I am getting rid of all my size 0 pants. I decided that the chances that I am going to fit into them again is pretty slim. I tried each and every pair on just to make sure they no longer fit, I could get them all on but lets just say they did not look so good :) I guess if I ever get that small again I will get to do some shopping.

Yesterday I got up and did some lifting and then decided that it was time for a hair cut and and color. So I called up and was able to get in. I was much happier with this hair cut then the last. Rick likes it too and he did not like the last cut so that is good. After I got home from that the day was pretty much done so I did not do much.

Today I got up and was going to try and go for a run but it was so cold and windy out and then it started to rain so I didn't do it. Probably a good thing since my asthma is still giving me a little trouble. It is much better then it was the other day but I am still not 100 % Hopefully it will be soon. I got most of the laundry done and then decided to run to Owatonna. I wanted to go to Cash Wise to get some frozen fruit, they have huge bags of frozen fruit for way cheaper then I can get in town. After that I went to Fleet Farm to get some pigs ears for the dogs. Morgan has a fit every day when I get home until I give her one. She loves them.

Later Sharon

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

"And, I wanna say, to every person out there -- that thing that scares you the most, that makes you say, 'I don't know if I can do it, I'm scared,' run towards it because it's so amazing on the other side." -Sherri Shepherd

I love the above quote, really something we should all live by. 

We had a nice Easter on Mom and Dad's house on Sunday. It was so windy that day but the kids still had fun with the Easter egg hunt. I had to work on Sunday so I took an hour off of work so I could go have a little fun before supper. I ate so much candy that day it was so bad! I thought I was going to vomit on my way home I was so full. 
I have been having a bad time this week with my asthma :( It started oh 5 days ago and had gotten worse and worse. Today was really bad. I really wanted to go for a bike ride tonight after work but I can hardly walk up the stairs without breathing heavy. I really hope by morning it is better so I can work out. I have already use my inhaler twice today and am about to use it again......Stupid asthma

I have the next four days off. Other then going shopping with the girls on Saturday I have nothing planed. I don't even have to pick up the kids this week from daycare. It should just be a nice relaxing weekend. I hope to get at least one nice day out of it. So far it looks like rain for Saturday and Sunday. 

I guess I should go find something for supper.

Later Sharon 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Easter

 My Peep Cake

 Liam and I made birds nests
 Liam wanted to change the settings on the computer camera!
 Eli finally decided he could smile for the camera

Josie said she was not going to look at the camera because she was digging like a puppy.

 Today I am just going to put up some pictures for you to enjoy of what I have been doing the the last couple of days. As you can see I got to see the Hagre kids a lot. I also got to see Oliver but I did not take any pictures of him :(

Have a happy Easter everyone. Hope you all get to enjoy the day with your family and friends.

Later Sharon

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Another Archery Season Done.....

 Rick durning the shoot off for 3rd place in the money freestyle class
 Rick after getting second place in the money bowhunters class
 Hannah and myself
 Hannah after winning the adult female freestyle calls with a 300 59X
 Rick after getting 4th place in the money freestyle class after a shoot off
 Views of Lake Bemidji

Well the indoor archery season is done. Last weekend was the MSAA State 300 shoot. We had a great group of Waseca shooters that went and several people good awards. The most exciting was Hannah. It was her first year shooting as an adult and she did a unbelievable good job. She shot her personal best score, 300 59X and not only that no other women has ever shot that good in either the flights or the pro class in the MSAA. I was so excited for her and proud of her! Rick also did great getting 3rd in the bowhunters class. He has not shot bowhunter in years and years so he did great. He also did good in the freestyle class getting 4th after a shoot off. He won enough money to almost pay for all of our entry fees.

We had a great time up in Bemidji. The weather was great and seeing all our archery friends again was great. We also met Diane and Rod for supper on Saturday night. They took us to a really good Mexican restaurant and I may have drank just a little to much. I was so hungry and thirsty that we got there I downed my first margarita pretty fast so I had to get another one. Since I hardly ever drink it went right to my head. Good thing the food was so good and it soaked up all the liquor!

Sunday we did not leave Bemidji until almost 6:00 so we did not get home until 10:30. I sure was glad that I took Monday off of work.

Tuesday I had to go back to work. But don't worry I am now on my three days off so I only had to work one day :)

Today I went for a 4.5 mile run. It went okay except for the fact that I could not breath. Stupid asthma. I even used my inhaler before I ran. I am still have a little trouble breathing :(

Hopefully we get our bikes out this week. It is time to get back in biking shape.

Later Sharon