Monday, April 11, 2011

And the winner is.....

Rick with his winning arrow

Shooting the winning arrow

The wait to see if he won.

Saturday Rick and I got up bright and early and went to Redwood Falls for the MSAA State Shoot. I did now shot this year but Rick did and what a good job he did. He ended up in a three way tie for first so they had to have a shoot off. It came down to inside out X for the last two people and Rick won! It was very exciting to watch. After he was done shooting we went out for supper with Eric, Serena and Sonya. We had such a good time, I have not laughed so hard in a long time. My stomach hurt I was laughing so hard. We did not get home until 9:30.
Sunday we slept in not getting out of bed until almost 9:00. Rick made us pancakes for breakfast and then we opened up all the windows in the house. It was so nice out. Of course once we opened up the windows we had to put all the screens on because we started getting flies etc in the house. Rick had to go help down at the club for a 4-H shoot but I stayed home and got lots done. I finally got my tomato plants put into bigger pots. They are doing good. I also finally put some plants in the planter we have by the steps.
Today I am busy getting laundry done. Our washer has developed a leak. Not sure where it is coming from but every time I do wash there is water under the washer. Every since we moved last July it has been making a banging noise when it spins out but since it was still working and we were always busy with other stuff we never had it fixed. I guess maybe we should have since it is now leaking. I am thinking it is not a good thing when water is coming out.
I have tomorrow off of work to, I am hope it is not so windy so we can go for a bike ride. I lifted this morning. Amy stopped over with Liam and Josie while I was lifting and Liam asked why I was lifting and I told it was so I did not get fat. Amy got mad and me and said that was not a very good thing to tell him. I guess I should have said so I can have big muscles!
Later Sharon 

1 comment:

Christawr said...

Well it is teaching him that exercise is good and being fat isn't so I think it is okay! You don't want kids thinking it is okay to be fat and unhealthy after all!!