Tuesday, June 16, 2009

"Stories were a living thing. They changed to suit the teller or the times." -From Prayers for Sale

Another day of being home...... Today I got to watch Liam while Amy went running shoe shopping. I have not had Liam over in a long time. It was fun to have him here. He talks and talks. We had lots of fun. We played outside until it started to get cold and rain. He is such a good boy. I took Dexter into the vet this morning to get a hair cut. He looks all cute again. After Liam left I was super tired but I did not take a nap. I figured I better start staying up ALL DAY or I will never make it at work. I am ready to go back. I need to see people!
Last night Rick and I went to Hyvee and I got myself a Top of the Iowa T-Bones steak. Rick grilled it up for me. It was sooooo good. I also had a twiced baked potato. I hardly ever eat red meat so needless to say my stomach hurt when I was done, even though I only ate half the potato and half the steak. It was worth it because it was so good. I have lost another pound since I got home for a total of six pounds. I was not happy about it. I was sure I had gained at least 2 of the lost pounds back. But no I lost more! All the work I have done the last 3 years to keep myself at a good weight is all down the drain. I am trying to eat all the time to get my weight back up before I have to have my surgery.
I got sick of sitting around so this afternoon I took my bow out and shot for the first time since April. I could only shoot 12 arrows but man did it feel good to do something physical. I am going to try and lift a little in the morning. I am sure it will be very little but it will be a start.
Did not hear anything from the people that looked at my house yesterday for a second time so I am guessing they are not going to make a offer on it.....hookers!
That's it for the day

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