Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"Quilts are like lives. They"re made up of a lot of little pieces."

This is how Dexter likes to sleep. He goes under the pillow all by himself!

It is a little hot out there! I hate summer. I would much rather have the cold and snow. I hate the humidity and the bugs of summer. Yesterday I had to work my first full day. Went by pretty slow. All the students are gone so not a whole lot to do for a couple of months. Won't get busy again until August. Today I have not been up to much. Did my laundry this morning. I also had a meeting with my investment guy at Edward Jones. Not that there is a whole lot left to invest after all the stock market dives. It can only get better......
I am going to sale my washer and dyer on Craig's list. So I have to get that up today. I am also going to put Rick's TV on there. I have to get the info for it from him tonight. We are going to go to Mankato tonight and stop at 2nd Wind and see what they will give me for my weight machine since we will not need two of them. We are also going to get some paint so we can get some rooms painted in Ricks house. So you ask why are you selling all this stuff now. Well I SOLD MY HOUSE!!!! I got an offer last week. I countered and they accepted! She was pre approved for her loan so it should all go well. The house was already inspected on Sat. so that is done. I am closing on July 31. That will give me lots of time to get all my stuff moved to Ricks house. Now we just need to get rid of the extra stuff we have.
That is about all I know for today. Stay inside, its hot out!
Later Sharon
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1 comment:

Amy said...

i am pretty sure you like summer better than winter, as i recall, you complain and get VERY irritable when we have blizzards:)