Monday, February 16, 2009


Yesterday was Liam's 2nd Birthday Party. He was so cute. He loved his cake that Christa made. The cake was very good, her best yet! Liam got so excited to open his presents. The party was very nice. Yesterday and today I have way over slept. I did not get out of bed until after 9:00 both days. Today Christa called and woke me up. It is a good thing or who knows how long I would have stayed in bed. I think I have had enough sleep now. After I finally got out of bed I had lots to get done. I lifted for the first time in 2 weeks. I am sure I will be sore tonight. Then I got all of my laundry done and swept and vacuumed. I just made brownies and now I am finally updating this! I know I have been super busy, okay maybe not that busy but at least I have not been sitting around doing nothing. On Wed. Cassie, Amy, Christa and I are going to try and get into the Grandma's half marathon again. I hope we get in. I really hope I can run. I am reading a book about Chi running now. I guess it is a better way to run to prevent injury's. And I know all about injuries! So I hope it helps. I am going to die when I start running again. I am way out of shape. On Sat. Rick brought me some roses for Valentine's day. He left them on my table 15 min. before I got home. In that 15 min. Charlie jumped on the table and knocked them over and made a huge mess. She is why I cannot have any flowers or plants in my house. As soon as they are bought in she is all over them. Stupid cat! Good thing I like her so much or she would have to go to cat heaven! Now I am going to go put all of my pictures in some albums.
Later Sharon
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