Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Ok I guess you can stay......

This is Charlie pretending that she does not like Harper. What you don't see in the picture is Charlie growling at Harper and then as she growls she starts to clean her. It was so funny. She just wants to make sure that Harper knows who is in charge. I called the vet yesterday to get Harper fixed and declawed. They said they will not do it until she is 5-6 months old. I hope my couch can make it that long. It already has more then a few claw marks in it. I know I need to stop talking about my cats....I am turning into one of those weird cat ladies, you know like Christa.

Last night was fun. They had a ton of great food. I did not try to many wines, found a few couple good ones. Shooting went well. I moved up to 10 yards now. I know a big move. I should be up to 20 yards by the Pro-Am. Or do you think they would let just me shoot at 10 yards????

Today I am finally going to get my bike trainer. I am really looking forward to getting some good exercise in. I need it. Right now I am going to go lift. So I better get to it.

Later Sharon

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1 comment:

Amy said...

i have a GREAT idea, instead of letting harper claw up your couch, we can TRADE couches!!! that way yours won't get clawed up and can be safely stored at my house:)