Saturday, November 15, 2008

Broken toe

Ok I am sure it is really not broken but it sure hurts. I know it is hard to tell in the picture but my middle toe is all red and swelled up. Last night at 10:45 I woke up and my toe was throbbing. I got up and could hardly walk it hurt so bad. It woke me up several times during the night because it hurt so bad. Then this morning at work I had to open buildings. Thank God Jim stayed late and opened over half of them. My foot was killing me by the time I was done. After that the day was pretty slow at work so I mostly stayed in the office and rested my foot. The pain has gone away a little. But when I got home and took off my work boots I could not believe how red it was. I really have know idea what I did to it. It did not hurt when I went to bed last night. I am sure I have some weird toe disease!!!!!
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1 comment:

Amy said...

your foot looks like a 90 year old's, yuck-o :)