Friday, March 20, 2009


$1639.00 that is what it cost for a Crown, Core Buildup and pin and a Root Canal. I get to pay $550. of that insurance will pay the rest. All of that for one tooth. That is a lot of money for just one lone tooth. Sure am glad I have some insurance.

Yesterday I went to the Doctor for my wrist. I have Dequervain's Tenosyrovitis. It is the tube that is wrapped around the tendon's on the thumb side of my wrist swelling up and causing pain. It is from repetitive motion. It has been bugging me for awhile but has gotten really bad the last few weeks. So I finally went to the Dr. for it. The Dr. is going to give me a cortisone shot in my wrist to take the inflammation down. He was going to do it yesterday but he said it would hurt for a couple of days so we are waiting until after State. I get it on April 2. This is the same thing that Amy had wrong with her wrist that she had surgery for. Hopefully the shot will take care of it for me.

On Sat. it is the MSAA State shoot in Duluth. I am driving up with Rick in the morning and then coming back home after we shoot at noon. I decided not to stay up there this year to save a little money. Next year it is further away so we will have to stay up.

Well I have some cleaning to get done so I better get to it.


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