Monday, March 28, 2011

Puppy play date

Today Christa brought Kipper down so he could have a play date with Morgan and Dexter. Poor Morgan was scared to death of Kipper. He was so scared that he jumped on my bed with my brand new comforter on it and when Kipper also jumped on the bed Morgan decided she should pee on it. I was not to happy with Morgan. She finally got somewhat over being scared and came out and sat with Kipper. She even played a little with them. Dexter of course loves it when Kipper is here. They are best doggy friends. While they were outside the neighbors big black lab came over and attacked Dexter, Kipper and Morgan. Morgan and Kipper made it in the house but Dexter got into it with the dog. Stupid big dog scared poor Dexter. Dexter loves other dogs so he is not used to ones that are mean. Thank goodness the neighbor was watching and called his dog right away before anyone got hurt. Hope we don't have trouble with the dog coming over to our yard. They are usually not out of there kennel unless the neighbor is out with them so that is good. They could hurt Dexter and Morgan pretty fast if they wanted to. I think he mostly was curious of the dogs and just came up to them to fast scaring them all.  Maybe we will have to set up a meeting of dogs so they get to know each other.
Later Sharon

1 comment:

Christawr said...

Kipper jumped straight to his chair and is sleeping now!! He got good and tired out, thanks for letting us come!