Monday, March 14, 2011

Pregnancy pictures from the 80's

8 months pregnant with Cassie
about 6 months pregnant with Christa
On my way to the hospital to have Christa
So Christa said I should put some pictures  of me on here from when I was pregnant. So here they are. I know I look pretty cool with my huge 80's glasses and sweet hair styles. I also look huge!
So I went back to the doctor today. I now have bronchitis and asthma. She said I have most likely had undiagnosed asthma for awhile. I had the same thing last spring and when I run in the cold I always have trouble breathing. I will just have to use an inhaler if it gets bad. She also wants me to call he asap if I get a cold and have trouble breathing again and she will put me on prednisone again. She put me on it today. I don't like taking it because it keeps me up at night.  I was happy to hear I did not have pneumonia. I was sure I had it because I was having so much trouble breathing. It took me almost 15 minutes to catch my breath yesterday after I opened buildings at work. I did not go to work today because I was having so much trouble breathing. I hope to be healthy enough to be able to start running and lifting again next week. It has been forever!
Later Sharon 


Christawr said...

I always knew Amy was adopted, that is why you didn't put any pictures of you pregnant with her right!!

Sharon said...

don't tell her she does not know :)