Thursday, March 17, 2011

Craft Day with Liam and Josie

Josie painting

Liam Painting

Josie working on her drum

Josie loved using the glue

Liam working on his drum

Dexter, Morgan and Liam getting ready for a nap

Today I am babysitting Liam and Josie. We decided that it would be craft day. I got lots of paper, paint, markers,  glue and new kid scissors . I had some oatmeal containers that they used to make drums out of. Josie could not but the glue down. She loved gluing everything she could.  I finally had to take it away from her when she started gluing things to the table. They had lots of fun. It made the morning go by super fast. Now Josie is sleeping and Liam is watching a movie with the dogs and resting. He told me he was not going to take a nap today.
I am finally starting to feel better. I was able to breath much better yesterday. After work we took the dogs for a walk. It was Morgans first real walk. She did pretty good but she is scared of the cars. She has never really been outside other then our yard and when she has gone to the vet. Dexter was very excited to go for the walk.
So after 6 years I finally made a eye doctor appointment. I am going to a different eye doctor that a friend recommended.  My old one was in Faribault and he was okay but I really did not want to go back to him. I am having some troubles with my eyes so I figured I better go in. I cannot get in until April 20th. I also have a dentist appointment on April 19 to get my teeth cleaned so my days off that week are going to suck but it needs to be done.
I am sooooo happy the snow is melting. I am not liking the mud that Dexter and Morgan are dragging in the house. It is going to be a messy spring I think.
Later Sharon 

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