Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I miss seeing green. It would be great if the snow would just melt away in the next few days and we could start to see the ground again. Then the grass and the trees would start to turn green again. I am so sick of all the white out there. This is the hardest part of the year, I am ready to be outside again. I like winter in Dec., Jan. and even Feb. but by March I am over it. I need some color back in my life!
I went back to work yesterday. I made it until 1:00 and then I went home. I was exhausted. I hope to be able to work the whole day today. Good thing I have over 400 hours in sick leave since I have use 33 hours this pay period already. You look at all those hours and think you have so many but when you get sick they are gone in a hurry.
We have archery tonight, I hope I can make it to it. I have not shot my bow in over a week. Maybe I will just go down for a little while.
Our garage door opener broke the other day. We are getting a new one put in today. After having a opener for so many years it sure suck when you actually have to get out of the car and open the door. I can just barley reach it to shut it again. Good thing it has not been cold out because then it would really suck getting out to open it. Wow I sound lazy.....
So my camera and computer decided that they would not communicate with each other. It is so irritating. I have a Sony camera and of course they make there memory cards smaller then any of the normal slots in computers and printers. So after several days of trying I have given up and I ordered on a adapter for the memory card. Good thing it only cost $10.00. I am sure Sony makes everything different so you have to buy there stuff.
Think GREEN today
Later Sharon

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