Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Why is it people completely forget how to drive every time we get a little snow. I was soooo annoyed this morning driving into work. I got onto hwy 60 and was driving along at about 55 mph on the completely plowed road. I got behind a snowplow and had to drive 30 miles an hour for 8 miles. Now don't get me wrong I am really glad that the snowplow was out there plowing the road for all of us that have to be on the roads at 5:00 in the morning. So I was fine with driving slow but what was really annoying was the dumb ass that thought he could pass the 30 or so cars that were behind the snowplow. What was he thinking! So I finally got into Faribo and was able to get pass the snowplow when he pulled off the road. I thought I would finally be able to drive the speed limit again. All went well until I got behind a driver on hwy 3 going 40 mph. The road was completely plowed!!! I was soooo annoyed. 
I am sure I would not have been so annoyed with all the bad drivers this morning if I had gotten enough sleep last night. I went to bed early and was sound asleep when Dexter decided that he need to get up and go potty at 2:00 in the morning. After 5 minutes of him jumping at the door I finally got up and let him out. He must have thought it was time to be up because after he did his business he started to play in the snow. I made him come in and we went back to bed. Well I went back to bed. Dexter thought he should spend the next half hour licking his foot. After that Dexter went in his kennel in the other room.
Most of all I am annoyed with myself for not taking Dexter for a walk in way to long. He would not be up all night if I would give him his exercise. Poor thing has been very neglected this winter. So I can only be annoyed at myself for his night wondering. 
I sure hope the rest of the days gets better!
Later Sharon


Christa said...

What a baby!! That is why you leave early when it snows out!!

Sharon said...

I did leave early!!!