Thursday, January 14, 2010

OH NO....

Oh I thought 2010 was going to be a good year......But NO it is not starting out so good. Yesterday a huge chunk of one of my teeth broke off. It is just like last year, that is how it all started. One of my teeth broke and before I knew it I had to have a root canal and a new crown put on. And best of all it cost me almost $1000. So I was not to happy when another tooth broke off yesterday. I sure hope this is not a sign of what is to come for the rest of the year! So I decided I was not going to go back to the dentist I went to last year since I am pretty sure it was his fault I had to have the root canal. I made an appointment with the dentist Rick go's to . I sure hope he is good.
I did something on Tue. that I know I should not but I did it anyway. I went tanning. It feels so good! I decided that I did not want to look pasty white for my wedding so I am going to go tanning for a month. Yes I know it is really bad and I know I could have gotten a spay on tan but I don't care. Sometimes you just have to throw all caution to the wind.
I shot league in Waseca on Tue. and tonight I have league in Faribo. Yesterday I finished watching the movie 12, it is a Russian movie. It is really good. That's it.
Later Sharon


Amy said...

what a dork, throw all caution to the wind, that saying should be used when you go sky diving, or clif jumping or swimming with sharks, not going tanning in a tanning bed!!!!

Christa said...

oh I want to go tanning, it is so nice and warm! Winter is the best time to go, oh how I miss it...I bet I still have some sessions left in Faribo from high school!!