Thursday, January 7, 2010


896 is the amount of books that I have read since Dec. 1993. I started keeping track of the book titles, authors and the date I read the book on Dec. 1, 1993. I filled my first notebook on Aug. 21 2005 and I am now on my second. The most books I have read in a year was 92 in 1997. The least amount of books I read in a year was 21 in 2006. I do most of my reading at work on my down time, but if I have free time at home I will pull out a book to read. I love to read just about anything. If I start a book I will rarely stop reading it once I start it, even if I don't really like it. I never look ahead in a book to see what is going to happen. I have read several books more then once because they are so good. If I find a author that I like I will try and read everything they have written. Reading will take you anywhere you want to be, it lets me escape the world around me and be somewhere else for a hour or so. I now read most of books on my Kindle. It was probably the best gift I have ever gotten. I am never without a book to read.


Christa said...

I wish I would have kept track of all the books I have read. So far I have 40 books on my Kindle but I haven't gotten to a couple of them yet!

esbboston said...

I did a year of mainly fiction several years ago, spread out across parts of '98 and '99, my first time to really focus on NY Times Bestsellers. It was an eye opening experience. 'Memoirs of a Geisha' was one of them, a few Steven Kings, especially his 'Bag of Bones', and 'I Know This Much Is True, 'The Poisonwood Bible' were some of my favorites. So I think I did a few more than 30 completely and started a few more than that in a years time. I am now to the point in life where I spend most of my reading time in fiction, and hope to improve my writing skills; practice, practice, practice....