Monday, January 25, 2010


This weekend we had to babysit Jada for Cassie and Nick. She was pretty good. Of course like always as soon as she got here she had to take a big poop on the living room floor. She does it every time because she is nervous. After that she was good. Well except for the fact that she will steal any food you leave out. Rick lost a piece of pizza to her Sunday afternoon. Dexter and Jada get along really good. They both like to play for a just a little while and then take a good long rest. It is pretty funny to watch how gentle Jada is with Dexter. Dexter of course thinks he is a big dog and tries to beat Jada up. I was glad to see Jada go on Sunday because I am not use to having all the dog fur around my house. The first thing I did this morning is sweep it all up.
Today I watched Liam and Josie for awhile because Amy had to go to Mankato for her new job. Liam asked where Rick was and when I told him he was at work he was all disappointed. He said "but mommy said he would be here." He loves Rick. He told me today that I was his best Nana and Rick was his best Rick. He is so funny.
After the kids left I had to go to the dentist for my consult. Because I have never been there before they made me do a consult before I could get my teeth cleaned. They took 18 xrays. It sucked!!! Now I have to go back next Monday for another consult to set up my treatment plan. What a pain. He already told me I will need a crown on the tooth that broke off. He also told me I have decay on the bottom of one of my other teeth that already has a crown on it. That is not good news. It never ends! Sure wish I would have gotten my dads teeth instead of my moms. My dad has only 2 0r 3 cavities in his mouth. My mom has almost all of her teeth crowned. Oh well at least I got my size from my dad!
I am making black eyed pea soup for supper. I sure hope it is good. I should be good then for a least a good week on the cooking front. Don't want to get carried away and cook more then once a week.
Time to go add the peas to my soup
Later Sharon
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1 comment:

Christa said...

are you going to listen to the Black Eyed Peas while you make your black eyed soup!!