Thursday, May 7, 2009


Well the surgery is done. It all went well taking about 45 minutes. The doctor said that the cyst was a lot bigger then he thought and was down in the joint pretty far. The other part of the surgery also when good. Now I am in the stupid soft cast until next Tue. It really sucks not having my right hand to use. But it will be worth it because my wrist will fell so much better when it is all done. Amy brought Liam over yesterday because he wanted to see Nana's hurt wrist. While he was over he chalked up my sidewalk. Today Christa came over and did my dishes for me, she is so nice. Well I need to go because it is hard to type with one hand.
Later SharonPosted by Picasa

1 comment:

Amy said...

you forgot to mention who took care of you all day.....