Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Last night Rick and I went for a bike ride. Well we were going by this house out in the country when out came this dumb dog. It was happy as can be, he just wanted to run with us. We tried to make it go home but it just would not leave. So then we tried to out run it. But even that did not work. I have never seen a dog run so fast for so long. We were going 22 miles an hour and it kept right with us. We finally turned around and tried to take it back to where we first saw it. But then it just followed us again. It followed us for 5 miles till finally we out ran it going down a super big hill. I could not believe that dumb dog. Hope he made it back to who ever it belongs to. Even with the dog we got a super workout in. We biked 19 miles and did a lot of hills. We averaged 15 miles an hour.

So Today since I have not ran for 5 weeks-----YES 5 WEEKS, I decided it was time to give it a try again. After all the doctor said 4 to 6 weeks. Well it did not go good. I could not even run a mile before it started to hurt. I ran maybe 2 miles before it hurt so bad that I had to walk. I had to WALK home. I never walk home. It hurt worse today then when I was running on it every few days. So I guess the 5 weeks of rest did nothing! I am not happy about it. I walked to get my hair cut at noon and did not think I was going to make it because my leg still hurt so bad. I hate that my legs are failing me!

Now I am going to take my car to Walmart to pick up a couple of things for supper. I was going to walk but that is not happening!

I am done being a baby now!

Later Sharon

1 comment:

Amy said...

you should bring mase with you, that way when dogs follow you, you can spray them in the face!!!hahaha, then they wouldn't follow you:)