Thursday, July 10, 2008

"It's not denail. I'm just selective about the reality I accept." -Bill Watterson

I told Amy yesterday that it was making me irritable that I could not run. Her response was that it was making her irritable listening to me talk about not running. So I will not write about running today......yesterday I went for a 5 mile WALK around the lake. It takes a lot longer to WALK around the lake then to BIKE around it. So today I am going to go for a BIKE ride. I have been BIKING a lot the last week or so.
Today I did something that was either really honest or just stupid. I was looking at my pay stub for this week and noticed that there was a $200. mistake on it in my favor. It seems that payroll had paid me for working on the 4Th of July at a double time and half rate. Making my check just over $200. more then it should have been. So I had to decide do I tell or do I just pocket the extra money. Well I decided that I better tell. I did not think it was fair that I get paid for working a holiday when I did not and others had to. So I did the right thing, or the stupid thing and I told payroll of there mistake. So now I will not have the extra fun money to spend.
Honest Sharon

1 comment:

Amy said...

they should just let you keep the extra money since you were honest and told them!!