Wednesday, July 13, 2011

"What is strong? Is it muscle? Or is it something more? Is it measured in miles or milliseconds? Is it your best time or your worst day? Maybe strong is just what you have left when you've used up all your weak..."

Yesterday and today have been filled with lame people..... I hate it when people think something is really funny but really it is offensive to one group. Somethings just are not funny when then hurt someone or one group of people. 
Last night the mosquito truck came down our road to spray. We have a million mosquitoes in our yard since we live by a swamp so when they spray it helps. Of course the lame driver of the truck decided that instead of turning around at the end of the road he would turn around in our driveway and he would also turn off the spay while turning around. So our yard and the neighbors across the street go no mosquito spay. Sure am glad my taxes go to help the rest of the city have mosquitoes free yards.  
Another lame thing that happened yesterday was I got a blister on my foot. I could not believe it. I went for a 4 mile run with Rick and wore the same shoes and socks I always wear but for some reason I got a big ass blister on the arch of my foot. 
So I could only hope today would be less full of lameness, but I was wrong. First thing this morning at work I get a call from the alarm company saying an alarm was going off. So I go to check on it and find a contractor in the room with the alarm still sounding. I asked him if he knew the room was armed and he said yes. I told him that usually the contractors will call us if they need to go into a armed room so we can turn it off. He just looked at me like he did not care. Once again LAME. 
I can only hope that the rest of the day is filled with a little less lameness! 
So not that I got that off my mind I will move on to better things. It was so nice that the weather has turned a cooler. Even if it is only for a few days I am going to enjoy it. It was so nice to have the windows all open last night. Rick has a few days off of work so he is busy working on the bathroom. He got the window taken out and all blocked up. He also got the bathtub in place and build the wall around it. He had an electrician come over and got everything rewired. Today he is getting the ceiling fan put in and having a plumber come over to help with the plumbing. This is the only room in the house that we will need to have so much help from contractors. We had done pretty much all the work ourselves on the rest of the house. 
As I said above yesterday Rick and I went for a run. We went on a new route that has some hills on it. It was a good run, other then the blister. I had hoped to go for a bike ride this afternoon after work but it looks like it is going to be pretty windy. I hate biking in anything over 10 mph. I am thinking I will just lift tonight. Or maybe I should read my quote above and suck it up! 
The fair is this weekend in Waseca, I am looking forward to fair food!
Get out and enjoy the day
Later Sharon

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i don't think the mosquito truck driver inteneded to be lame technically hes not hurting just really sucks!! don't be such a debbie are going shopping with me on debbie downers allowed...that is LAME :D