Saturday, July 16, 2011

"If you wait until you can do everything for everybody, instead of doing something for somebody you'll end up not doing anything for anybody" -Malcom Bane

Morgan checking out Eli, she was scared of him

Amy told me that Eli could not suck his thumb that I should pull it out and give him the pacifier since that is way easier to take away. I figured his thumb was just fine and since Amy and Adam did it Eli should too! 

The rain can stop anytime now. This is what our yard looked like after getting over 3 inches of rain on Sat. 

Rick found a baseball the other day when we went for a run and brought it home for Morgan to play with. This is what it looked like after an hour. I think she wanted to see what was in the inside.
On Wed. night Rick and I went to the Waseca County Fair. Of course we ate all the stuff we should not. I was still sick to my stomach on Thur. morning when I went to work. But it was worth it. After work on Thursday  I told Amy I would watch Eli for her so her and Adam could take Liam and Josie to the fair. He is a good baby. Morgan was pretty afraid of him at first, it was funny. Of course every time I sat down with him Morgan and Dexter also had to try and sit on my lap.
Friday I went to the doctor for my yearly check up and to have my yearly mammogram. I found out while I was there that I have shrunk 1/2 inch. I am now 4'10 1/2 tall. I just keep getting shorter and shorter. When I got home Rick and I went to Mankato to Menards. We got $120. worth of stuff for the bathroom and it only cost us 17 cents. We uses the last of our rebate money on it. It rained and rained Friday after noon. The yard was flooded in the front and the back. When it finally stopped raining we went back to the fair to got a burrito for supper.
Today I got up at 6:00 and went up to Savage to go to the farmers market and go shopping with Cassie. It was lots of fun. I got a picture for the dinning room wall that has been empty since we finished it. Rick hates it but I love it so I am going to hang it up anyhow! He will just have to learn to love it. I got it from a cute antique  store. I got home around 1:00 and have been helping Rick put up the sheet rock in the bathroom. I also hope to get Liam's shirt done today.
Later Sharon 

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