Thursday, April 29, 2010

sick of being sick

I was starting to feel pretty good by Tuesday. Was not coughing hardly at all. So after work I thought I would try and run. I was happy that running went pretty good. I really did not cough at all while running and felt like I could breath pretty good the whole time. Well I guess I was wrong! That night I started to cough again. On Wed. I felt like total crap again. I had to use the inhaler 3 times yesterday and have had to use it this morning. I am still coughing even after using it. I am sick of being sick. I am not a very good sick person. I hate not being able to do what I want! I am suppose to run a 5K on Saturday but it is not looking very good. Every time I walk anywhere today it gets me coughing. Sure hope this just goes away soon!
Okay I will be done whining now. Yesterday we looked a couple more houses. We liked one because it was a great location but it needs lots of work. We really don't want to move into something and then have to spend 10 years making it like we want. I would rather just stay where we are. It is way to stressful looking and selling a house. So much to think about.
Later Sharon

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