Tuesday, April 27, 2010

working working working

Okay I am not really working that hard today but I am at work. I had a four day weekend and really did not do anything to exciting. Rick was gone all weekend so I had to spend it all by myself. I don't think I have spent a night by myself since last June. It was a long weekend :( Mostly because I moped all weekend about not getting the house. I am better now. We are looking around at other houses just to see if there is anything we like. We looked at a house yesterday that I LOVE. It was built in 1929 and has all the old woodwork in it and in great shape, lots of work done on it. It has a huge yard and a two car garage. I really really wanted it. But then the practical side of me kicked in. It is two stories and does not have a main floor bathroom. It is also not in nearly as nice of neighborhood as we live in now. We really would only be gaining the yard by moving. So even though I want the house really bad we are not going to try and get it. We are going to look at a couple of other places Wed. after I am done with work. We will just have to keep things open for now.
Yesterday I babysat Liam and Josie. Liam is so cute. He asked for Fred (AKA the pet Rock) as soon as he got to my house. Then he took him everywhere with him all afternoon. He had to take a nap with him and when he left for the day he had to give him a kiss and hug goodbye.
I went to an auction on Sat. right down from my house. There was so much stuff there. I stayed until 12:30 and then took the dog for a walk. When I got back at 3:30 they were still going and had a ton of stuff left. There was hardly anybody left bidding by then.
I am going to try and run today when I get off work. I have not ran for 2 weeks because I have been sick. I am guessing I will be able to run but it will send me into a coughing fit. They are getting less and less and I finally have my voice back so at least that is good. I sure hope I get completely over this soon.
Later Sharon

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