Friday, December 4, 2009

27 Days

27 days, that is how many days I need to make it before 2009 is over and done with! I just need to stay alive 27 more days and I am sure 2010 will be much better. 2009 has been the year from hell for me health wise. It started in March with a chipped tooth that turned into a month of tooth pain and a root channel. Then in May I got to have wrist surgery. That at least went very well and my wrist is now doing much better. Then of course came June and July and the whole gallbladder stuff. Three ERCP's, gallbladder surgery and almost 2 months off of work and I was finally almost healthy again. Aug. Sept. and Oct. were been pretty good to me, only the usual pains from running. They don't really count because they are self induced! Nov. brought on my first cold of the season. It was not to bad only lasting a week. Also have been having trouble with my back hurting and my leg going numb. Not sure what that is about but it comes and goes so I am just going to ignore it for now. Now it is December and I have another cold. I sure am glad I got my flu and H1N1 shots so at least it is just a cold and not the flu! So I figure after all of that I just need to make it 27 more days. 2010 is going to be my year. I figure I have paid my sick dues for at least a couple of years.

This weekend I am going with my girlfriends for are annual Mall Of America trip. We go up on Friday and come home on Sunday. Should be lots of fun. It is always good to have a weekend of girl talk and spending money!

Have a good weekend end.
Later Sharon


Christawr said...

A lot of people had a lot worse year than you did, so instead of pointing out all of the bad you should be thankful for all of the good.

Amy said...

are you STILL complaining:)

Sharon said...

Hello I was just trying to be a little funny. I know others are a lot worse off then me. Lighten up!!!