Friday, October 9, 2009

Who is that in the mirror?

Sometimes I look in the mirror and I think just who is that old person in the mirror. Really, when did I get all those wrinkles and gray hair??? They just seemed to show up over night! I am blaming my kids, they must be the cause of all of it!!!!

I am finally going to go hunting tonight. Last night after I finally got home from work Rick and I got my bow all ready to go. Good thing I only have to pull it back once to shoot a deer. My shoulder was a little sore after shooting it.
Rick is making me new strings for my target bow. I think he is disappointed that I just want blue and black this year. I have had bright colors the last two years. I just felt like blue would be nice this year. Maybe it is because no one will let me paint anything blue in the house. The kids are always telling me that I paint everything blue! I think they are crazy. After all I gave in and painted the basement stupid green. Hmmmmm.....maybe I will paint the bedroom blue :)

It is cold out today. I hope I don't freeze to death hunting tonight. Good thing I brought lots of clothes. My stupid coat kept hitting my bow string last night when I shot. I guess that is what I get when I am using all hand-me-down stuff that is two sizes to big. Rick is going to get me an arm guard today to hold my sleeve out of the way. Hope it works.

Well as you can figure out by reading this I really don't know a thing!
Have a great Friday


Amy said...

you can always get botox and color your hair:)

Rick said...

BLUE in the bed room??? Hello can we finish the basement frist!