Tuesday, July 21, 2009

mmmm...coffee and donut

This is my stomach 13 days after the surgery. It is looking much better. Rick said it looks like I was shot....he is so funny.
This morning I had to take my car in to have the cracked windshield fixed. I figured I better get it done before I go back to work. I had to have it there at 8:00 so I had to get out of bed early again! So since I was up and Rick had to pick me up at the glass place and bring me back home he stopped and got me coffee and a donut. It was soooo good. A good way to start out the morning.

I have not been up to a whole lot. Went to the fair on Sat. morning to watch the Strong Man event. It is always fun to watch. After that we got almost everything moved. I am so sick of moving. It was nice that I had a month to do it but it has been endless. The only thing left at my house is a bed, desk, chair, TV, my computer and my puzzle. Amy is taking the bed. Adam is going to help Rick move the rest of the stuff sometime this week. We hoped to have the downstairs done so we could hang the puzzle but that is not going to happen. So now we have to find somewhere to put it where it will not get broken. I am happy that I have so much more room now because just maybe I will be able to work on the rest of the puzzle now.

Lets see what did I do Sunday... Oh that's right I unpacked again. I got a lot done but am still not finished!!! We also put an underground fence for the dogs. Now I am trying to train them on it. It is a pain with two dogs because you have to do one at a time. So I put one in the kennel and take the other one out. I am pretty sure it is going to take forever.

Yesterday was one of those days. I was just so sick of unpacking and being at home that I had a hard time motivating myself to do anything. I did get a few things unpacked. In the morning I also went and had my hair cut and colored. I really needed the color, had way to much gray showing! At 5:30 we went over to Waterville and took the bikes out for a ride with Jese. We went 18 miles. I'm guessing I should have stopped at about 5 miles because my stomach hurt all night long. You have to use a lot of stomach muscles to bike. Oh well it felt good to do something physical even if I was mega slow. Poor Rick and Jese spent the whole night waiting for me.

It is back to work for me on Thur. I am ready to go back. I have not worked since June 30. That is so long. It is going to be hard to get back in the routine but I will be glad to get back in it.

I guess I have to unpack some more today.
Later Sharon
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