Saturday, September 27, 2008

Everything Is So F_ _ king Green

I watched a really funny movie last night called Death at a Funeral. The title of my blog is a line from the movie. You all should watch it, it will make you laugh.
Last night after work I made Rick go for a run instead of biking. We ran until my leg started to hurt, about 2 miles, and then walked the rest of the way around the lake. I was happy with how my leg felt. I have a goal now......I want to run the Turkey Run in Northfield on Thanksgiving day so I hope to be able to run 3 miles by then. My leg seems to be getting a little better. Or maybe it is just me fooling myself into believing it is getting better.

Today I am so tired. I slept so bad last night. I kept having these bazaar dreams. I woke up several times. One time I was sideways on the bed with the blankets all twisted around me. I sure hope I got all the bazaar dreams out of my system so I will sleep better tonight. It was hard to drive into work today, I was fighting falling asleep the whole way in.

I have got a ton of parking stuff to do at work so I better get to it.

Later Sharon

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