Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Spring is in the air.....

I am loving this weather. It was so nice out yesterday and the outlook for the weather is looking good. I cannot wait to open all the windows and let the fresh air in again.
Last Friday I left work at 9:30. My throat was so sore and I just felt like crap. Since there was two of us on all day and I have almost 500 hours of sick leave I decided to go home. I did something then that I never do, I sat on the couch from 10:30 until 3:30 and read a book. I think it was just what I needed, a day of rest. So my throat started to feel better but then my nose got stuffy. It has not been to bad but it will not go away. I wake up in the morning and have to blow my nose forever! I guess I have been lucky all winter not getting sick so I cannot complain to much about a little cold.
Saturday WAC had a shoot so I went down and shot it. I am happy to say that I got my best score this year. It was another good day of shooting.
Sunday Rick and I both stayed home. Rick worked on his taxes and I worked on getting the house clean. We got lots done.
Monday was the big ticket day. Elton John is coming to Mankato in April  and tickets went on sale on Monday at 10:00. Of course I was sitting at the computer all logged into Ticketmaster and ready to go at 10:00 and of course I could not get through! I called Christa and had her try and she managed to get through but the tickets were pretty much gone she could only find one seat. I was soooo sad. I was about to give up since it was already 10:15 and I thought I would try again one more time. I tried for 4 tickets and got nothing so then I thought I would try for 2 tickets even though Christa had tried and got nothing. Well to my surprise I got two tickets! Jane and I were going to go with Paul and Rick but now was are just going. Since neither Paul or Rick really wanted to go it is okay with them. Jane and I are both very excited to go.
Tuesday was a day of running. I had a meeting at Edward Jones at 10:00 then at noon I had to pick up Liam from daycare and take him to school. After that I came home and went for a 3 mile run. I found out just how out of shape I am when I ran into 20 mile per hour winds. I felt like I was standing still! Good thing it is going to be nice out so I will be able to run outside again. After that I had to go pick Liam back up from school and then picked up Josie and Eli from daycare. Amy was at my house at 3:30 and picked up the kids. Then at 6:00 Rick and I headed down to the range for league.  I guess running with a cold may have done me in for the day, I did not shoot good, I could hardly hold my bow. So just practiced and did not keep a score.
Today I am back to work and wishing I was still at home....
Later Sharon

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