Monday, March 12, 2012

Signs I need to workout harder.....

This was me six years ago when I was in the best shape of my life. If only I looked like that now :( I guess I would have to workout more if I want to look like that again. For months I had been doing six sets of 10 decline sit ups. Then I got lazy and stopped doing them and  just did a ab workout on the ball. On Saturday after work I went downstairs and did my lifting routine and decided that I should start doing the decline sit ups again and did 5 sets of 10. So now two days later my abs still hurt! I guess it is a big sign that I need to work out harder. I did not give in to the pain today and did my ab workout again. Hopefully the soreness goes away soon :)
I signed Rick, Amy, Christa and myself up for the River Bend Nature Center 5K It is a fun but hard race because it is hilly. I have not ran a race since Thanksgiving 2010. I took all of 2011 off from running races and gave the year to biking. It was really fun biking all last summer but I miss running a couple races a year. I figure the River Bend race is a good one to do to get back in the game. So now I have a goal to work towards. I have been trying to up my running the last couple of weeks. I am excited that it is getting so nice out so I can run outside. My race goal for the year is to do the 5k at the River Bend, a 5k at the Senior Games in June, 5 mile Lake Fest race in July and lastly run a half marathon in Aug. I turn 50 this year so I really want to run one more half marathon. The one I have picked out is a woman's race so it looks like it would be fun. Now I just need to hope and pray that my feet hold up to the running.

Friday when I picked the kids up from daycare Rick made paper airplanes with Liam and Josie. I sent Liam into the office to get some paper off the desk. He was taking awhile so I went in to help him and he told me " the desk is so messy I can't even find the paper." It was pretty funny, he was discussed. I have to agree the desk is messy but only because we have all our tax stuff out getting ready to take in. I know no excuse :)

I had to work Saturday but had Sunday off. Sunday we went to Northfield for Grandma and Grandpa Trenda's birthday party. It was nice to see all the aunts and uncles again. After that we stopped in Owatonna and got groceries. It is funny how tired we both were from the time change. I was happy I got to sleep in today. I guess I should get out of bed earlier tomorrow or it will really kill me to get up at 4 for work on Wed.

Time to get off the computer and get something done.
Later Sharon

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