Thursday, March 22, 2012

Chickens on the wall.....

My days off went way to fast. Monday I started out the day by lifting and then the rest of the day I spent cleaning and doing laundry. At 5:00 I picked up Liam, Josie and Eli from daycare. They are very happy that they can play outside and in the sand box again. I was not so happy when we came in the house and I saw Josie taking her shoes off and dumping the sand out of them on to the kitchen floor.                      Tuesday I went for a run and for the first time used the running app I downloaded to my phone. One of the routes I have been running I thought was 3 miles. Well I found out from using this app that it is really 3.83 miles. So almost a mile longer then I thought. I ran it at a 9:53 pace, I am happy with that since I am so out of shape. It is just good to be out running again. Amy brought Josie and Eli over for the day at noon. Liam had school. Josie was excited that I painted her fingernails and even managed to keep still while they dried. Poor Eli was not a happy boy, not sure if he is getting in more teeth or was just have a bad day. He did not want to eat all day and Eli always eats! It did not help that I had to wake him up so I could go pick up Liam from school. When Rick got home he gave Liam a hair cut and then played outside with him and Josie. We had league Tuesday night. It was a fun night, everyone was in a chatty mood and we had  more then a few good laughs.                                                                                                                              Wednesday I decided that I would try and do yoga. I got a beginners yoga tape the other day because Cassie has been after me to try it. I think I will like it once I figure it all out. My arms felt like rubber when I was done, it was hard. After that I decided I would follow Christa and Jese's lead and make freezer meals. Christa found this blog with easy good recipes so I decided to try it since I hate coming home from work and trying to find something to eat. So at 1:00 I went to the store and got everything I needed and then got started at about 2:30 making everything. I was almost done at 4:30 but then I had to stop to go pick up Liam, Josie and Eli. When I got back Rick was home so he took over the kids and I finished up with the last meal. I ended up with 12 meals frozen and ready to throw in the crock pot. For about 3 hours of work that is not to bad. I hope they taste as good as they look.                                                                            Oh I guess I should explain the chickens on the wall. I found them on Pinterest and thought they were cute so I had to get them. I think they are a fun touch in the house.                                                                      I have to do all my parking updates today at work since the students start coming back from spring break tomorrow. So I guess I better get to work.                                                                                                 Later Sharon  

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