Sunday, October 16, 2011

Spring is in the air.....

This past spring Rick gave me an Easter Lily and after it was all done blooming I cut it down and planted it outside. Then a couple of weeks ago it started looking all lively again and now it bloomed. So it looks like spring in my yard instead of fall. Well not really since the lawn is covered in leaves! Rick spent all afternoon yesterday cutting and raking up the leaves. He has the lawn looking pretty good. To bad the trees still have a ton of leaves on them. At least this year we are keeping up with them unlike last year where we waited until we had drifts of leaves in the yard. I guess it the price we have to pay for having so many trees in the yard. The deer are enjoying themselves in the yard. Pretty much everyday we have at least 2 of them in the yard eating the acorns. I wish they would eat them faster so we would not have to rake them all up with the leaves. Later Sharon

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