Wednesday, October 26, 2011

It must be Christmas time.....

It must be getting close to Christmas because my Christmas Cactus is blooming like crazy. I put it outside on my deck all summer and it must have like it because I have never had it bloom this much before. I got this plant from my mom who got it from my Grandma Becker house when she died. So I am the third generation to have it so I guess I better keep it growing so I can pass it on to one of my kids. I am not sure which one I could give it too since none of them are very good with house plants. Maybe I will just have to give it to one of my grand kids.....Now that we are done hunting I have my evenings back. It is nice to actually have more then an hour at home before going to bed every night, I might actually get to start working out more again. Last week I ran 3 days. It sure feels good to be running again even if it is on the treadmill. On Monday I left work early and went up to Abbot to be with Linda when Curt had his surgery. He did not go into surgery until 4:00 and he did not get out until 10:45. They had told us it would 4 to 5 hours but it ended up being almost 7 hours. It was a long day. But the good news is they believe they got all the cancer out and Curt is going to live a long and healthy life! I did not get home until almost 2:00 in the morning so it was a good thing I took Tue. off of work. I am really not use to staying up that late so I was shot yesterday. I got woke up by the dogs at 8:00 in the morning so I did not get much sleep. I decided I would make cookies since I was home. It the afternoon I had to pick Liam up from school and then got Josie and Eli from daycare. I only had them until Adam got off work but it felt like forever because I was tired. Good thing they were all good. Congratulations to Sarah who found out she is going to have a baby boy in March! She is very excited to be a new mommy. Well I guess I better get on with my work day. Later Sharon 

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