Friday, June 3, 2011

Long Hair

I had short hair for years and years. Then when Cassie got engaged I decided that I should try and grow it out for her wedding. Well that was 6 years ago and now I have long hair. I miss my really short hair, it was so easy to take care of. Now it  takes me forever to dry my hair. This winter I cut about 4 inches of my hair off and everyone had a fit. I got lectured by all three of my kids that I better not cut it short again. Rick was nice and only said he likes it when my hair is long. So here I am again with long hair. I even let my bangs grow out for the first time in my life. I like being able to do different things with my hair when I have the time. I just hate the everyday taking care of it. Now that it is hot out I started to wear it in a pony tail. I even had it in one for work. Good thing pony tails are the "in" thing this year.
I have not been up to much the last few days. Rick and I went on a 19 mile bike ride the other night. We biked hard and fast because it was getting really cloudy out and they were predicting rain. It was a good ride. Last night after work I was able to lift again. I have been doing really good with my lifting schedule. I am finally getting my muscles back. It feels good to be biking and lifting.

I should be a Nana again any day now. Amy has been told that she should have new baby withing the next two weeks.
Later Sharon

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