Thursday, May 26, 2011

Soapbox Day

Today I am going to get on my soapbox and rant a little.
I am so pissed at the government of MN for trying to put a constitutional ban on same-sex marriages on the 2012 ballot. What is the wrong with these people! There are so many more issues that need to be dealt with and they waste time on this! What about the state budget!!!! Do you think just maybe there is more important  issues out there that need to be taken care of. It makes me sick to think that a bunch of narrow minded  Legislatures have done this. Really what good is going to do. Why do they care if gay people get married. Who are they to say that is right or wrong. I get so tired of people saying that the bible says it is sinful. You can interpret the bible in anyway you want and twist and turn it so it seems to say what you want it to say. GIVE ME A BREAK! What can be sinful  about being in a loving relationship with two consenting adults. And look around you, straight people have not done such a bang up job on marriage.  It seems to me that the people who are most worried about gay marriage are the ones who are not in touch with there own sexuality. Just what are they afraid of anyhow! The Governor of MN said it best when he symbolically vetoed the move to put a constitutional ban on same -sex marriage on the 2012 ballot. He said "I urge Minnesotans to reject this mean-spirited, divisive, un-Minnesotan and un-American amendment." I can only hope that the people of MN do the right thing in 2012 and vote NO on the amendment.
Okay I am off my soapbox now.
Later Sharon

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