Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I guess summer is here......

The sandbox Rick made for Liam and Josie. I wanted to play in it!

My flowers finally bloomed

Morgan and Dexter

Summer is here! Poor Dexter hates the heat, he cannot take it. He hates the storms even more. Rick said on Monday morning when it stormed Dexter was so scared. When Rick went to leave for work Dexter ran out the door and jumped into Ricks truck. He did not want Rick to leave him. Rick did a good job on the sandbox for Liam and Josie. Liam is going to be so excited to see it. He has been asking for one since we moved in the house. To bad it is going to be raining on Thur. when I am going to babysit them. Yesterday at work I had to write a huge report. After I got done with it I went to save it and it disappeared. I was so mad. I had to type the whole thing over. When Rick and I were biking the other day a snake was on the trail. I was biking past it and it turned right into my tire. I of course screamed like a baby and tried to lift my feet up, only you cannot lift your feet up when you are clipped into the pedals. Rick thought it was pretty funny. One day of work then it is my four day weekend! Later Sharon


1 comment:

Amy said...

hahahahha, poor mother couldn't get away from the snake:)