Friday, February 4, 2011

Why do we do it......

So I finished reading a booked  Last Dog on the Hill: The Extraordinary Life of Lou by Steve Duno. What a great book. He tells you in the first pages that Lou is dead after 16 years of life, I should have stopped reading it right there, but I got sucked in and read the whole thing.  And even though  I knew that Lou was dead in the beginning of the book  I cried like a baby when reading about his death. So it got me thinking about how attached we get to our pets and why we do it to ourselves.  I have always been an animal person. One of the hardest things about my divorce was leaving my dog Domi behind. She was a big outside dog and I could not take her with me to live in a apartment. So when I found out she was dead even after not seeing her for 4 years I cried not only because she was gone but because of the guilt I felt for leaving her with someone who never gave her the love she needed. 
Then I got Dexter. Dexter is a second hand dog. He was 10 months old when I got him and not very well trained. Now he is the best dog ever and I do not know what I would do without him. And of course we now have Morgan with us. She is managing to worm her way into my heart too.
So why do I do it, why do I bring these dogs into my life and get attached to them. I think it is because they love us unconditionally. Who else does that!  There is no better way to put it.....unconditional love. That is what Dexter and Morgan are to me. 
Later Sharon

1 comment:

Amy said...

its time for you to change your backround, this one is lame-o!