Friday, February 25, 2011

3:20 in the morning......

The last two mornings the dogs have decided that 3:20 would be a good time to get up. Since I have to get up at 4:00 for work getting woke up 40 minutes early does not make me a very happy person. They of course think that 3:20 is a great time to be up. Dumb dogs.
I finally got the last door stained and ready to be put up. I have been putting it off just because I was so tired of all the home construction, but now I am getting the itch to get the last 3 rooms done. The bathroom is the only big project. The other two rooms just need the ceilings scraped and the walls painted. Once archery is done for the winter we will get back to work on the house.
I babysat Liam and Josie on Wed. because Josie is sick and could not go to daycare. Rick came home a little early from work and had to make a couple of bow strings. Liam was happy he got to spend time with Rick. I sure he was a big help to Rick making the strings :)
I made pumpkin bread and pumpkin muffins on my days off. I had cooked and frozen a bunch of pumpkins this fall so I figured I better start using it up. The bread had a cream cheese filling and it was delish. The muffins are just okay. I had never use either recipe before.
Last night at league we had a congratulations party for Hannah winning in Vegas.  Lots of people who do not normal come to league were down so it was fun to see them. I even managed to shoot a decent score with all the distractions going on.
Later Sharon 

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